2024-06-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘







Whenever I sit in my seat and look out the window, the sun shines through the glass into the room. This scene always makes me feel calm, letting go of my worries and immersing myself in the tranquility of the moment. When the child goes to school and my wife accompanies him, I sit here alone, enjoying the breeze, sunshine, and my own breathing.

I used to have a bad habit of being busy all the time or my brain was thinking all the time. My thoughts were chaotic and running, and I couldn't stop. However, I have read some books recently, and they all advocate not overthinking, but to enjoy the beauty of the moment. If you can’t enjoy it now, what about the future? The past and the future are all in the present; therefore, I have learned to cherish everything in front of me, cherish every life, no matter sentimental or ruthless, everything I have given.

The following is----

“Enjoy the tranquility of the moment”


"The virtuous do not argue; those who argue are not virtuous."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.

Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.Design Is Learning And Living.

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