2024-05-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

旅行作家 A travel writer

Jane had returned to this small coastal town after years away, chasing stories as a travel writer.

Jane had returned to this small coastal town after years away, chasing stories as a travel writer.









In the dim light of a rundown seaside bar, the sound of waves crashing against the shore almost drowned out the melancholy notes of a piano. Jane, her eyes reflecting the stormy sea outside, sat alone at the corner table. The blurred edges of the world around her mirrored the uncertainty she felt within.

Jane had returned to this small coastal town after years away, chasing stories as a travel writer. Each destination had offered escape, a new identity shaped by the places she visited. Yet, nothing had truly changed inside her; the restlessness, like a chronic ache, persisted.

Tonight, she was back where it all began, surrounded by the ghosts of her past. The locals, now older, still spoke in the same rhythmic drawl, their conversations a mixture of gossip and tales of the sea. Jane listened, her mind drifting to her childhood spent running on these sandy beaches.

As she sipped her drink, the door creaked open, and a figure from her past walked in. His face was familiar, yet worn by years she hadn't witnessed. Their eyes met, and in that blurry, suspended moment, Jane felt a surge of something long forgotten—perhaps a remnant of the young girl who once believed everything was possible here.

The man nodded slightly and approached her. "Jane, you're back," he said, his voice a deep echo of years and tide.

"Yes," she replied, her voice barely a whisper, "to find something I think I left behind."

Together, they talked, the past blurring into the present, as Jane realized that what she sought might have been there all along, waiting amidst the misty shores and whispered stories of her hometown.

My Name is Jane.

《Jane書寫計畫》以網路上「Jane」的資料(Data)作為創作材料,創造出以「Jane」的肖像,再將肖像,由Chat-GPT4 進行影像閱讀,進行轉譯並書寫為文字,並再經由文字書寫轉譯為圖像。觀眾在具真實與虛擬感知共構中,透過文件閱讀、視覺圖像的符號象徵、感受「Jane」的多重存在樣貌。影像2文字,文字2影像。
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