
2. The After-school Snack are Flat Croissants

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2 The After-school Snack are Flat Croissants


Yu-tong didn't respond, just stared behind them, then smiled at Mandy and continued holding her hand as they entered the elevator.

"That's not uncle Daren, and that uncle isn't wearing blue clothes," Yu-tong began to explain.

"Do you know everyone has to register when entering the school? It's to protect the safety of teachers and students. Look, you're still here. If your mom couldn't find you, she would worry a lot," Mandy patiently said, looking into Yu-tong's eyes.

The elevator door then opened, and Mandy took Yu-tong's little hand and walked towards the school gate.

"Teacher Mandy!" a parent shouted loudly at the school gate.

"Yu-tong's mom!" Mandy flashed her signature smile.

Even with her mask on, she could still convey her smile through her curved eyes.

"Sorry! I had to work overtime again, that's why I'm so late. Let me take her back quickly. Have a happy winter vacation!" Yu-tong's mom quickly took Yu-tong's hand.

"Bye, teacher!" Yu-tong waved goodbye to Mandy.

"Hurry home, have a happy winter vacation!" Mandy waved back, watching Yu-tong and her mother ride away on a scooter.

As she glanced to the side, she saw a white Mercedes-Benz electric car passing by, but it was too fast to see the license plate or the person inside.

"It can't be him..." Mandy muttered to herself, recalling the slammed car door from last Saturday and the matching car she just saw.

"Disgusting," Mandy said, her face filled with disgust, then she quickly turned and walked back to the counseling room.

Back in the counseling section, Mandy was filled with questions and unease.

She walked to the general office and saw the head of the general affairs still there, so she hurriedly called out, "Teacher Yang!"

"Teacher Luo? Why haven't you left yet? Don't you need to pick up your child?" Teacher Yang stopped and walked back to Mandy.

"Sorry, I wanted to check the surveillance video from this afternoon's information session. I'm worried about suspicious people entering and leaving the campus. Hearing the students talk made me increasingly worried," Mandy said awkwardly, smiling.

"Daren sometimes coming to work drunk really bothers us, but the school should be very safe. There aren't that many bad people... You've used it before, just open it and take a look. Oh, I'm in a hurry, so I won't watch it with you. Anyway, I trust you. Remember to shut down the computer when you leave! I'm off!" Teacher Yang restarted the computer, entered all the passwords, and hastily left.

Mandy took over the computer and wanted to check the school's surveillance video to see if there were any suspicious people entering and leaving the gate.

However, she found that the surveillance system was abnormal, and all the recordings had been deleted.

"How is this possible? What's going on?" Mandy's sense of unease grew thicker. She rechecked the computer system but couldn't find any evidence of who had performed such an operation.

Mandy returned to the counseling room and happened to see the drunken security guard again.

"I better not ask, it's the same whether I ask or not," Mandy thought, still polite as she nodded.

Sitting at her desk, all the other teachers had already left, leaving Mandy alone again today. Anxious, Mandy picked up her phone and began aimlessly scrolling. Suddenly, she received an anonymous email.

Opening the email, there was only one paragraph of text:

"Do you think you can escape from me by avoiding me? Your manner of leaving me is truly heartbreaking. Enjoy your winter vacation, I'll be by your side."

Reading the email, Mandy was filled with shock and anger. But seeing the keyword "leaving me," Mandy immediately thought of Leon.

Mandy clicked to reply to the email and angrily typed on the keyboard, "Mr. Zhou, the Harassment Act is now officially in effect in our country. I believe you are well aware that your current behavior has seriously affected me. If you don't stop your perverse behavior, I will take legal action." Then she clicked send.

Unexpectedly, she received an error message that the email could not be sent. Mandy realized the other party had set the mailbox to be unresponsive.

"What's going on? What does this mean?" Mandy's mood became heavier, but she knew for sure it was Leon's handiwork.

However, she couldn't understand why he used an anonymous email.

Mandy had already blocked all of Leon's contacts after getting out of his car, but what she didn't expect was that the arrogant Leon would still relentlessly pursue her like this.

Mandy gradually shifted from anger and disgust to worry and fear. Leon knew everything about her, but no matter what, at most, it would lead to legal action. Mandy tried to convince herself not to be afraid of what might happen.

Suddenly, the phone rang,

"Ring, ring, ring— " It was a call from her husband.

