2024-07-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

幕後打氣Small Talk:產品簡報前,很緊張的業務經理

Spotlight Jitters: A Pep Talk Behind the Curtain

Olivia: First time on the big stage, huh?活動主持人Olivia:第一次上大舞台,是吧?

Wilson (adjusting his tie nervously): Is it that obvious?Wilson(緊張地調整領帶):這麼明顯嗎?

Olivia: Let's just say you're giving the punching bag a run for its money.Olivia:就說你看起來比沙包還緊張吧。

Wilson: That bad? I feel like I'm about to pitch to a stadium full of sharks.Wilson:有那麼糟嗎?我感覺自己好像要在一個滿是鯊魚的體育場裡推銷產品。

Olivia: Relax, it's just five minutes. You know your products inside out, right?Olivia:放輕鬆,只有五分鐘而已。你對你的產品瞭如指掌,對吧?

Wilson: Yeah, but what if I forget everything the moment I step out there?Wilson:是啊,但如果我一踏上台就什麼都忘了怎麼辦?

Olivia: Then you'll fit right in with half the presenters I've seen. Just kidding! Look, what's your go-to product?Olivia:那你就和我見過的一半演講者一樣了。開玩笑的!來,你最拿手的產品是什麼?

Wilson: Our new eco-friendly running shoes. They're made from recycled ocean plastics.Wilson:我們的新款環保跑鞋。它們是用回收的海洋塑料製成的。

Olivia: See? You didn't even hesitate. Just pretend you're telling a friend about them over coffee.Olivia:看到了嗎?你甚至沒有猶豫。就假裝你在和朋友喝咖啡時聊到它們。

Wilson: A friend who's judging my every word and gesture?Wilson:一個會評判我每一個字和動作的朋友?

Olivia: More like a friend who's genuinely interested in cool new gear. Trust me, half the battle is believing they want to hear what you have to say.Olivia:更像是一個真的對酷炫新裝備感興趣的朋友。相信我,成功的一半在於相信他們想聽你說的話。

Wilson: I guess you're right. Any last-minute tips?Wilson:我想你說得對。還有什麼臨場建議嗎?

Olivia: Breathe, smile, and if all else fails, just imagine everyone in running shoes.Olivia:深呼吸,微笑,如果實在不行,就想像所有人都穿著跑鞋。

Wilson: Even you?Wilson:連你也是?

Olivia: Especially me. I'll be front row, cheering you on. In spirit, of course - I'll actually be backstage.Olivia:尤其是我。我會在前排為你加油的。當然,是精神上的 - 實際上我會在後台。

Wilson: Thanks, Olivia. I feel a bit better now.Wilson:謝謝你,Olivia。我現在感覺好多了。

Olivia: Anytime. Now go out there and knock their socks off! Preferably to sell them new ones.Olivia:隨時效勞。現在出去讓他們大吃一驚吧!最好是讓他們買新襪子。

Wilson: (Laughs) Will do. Here goes nothing!Wilson:(笑)一定。那就豁出去了!

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