2024-07-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

無處不在的英文交談機會,尋找Small Talk的黃金時刻:日料餐廳場景


尋找Small Talk的黃金時刻,哪裡都能聊出好關係

A先生: "This line is crazy, isn't it? Looks like we'll need a good appetite to match the wait time."「這隊伍排得也太誇張了,是吧?看來我們得有個好胃口才對得起這麼長的等待時間。」

B先生: "Haha, you're right! I'm already starving. But I've heard their tonkatsu rice bowl is amazing."「哈哈,你說得對!我已經餓壞了。不過我聽說他們的炸豬排蓋飯非常棒。」

A先生: "It is! That's why I'm here. Is this your first time at this restaurant?"「確實如此!這就是我來這裡的原因。你是第一次來這家餐廳嗎?」

B先生: "Yes, it's my first time. I don't usually queue for food, but my colleagues insisted I try it. How about you?"「是的,第一次。我平常不太排隊吃飯,不過同事堅持要我來試試。你呢?」

A先生: "It's my first time too. But I'm a big fan of Japanese cuisine. I'd go anywhere for good Japanese food."「我也是第一次。不過我是日本料理的忠實粉絲。只要是好吃的日本料理,再遠我都願意去。」

B先生: "Wow! You sound like an expert. Any other Japanese restaurants you'd recommend?"「哇!聽起來你很在行啊。還有其他推薦的日本料理餐廳嗎?」

A先生: "Well, if you like ramen, there's an authentic place in Ximending. Their pork bone broth is simmered for 48 hours!"「嗯,如果你喜歡拉麵的話,西門町有一家很道地的。他們的豚骨湯頭熬了整整48小時呢!」

B先生: "Really? That sounds tempting. I'll definitely check it out. By the way, how long do you think we'll have to wait?"「真的嗎?聽起來很誘人。我一定要去嚐嚐。對了,你覺得我們還要等多久?」

A先生: "At this rate, probably another hour at least. But that's okay, we can chat to pass the time. What places do you usually visit in Taipei?"「照這個速度,我猜至少還要一個小時吧。不過沒關係,我們可以聊天打發時間。你在台北都去哪些場所?」

B先生: "I love visiting the night markets! Shilin and Raohe are my favorites. The food is amazing and the atmosphere is so lively."「我很喜歡去夜市!士林夜市和饒河夜市是我的最愛。那裡的食物很棒,氣氛也非常熱鬧。」

A先生: "Great choices! Have you tried stinky tofu yet? It's a must-try at night markets, though the smell can be quite strong."「很棒的選擇!你試過臭豆腐嗎?這是夜市必吃的小吃,雖然味道可能有點重。」

B先生: "I've seen it, but I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. Is it really as tasty as people say?"「我看到過,但還沒有勇氣嘗試。它真的像人們說的那麼好吃嗎?」

A先生: "It's an acquired taste, but many people love it once they try it. Maybe next time we can go to a night market together, and I'll introduce you to some local favorites."「這是一種需要慢慢品味的食物,但很多人一旦嘗試就會愛上它。也許下次我們可以一起去夜市,我可以介紹一些當地人喜歡的小吃給你。」

B先生: "That sounds great! I'd love to explore more of Taipei's food scene with a local. Any other places you'd recommend visiting?"「聽起來不錯!我很樂意和當地人一起探索台北的美食。」

Small Talk
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