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文法分析 - Position on object pronouns - 2


例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill)

文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)

抽選練習:Place the pronoun(s) given in the following incomplete sentences. You may have to change th past participle in some cases.

  1. Ne pas entrer. (y)

(= Do not enter.)

正確答案:Ne pas y entrer.

錯誤示範:N'y pas ^ entrer.


  1. negation of impersional orders
  2. position of adverbial pronoun when verb is negative


  1. identify if the verb is conjugated or not: no (infinitive)
Ne pas entrer. (NOT: entre - imperative mood)

In written French, infinitive could be used to give impersonal orders while imperative mood is used to give commands to specific people.

= impersonal orders (unspecific) ≠ imperative (specific)

Negative command is made when giving impersonal orders to stop everyone from doing an action. In such negation, both negative particles (ne and pas) precede the infinitive.

Ne pas entrer.
  1. position of adverbial pronoun when verb is negative

Next, we need to consider the right position to insert the adverbial pronoun (y) in this case. Its position depends upon whether the verb is in infinitive or is conjugated. When there is an infinitive, the pronoun stays closest to the infinitive while the negative particles remain at the front.

Negative particles + pronoun + infinitive.
= Ne pas + y + entrer.
NOT: N'y pas entrer.
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