更新於 2024/06/24閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

This So-Called Miracle(1991)

    Baby, what ever did I do

    To make you not only turn away

    But turn, oh so far away

    Never considering turning back


    I need you to know I'll never smile

    Until we reconcile

    I know now that that won't happen

    Somehow I'll try and cope

    But I just can't get out of my head

    That glimmer of hope

    Everybody tells me I need time away from you

    But your the only thing in my world

    And that's the last thing I wanna do

    You're sayin' I'm the one who's at the core

    Yes, I'm the one who glanced at the door

    But you're the one who turned the handle

    Tried to burn the candle at both ends

    At both ends you lead me

    On and on and on

    You really, really took me

    Now you've left, my mind is gone.


    It's easy to give advice

    When your heart's not in it

    But the best thing for me to do is let go

    But somehow I get lonely

    It's hard to stand and face the crowd

    Doin' a one-woman show


    有一天,我看到Debbie Gibson這首歌的MV,瞬間就愛上了,這真有故事性啊,時空穿越劇雖然不是什麼新意,不過我還是被一開頭那個happy new year 1953的看板吸引住,這首歌的內容聽起來是某位當紅女歌手,愛上一位來看她表演的紳士,後來他們兩人分開,男生再也沒有回來過,感覺像是女子對於這短暫戀情的懺悔,需要奇蹟才能讓男子回到他的身邊,因此這首歌名就是So-Called Miracle(所謂的奇蹟)。

    但是整首MV若只安排在1953年這個黑白畫面,只看她一個人唱未免過於單調,所以導演才安排在2分22秒的時間拉回到現代的彩色畫面吧??還特別換了大紅色的外套呢! 同樣的餐廳以及同樣多的氣球,然後男主角坐在台下聽她演唱,彷彿時光回到了從前...可是餐廳招牌卻寫著1991,近流逝了40年的光陰,女歌手依然拿著當初男子送給她的手帕,也是出現在MV最開始那一幕的情景。

    其中這一句Tried to burn the candle at both ends


    蠟燭兩頭燒,忙得焦頭爛額嗎? 我們常常會想到社畜啊,還是在廚房裡忙得不可開交的那種瞎忙(有點戲謔的意思),可是在英文看起來,就只有完全燃燒自己的那種執著而已, 沒有苦中作樂的諷刺性,或許是英文跟中文的差異。


    主唱Debbie呢? 她算是1980s末期發展起來的歌手,甚至也來台辦過演唱會,上過台灣的綜藝節目。



    現在連琴譜都有了,有興趣試試看嘛?? XD



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