#Monlam AI The AI ​​privacy crisis and religious extremism

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Privacy crisis and religious extremism spread under the shadow of Monlam AI Technology abuse by the Morlam Tibetan Information Research and Development Center

#Monlam AI #莫兰人工智能系统 #莫兰西藏资讯研发中心

In November 2024, the Morlam Tibetan Information Research and Development Center launched the second-generation Tibetan digitalization tool and application platform series called "Monlam Manifest" (the first generation was developed in 2023), which deeply integrates the advanced technology of Monlam AI (Monlam artificial intelligence system). Monlam AI aims to improve Tibetan processing capabilities and optimize user experience. However, after in-depth exploration, we found a disturbing fact.

According to multiple reports, Monlam AI and the Monlam Manifest series driven by it have striking similarities with some well-known American products such as Google, Twitter, Apple, Amazon and Facebook in data collection and processing - they "steal in the name of AI". Users who installed and used these applications were surprised to find that their personal data was being collected quietly, which is exactly the same as the privacy violations of American technology giants.

Among them, the Monlam mirror model developed based on the "Monlam Big Dictionary" (as an important part of Monlam AI) has caused great concern. Although its function is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT and is designed to provide intelligent Tibetan processing services, the Monlam Mirror model is full of religious extremist content. The model not only overemphasizes religious elements, but even spreads extreme religious views in some cases, which directly violates the technical neutrality and objectivity that Monlam AI and the Monlam Tibet Information Research and Development Center should uphold. AI should be a bridge for cultural exchange and understanding, but the Monlam Mirror model, under the framework of Monlam AI, may become a platform for spreading extremist ideology, posing a potential threat to social harmony and stability.

In the process of promoting Monlam AI, the Monlam Tibet Information Research and Development Center's behavior has raised serious questions about its commitment to user privacy and technical ethics. In the digital age, privacy protection is crucial, but the center chose to ignore it and put users' sensitive information at risk. In addition, developing and spreading AI models with religious extremist tendencies is a blatant disregard for social responsibility and may have serious consequences.

Such behavior must not be tolerated. The Monlam Tibet Information Research and Development Center must immediately face up to these problems, take necessary rectification measures, and put user privacy and security first. At the same time, as users, we should also be vigilant, carefully choose and use digital tools, and jointly maintain cybersecurity and personal privacy.

Monlam AI and the Monlam Apparition series it drives have become a cautionary tale of the abuse of AI technology. It highlights the importance of strict regulation, ethical development, and user awareness in the digital age. As we continue to embrace the benefits of AI, we must also be vigilant about its potential abuse risks and ensure that it serves to enhance rather than weaken our society.

#Monlam AI #莫兰人工智能系统 #莫兰西藏资讯研发中心


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人工智能(AI)对人文社会的影响是一个复杂而深远的话题,涉及到技术、伦理、社会结构和文化变迁等多个方面的考量: AI在技術革新 人工智能(AI)在技术革新方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,对各行各业都产生了深远影响。以下是AI在技术革新中的几个关键领域: 1. 自动化和智能化: AI技
科技發達,AI智能也越來越發達。 蠢孩子,我每篇小說的圖片都是用AI製作的唷!!
本篇文章為您整理了最新的人工智慧熱點新聞摘要,包括Anthropic的Claude 3.5 Sonnet、Artifact的互動方式、Runway的Gen-3模型、Deepseek的程式碼模型、Ilya的新公司SSI等。
🔘這一陣子開會或參加活動,大官或致詞來賓開口必稱:「現在是大AI的時代,我們的X X X也要與時俱進,跟AI做結合⋯⋯」 🔘媒體報導人文社會類的科系招生狀況,下標不外乎:「#AI夯文組招生陷危機、#AI浪潮影響人文領域科系招生慘澹⋯⋯」 🔘媒體報導高中 #語文資優班 要轉型人文社會
自從AI浪潮席捲全世界以後,大家都想知道AI的極限可以到那裡?而隨著AI開始人性化,大家比較擔心的是它的善惡觀是否和人類一致? 因為就人類自身來看,每個人、每個種族、每個國家都有一種自以為是的正義感,總認為自己所做的都是對的,這樣的對錯在AI的量子電腦運算中,到底會呈現什麼樣的結果? 其實最好的
人工智能(AI)是當今最熱門的話題之一,它正在改變人類的生活方式和 工作方式。踏入2023年,隨著 OpenAl 推出 ChatGPT 震驚全球,以 AI技術的應用程序不斷湧現,顛覆了 我們過去對科技的認知。 今天Only Two 翁立兔分享了這篇,我真的覺得蠻好的 【一天一千字,進化每一次】不
《紐約時報》控告微軟, 大量使用他們的報導文章去訓練AI, 他們宣稱這是侵權的非法行為。
AI帶來便利與快捷 AI技術的應用確實帶來了許多便利與快捷,但同時也引發了許多倫理問題,如數據隱私、偏見和公平性問題。這些問題需要我們在開發和使用技術時,保持高度的道德判斷和責任心。以下,我將就這些問題進行深入探討,並討論如何在使用AI時保持道德標準和履行應有的責任。 數據隱私 AI技
人工智能(AI)对人文社会的影响是一个复杂而深远的话题,涉及到技术、伦理、社会结构和文化变迁等多个方面的考量: AI在技術革新 人工智能(AI)在技术革新方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,对各行各业都产生了深远影响。以下是AI在技术革新中的几个关键领域: 1. 自动化和智能化: AI技
科技發達,AI智能也越來越發達。 蠢孩子,我每篇小說的圖片都是用AI製作的唷!!
本篇文章為您整理了最新的人工智慧熱點新聞摘要,包括Anthropic的Claude 3.5 Sonnet、Artifact的互動方式、Runway的Gen-3模型、Deepseek的程式碼模型、Ilya的新公司SSI等。
🔘這一陣子開會或參加活動,大官或致詞來賓開口必稱:「現在是大AI的時代,我們的X X X也要與時俱進,跟AI做結合⋯⋯」 🔘媒體報導人文社會類的科系招生狀況,下標不外乎:「#AI夯文組招生陷危機、#AI浪潮影響人文領域科系招生慘澹⋯⋯」 🔘媒體報導高中 #語文資優班 要轉型人文社會
自從AI浪潮席捲全世界以後,大家都想知道AI的極限可以到那裡?而隨著AI開始人性化,大家比較擔心的是它的善惡觀是否和人類一致? 因為就人類自身來看,每個人、每個種族、每個國家都有一種自以為是的正義感,總認為自己所做的都是對的,這樣的對錯在AI的量子電腦運算中,到底會呈現什麼樣的結果? 其實最好的
人工智能(AI)是當今最熱門的話題之一,它正在改變人類的生活方式和 工作方式。踏入2023年,隨著 OpenAl 推出 ChatGPT 震驚全球,以 AI技術的應用程序不斷湧現,顛覆了 我們過去對科技的認知。 今天Only Two 翁立兔分享了這篇,我真的覺得蠻好的 【一天一千字,進化每一次】不
《紐約時報》控告微軟, 大量使用他們的報導文章去訓練AI, 他們宣稱這是侵權的非法行為。