2024-07-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

10-The Pineapple Incident


    1. It's my own concoction.
    2. Okay, I know that you've all dismissed this theory before.
    3. I'll say. She's going out with a billionaire.
      - millionaire
    4. Why do people always round up?
    5. She's short, but has an ample bosom. I love it. She's, like, half boob.
      - I just wrapped up a live newscast by honking my own boobs.
    6. Yeah, I think it's pretty solid.
    7. Is there even a single item on the menu that has garlic in it?
    8. it's gonna keep on happening until you power down that bucket of neuroses inebriation style.
    9. Except for a few hazy memories.
    10. If he pukes, one of you guys cleans it up.
    11. I am vomit-free since '93.
    12. Uh, the porcelain keeps the suit from wrinkling
    13. He rallies!
    14. Ted, as your mentor and spiritual guide, I forbid you from calling her.
    15. Real suede wouldn't have gone up so fast.
    16. After I hosed you down with the beverage gun, I brought you back here
    17. You are a gentlemen and a scholar.
    18. Go into my stable and take my finest stallion.
    19. Carl... did you know the word "karaoke" is Japanese for "empty orchestra"?
    20. Hey, how easy do you think it would be to sneak into the zoo?
    21. This way, if you pass out in the gutter...
    22. You and Robin went down this road before. You got dinged up really bad.


    1. Uncle Marshall still refers to it as "The Pineapple Incident."
    2. I think my soul just threw up a little bit.
    3. Yeah, and say what? What's our big opening line?
      - obscure line
      - pickup line
      - break up line
    4. Okay, well, I'll get back to you.
    5. Your brain screws you up, Ted. It gets in the way.
    6. Guys, you are being immature and moronic, and drink, drink...
    7. How did I sprain my ankle?
    8. That's the whole point of getting drunk. You do things you'd never do if you were sober.
    9. You'll get this back at the end of class.
    10. Ding. Class dismissed. Here you go, kid. You call whoever you want
    11. Am I the only one who's curious about the pineapple?
    12. Oh, my streak is over.
    13. All right, I'm cutting you off.
    14. I-I mean, I never pictured it going down this way, but...
    15. Do you mind if I swing by?
    16. You turn off your brain for a night,and all your left with the next day is a bad hangover, a sprained ankle...

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