2024-07-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

Song : Beneath the Night Light

 “Beneath the Night Light” is a song full of bittersweet emotions, capturing the sorrow and resignation of farewells through delicate lyrics and rich melodies. From the streetlights at night to the faint candle glow, every detail paints a picture of parting’s pain and cherished moments. Join us in experiencing this heartfelt farewell through music.

Waiting for our partingOn streets beneath the lowering night, with bustling pedestrians and brilliant lights, I wander alone in this corner of the city, my heart heavy with the sorrow of parting. The ancient verse echoes in my mind, “The passionate are always cold, only feel the smile in the cup fading.”

Tonight, we are about to part ways. You sit across from me, your wine glass gently swaying, yet no drop of wine touches your lips. We gaze at each other but can’t find the words. Your smile is a bit strained, and I know it’s forced; I can’t smile either. Tomorrow, you’ll board a plane to a distant place, while I will remain on this familiar yet suddenly unfamiliar land.

The candle on the table burns quietly, its flame flickering slightly. The candle seems to mourn the parting, shedding tears until dawn. I look at its faint glow, as if seeing it weep for our farewell. Silent tears trace the candle’s body, dripping onto the tablecloth, leaving behind transparent marks.

We toast and sip, but only lightly. The wine slides down my throat, no longer sweet but tinged with bitterness. We talk about the past, reminisce about the days we spent together. Our laughter is mixed with a touch of sadness; behind every smile, there’s unspoken silence.

The night deepens, the lights remain bright, but the light in my heart gradually dims. We sit in silence, letting time slip away between us. The city’s clamor seems distant, with only the candle’s faint glow flickering before my eyes.

Finally, you rise to say goodbye. We embrace and cry, silently feeling each other’s warmth. Farewell, dear friend. No matter where you go, I will remember this night and our last gathering under candlelight.

As you turn to leave, I watch your figure fade into the night. “The passionate are always cold, only feeling the smile in the cup fading.” The candle, with a heart still mourning, sheds tears for us until dawn. I silently repeat this verse, feeling its endless sorrow.

Beneath the night light, I am alone, letting tears fall down my cheeks. The candle’s glow remains faint, as if waiting for our parting. I know that with the sunrise, a new day will come, but the sorrow of this night will forever stay in my memory.

 “Beneath the Night Light

On streets beneath the lowering night  

Pedestrians rush by, the lights are bright  

I wander alone in this corner of the city  

My heart is filled with the sorrow of parting

You sit across from me, your wine glass  

Gently swaying, yet no drop of wine touches your lips  

We lock eyes but can't find the words  

Your smile is stiff, and I can't smile either

The passionate are always cold  

Only feeling the smile at the cup fading  

The candle has a heart still mourning  

Shedding tears for us until the morning light

The flame of the candle flickers faintly  

Tears silently trace the candle’s body  

We raise our glasses but only sip lightly  

The wine tastes bitter, memories mingled with sadness

The passionate are always cold  

Only feeling the smile at the cup fading  

The candle has a heart still mourning  

Shedding tears for us until the morning light

The night grows deeper, the lights remain bright  

Yet the light in my heart gradually fades  

We sit in silence, letting time slip away  

The city's bustle feels distant, only the candle’s light dances

Finally, you rise to say goodbye, embracing and crying  

Silently feeling each other’s warmth  

Farewell, dear friend, no matter where you go  

I will remember this night

The passionate are always cold  

Only feeling the smile at the cup fading  

The candle has a heart still mourning  

Shedding tears for us until the morning light

Beneath the night light, I am alone  

Letting tears fall down my cheeks  

The candle’s glow remains faint  

Waiting for our parting

歌名:夜燈之下的離愁愛情腦和理智腦的抉擇:如何在感性與理性間找到平衡?愛i生活 | LuvingRichLife愛i生活 | Lovesaroundtheworldife

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