Read Sample《Uncontrollable Melody》

更新於 2024/02/23閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

The content of this article is excerpted from the first chapter of Tai Yu-chen's novel "Uncontrollable Melody: This is just the Beginning." "Uncontrolled Melody" is a work still in progress, and "this is just the Beginning" is one of its chapters. "Just the Beginning" is further divided into six sections, which will be updated monthly here. You are welcome to join the program for reading. Both the Chinese and English versions will be available after joining the program.

1 Information Session for New Dance Class Students


As soon as the admission session for the dance class ended, Mandy collapsed on the ground, feeling utterly drained as if all her energy had been sapped away.

"Mandy, we've already arranged everything and tidied up. Could you close the classroom later? " said Liang, holding the props and laptops used by students during the information session.


"Ok, you guys can go back to my classroom and I’ll close it on my own," Mandy replied, still sprawled on the ground.

The exhausting days of preparing for the information session had finally come to an end. Mandy had volunteered countless unpaid hours for the event.

She thought about everything that had happened over the past few days, and her mind drifted back to the scene from last Saturday when she angrily slammed Leon's car door and stormed out. She had never felt so humiliated in her life.

"I must be insane to have feelings for him," Mandy muttered to herself as she sat up, removing her hair tie and running her fingers through her thick, dark curls.

Mandy got up to start organizing the materials, but the lights in the dance studio suddenly dimmed.

"Who's there? I'm still in the classroom!" Mandy shouted, feeling slightly annoyed as she scanned the corners and doorway of the room.

The school was already deserted, and holding the information session on the day before winter vacation was unprecedented.

However, because Mandy also is section chief of counseling, she had been too busy to schedule it earlier and had to settle for the last day of this semester.

Looking around the empty dance studio and then at the row of regular classrooms, Mandy felt a twinge of fear creeping in. She hurried back into the dance studio to pack up her folder.

Refusing to entertain any thoughts, Mandy just wanted to leave the dance studio as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps.

Mandy froze, her body tensing up as the footsteps approached her, one step at a time.

Regaining her composure, Mandy summoned the courage to turn around, but she saw no one.

"Teacher Mandy," a small voice broke the silence.

"Ah! You scared me!" Mandy exclaimed, realizing that Yu-tong, a second-grader, was standing in front of her, tiny and delicate.

"Yu-tong? Why haven't you gone home yet? Didn't your mom come to pick you up? Did you turn off the lights?" Mandy squatted down, looking into Yu-tong's large eyes.

"I was hiding in the bathroom. Teacher Mandy, are you going home now? What are you going to do when you get home?" Yu-tong bombarded Mandy with questions, as usual.

"Of course, I'm going home. Come on, let me walk you to the school gate," Mandy said, hastily stuffing the papers into her folder and extending her hand to Yu-tong.

Yu-tong took Mandy's hand, and they walked out of the dance studio together.


"Wait here. I have to lock the door," Mandy said, placing her folder on a nearby shoe rack and reaching into her pocket for the key, which accidentally slipped and fell.

"Teacher, who's that man?" Yu-tong's voice reached Mandy's ears.

"What man? There's no one here. Everyone has gone home for the winter break," Mandy replied, picking up the key and looking around, seeing no one.

"The man ran away," Yu-tong said coldly, looking behind them.

"It's the security guard, Yu-tong. How can you not recognize uncle Daren?" Mandy chuckled, unfazed, as she locked the door to the dance studio and turned to lead Yu-tong to the elevator.

This chapter concludes here. To read the following chapters, please join the program and become a member for access.

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本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
我們看到什麼東西就會存起來,就像倉鼠一樣,覺得總有用到的一天,結果再也沒有打開的一天。 無論是Instagram的珍藏、Youtube的稍候再看,又或者是覺得不錯分享到塗鴉牆的Facebook文章,我們拼命的點擊儲存、然後,就沒有然後了 「資訊囤積症」是在我們這個世代中很常見的情況,因為現在
Have you ever read a book that left a lasting impact on you? “Reading Is A Passport To Countless Adventures” by Mary Pope Osborne.
今天在第一個節點發現有wait event read by other session 與DB file sequential read幾乎佔據了80% 的DB time。 研究一下這是兩個session引發的問題,以session執行的動作又有不同的現象 查一下buffer裝啥囉~ 持續調查!
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取自博客來 Tim Ferris的這本書改變了傳統「賣命工作→存錢→退休」的工作模式,轉而利用「時間」和「彈性」的新貨幣,讓自己從「窮忙族」晉身「新富族」!   這本書讓我大幅縮短了工作時間,工作效率卻更高;能夠做更多自己想做的事,收入沒有減少反而增加!無論你是做牛做馬的上班族,還是全國一千大企業的
清代段玉裁《說文解字注》記載「人所誦習曰讀」。巧合的是,read 若解爲「read = 人甬言讀 = 人誦讀」及「read = 兩EA讀 = 兩Γ二白讀 = 兩⅂冫白讀 = 兩习白讀 = 羽白讀 = 習讀」時,也能橋接於漢字「人誦讀」和「習讀」(類似 study 的含意之一),......
本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
我們看到什麼東西就會存起來,就像倉鼠一樣,覺得總有用到的一天,結果再也沒有打開的一天。 無論是Instagram的珍藏、Youtube的稍候再看,又或者是覺得不錯分享到塗鴉牆的Facebook文章,我們拼命的點擊儲存、然後,就沒有然後了 「資訊囤積症」是在我們這個世代中很常見的情況,因為現在
Have you ever read a book that left a lasting impact on you? “Reading Is A Passport To Countless Adventures” by Mary Pope Osborne.
今天在第一個節點發現有wait event read by other session 與DB file sequential read幾乎佔據了80% 的DB time。 研究一下這是兩個session引發的問題,以session執行的動作又有不同的現象 查一下buffer裝啥囉~ 持續調查!
travel&coffee 「旅行與咖啡:用插畫搜集當下美好」— WHOSMiNG 這本書精選收錄了12座城市,112個插畫咖啡杯的故事,包含 東京、首爾、紐約、西雅圖、多倫多、上海、台北、鎌倉、札幌、哈瓦那、芝加哥與波特蘭的咖啡之旅。也包含了作者在這幾個城市所發生的故事。   資料來源:旅行與咖啡
取自博客來 Tim Ferris的這本書改變了傳統「賣命工作→存錢→退休」的工作模式,轉而利用「時間」和「彈性」的新貨幣,讓自己從「窮忙族」晉身「新富族」!   這本書讓我大幅縮短了工作時間,工作效率卻更高;能夠做更多自己想做的事,收入沒有減少反而增加!無論你是做牛做馬的上班族,還是全國一千大企業的
清代段玉裁《說文解字注》記載「人所誦習曰讀」。巧合的是,read 若解爲「read = 人甬言讀 = 人誦讀」及「read = 兩EA讀 = 兩Γ二白讀 = 兩⅂冫白讀 = 兩习白讀 = 羽白讀 = 習讀」時,也能橋接於漢字「人誦讀」和「習讀」(類似 study 的含意之一),......