本篇內容共 6457 字、0 則留言,僅發佈於小說《 失控旋律:這只是開始而已》中英版本同步你目前無法檢視以下內容,可能因為尚未登入,或沒有該房間的查看權限。
裕禾診療室 的其他內容
二、放學點心是扁可頌 「那個才不是大仁叔叔,那個叔叔穿的衣服又不是藍色的。」語彤又開始解釋。 「你知不知道進學校每個人都要登記?因為要保護老師跟學生的安全呀,你看你現在還在這,如果媽媽找不到你會很擔心你的。」曼蒂耐心地看向語彤的眼睛說著,電梯門接著打開,曼蒂拉著語彤的小手走向校門口。
You are welcome to join the program for reading. Both the Chinese and English versions will be available after joining the program.
二、放學點心是扁可頌 「那個才不是大仁叔叔,那個叔叔穿的衣服又不是藍色的。」語彤又開始解釋。 「你知不知道進學校每個人都要登記?因為要保護老師跟學生的安全呀,你看你現在還在這,如果媽媽找不到你會很擔心你的。」曼蒂耐心地看向語彤的眼睛說著,電梯門接著打開,曼蒂拉著語彤的小手走向校門口。
You are welcome to join the program for reading. Both the Chinese and English versions will be available after joining the program.
Google News 追蹤
林間蔭道,學生來來往往。 吃完午飯的兩人一邊散步一邊走回教室,季行衍懷中抱著江玉窈的零食,而旁邊的江玉窈手上拿著食堂買來的普洱茶,口中嚼著QQ軟糖。
推開門進去,雖然已經接近正中午,但只有我一個人。兩個典型俄國臉孔的年輕人打了聲招呼問我要點什麼。 吃個早餐也可以多愁善感?到底要怎麼面對這些議論紛紛?雖然不是超級受影響,但還是不免升起膽怯之心。 不過這種時候通常可以看見的優點更多更珍貴!
[教學二帖] . 其一 一大早的此時 某孩一進教室和我打招呼後,兀自矗立在我的櫥子面前,良久 一分多鐘後,我問背著書包的他: 「君怎一早立於此?」 他說: 「我看今天的菜單!」 鏗鏘有力! 我頹然靠著椅背嘆: 「誠懇啊!生活有目標,哪像我終日食不遑味,舌頭竟像是嘴裡的裝飾一般.
我的目光掃視著落地窗內學生們,他們有的三三兩兩,並肩而走,有的形單影隻。 欸,不是說已經下課了,她人呢? “我在這!”六六拍拍我的肩,小聲道。“方向錯了,怎麼找也沒有用。”她說話的方式還是一如既往,無論如何都帶有些許哲學的意味。 “還以為妳會站在上回等我的地方。” “妳的身體
《眼神代表ㄧ切》 早上兩個人各有酸楚⋯ 凡:媽!我要請假啦! 我:怎麼了? 凡:就9點去學校好嗎? 我:那你的班導會哭哭喔! 凡:喔!好吧! 趕緊7:30前送凡去學校, 他也大包小包扛ㄧ堆東西跑進校園 還跟校門口老師開心打招呼呢! 回到家趕
「小澄學姐早安!」   將要開始上課的早上,穿過人來人往的教室走廊,伴隨着學弟妹仰望的目光,這時就聽到熟悉的兩名學妹把我叫住。   「是云云醬跟檸檬啊,早安呢。記得準時去上課,不要遲到了。」   看着學妹們熱情的揮着手,我也朝她們點了點頭,表現出學姐應有的模樣。   「知道啦!」
林間蔭道,學生來來往往。 吃完午飯的兩人一邊散步一邊走回教室,季行衍懷中抱著江玉窈的零食,而旁邊的江玉窈手上拿著食堂買來的普洱茶,口中嚼著QQ軟糖。
推開門進去,雖然已經接近正中午,但只有我一個人。兩個典型俄國臉孔的年輕人打了聲招呼問我要點什麼。 吃個早餐也可以多愁善感?到底要怎麼面對這些議論紛紛?雖然不是超級受影響,但還是不免升起膽怯之心。 不過這種時候通常可以看見的優點更多更珍貴!
[教學二帖] . 其一 一大早的此時 某孩一進教室和我打招呼後,兀自矗立在我的櫥子面前,良久 一分多鐘後,我問背著書包的他: 「君怎一早立於此?」 他說: 「我看今天的菜單!」 鏗鏘有力! 我頹然靠著椅背嘆: 「誠懇啊!生活有目標,哪像我終日食不遑味,舌頭竟像是嘴裡的裝飾一般.
我的目光掃視著落地窗內學生們,他們有的三三兩兩,並肩而走,有的形單影隻。 欸,不是說已經下課了,她人呢? “我在這!”六六拍拍我的肩,小聲道。“方向錯了,怎麼找也沒有用。”她說話的方式還是一如既往,無論如何都帶有些許哲學的意味。 “還以為妳會站在上回等我的地方。” “妳的身體
《眼神代表ㄧ切》 早上兩個人各有酸楚⋯ 凡:媽!我要請假啦! 我:怎麼了? 凡:就9點去學校好嗎? 我:那你的班導會哭哭喔! 凡:喔!好吧! 趕緊7:30前送凡去學校, 他也大包小包扛ㄧ堆東西跑進校園 還跟校門口老師開心打招呼呢! 回到家趕
「小澄學姐早安!」   將要開始上課的早上,穿過人來人往的教室走廊,伴隨着學弟妹仰望的目光,這時就聽到熟悉的兩名學妹把我叫住。   「是云云醬跟檸檬啊,早安呢。記得準時去上課,不要遲到了。」   看着學妹們熱情的揮着手,我也朝她們點了點頭,表現出學姐應有的模樣。   「知道啦!」