更新於 2024/01/10閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


課程計畫: **尬英文2024新年面膜PARTY!**

Course Plan: **English Challenge 2024 New Year Mask Party!**


授課講師群: **AT講師群**

Instructors: **AT Instructor Group**


**一、時間安排** (共50分鐘)

**I. Time Allocation** (Total 50 minutes)

1. **簡介面膜** (10分鐘)

   - Introduction to Masks (10 minutes)

   - 面膜的歷史與文化意義

   - History and cultural significance of masks

   - 不同類型的面膜及其功效

   - Different types of masks and their effects


2. **簡介面膜使用方法** (10分鐘)

   - Introduction to Mask Usage Methods (10 minutes)

   - 如何正確使用面膜

   - How to properly use masks

   - 常見問題與解答

   - Common questions and answers


3. **簡介每個人喜歡的面膜** (15分鐘)

   - Introduction to Everyone's Favorite Masks (15 minutes)

   - 分享各種面膜的個人經驗

   - Sharing personal experiences with various masks

   - 討論面膜的選擇及適用性

   - Discussing the selection and suitability of masks


4. **學習單: My Favorite Mask** (15分鐘)

   - Worksheet: My Favorite Mask (15 minutes)

   - 填寫學習單,描述個人喜愛的面膜及其理由

   - Fill in the worksheet, describing your favorite mask and reasons

   - 進行小組討論,互相分享喜好

   - Engage in group discussions to share preferences



**II. Course Objective**

- 在輕鬆有趣的氛圍中,透過面膜這一生活化主題,潛移默化地提升學員英語能力。

- To subtly enhance students' English skills through the engaging and everyday theme of masks, within a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

- 強調實用英語,讓學員在日常生活中能夠自如地使用英語交流。

- Emphasizing practical English, enabling students to communicate effortlessly in everyday life.



**III. Target Audience**

- 對面膜有興趣且希望在無壓力的環境中學習英文的人士。

- Individuals interested in masks and wishing to learn English in a stress-free environment.

- 希望透過生活化主題提升英語會話能力的學習者。

- Learners hoping to improve their conversational English through lifestyle-related themes.



**IV. Course Features**

- 結合生活化主題與語言學習,提供實用且有趣的學習經驗。

- Combining lifestyle themes with language learning, offering practical and enjoyable learning experiences.

- 透過互動式教學,鼓勵學員積極參與與分享,創造英語學習的自然環境。

- Through interactive teaching, encouraging active participation and sharing, creating a natural environment for learning English.

- 透過小組討論與互動,增進學員之間的交流與學習動機。

- Enhancing communication and learning motivation among students through group discussions and interactions.



**V. Expected Outcomes**

- 學員將能夠了解更多關於面膜的知識,並能用英語進行基本交流。

- Students will gain more knowledge about masks and be able to communicate in basic English.

- 增強學員對英語學習的興趣與自信,為進一步的語言學習打下基礎。

- Enhancing students' interest and confidence in learning English, laying the foundation for further language study.

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