說好再也不碰杯口 卻總沾滿昨日的酒 明知醉是傷心的借口 為何舌頭還學不會收 每一場風景都蒙了灰 咽下孤單哭了一回 醉夢裡悔意已成灰 醒醒罷 別再演這場摔碎 戒酒吧 拒絕自作傷 別讓往事揮霍你的光 撕開那隔夜膽怯的網 看清醒的天亮 一首老歌又唱到破 唱盡歲月有多難過 每滴苦酒心頭留著座 何必再加一滴折磨 啊 曾經映月的杯中水 如今沈澱走不回 推開了痛苦的椅背 重新坐進愛與悔 (Promised never to touch the rim again, Yet it’s always stained with yesterday’s wine. Knowing well that drunkenness is an excuse for sorrow, Why can't the tongue learn to withdraw? Every scene is covered in gray, Swallowed loneliness, cried once. In drunken dreams, regret turns to ash, Wake up, stop performing this shattered act. Quit drinking, refuse self-harm, Don't let the past squander your light. Tear apart the web of last night's fears, See the clarity of dawn. An old song is sung till it’s broken, Singing of how hard the years were. Every drop of bitter wine leaves a mark on the heart, Why add another drop of torment? Ah, the water once reflecting the moon in the cup, Now settled, can't be returned. Push away the chair of pain, Sit again in love and regret.)