



知天知地知人事, 分析大勢顯才思, 正是諸葛隆中對, 三分天下定乾坤。 Know the weather, the earth, and the people, Analyze the general trend and show his talents, It is Zhuge Liang's
宇船片刻降地球, 外星異客艙門出, 欲說帶我遊深空, 宇宙廣大樂無窮。   The spacecraft landed on the earth for a moment, and the alien passengers came out of the cabin door. They want
城門兩岸高樓立, 燈火通明照長空, 河水青青靜靜流, 群星隱匿宇宙中。   There are tall buildings on both sides of the Shing Mun River. the bright lights illuminate the sky, the river
大草原上水源在, 圓形教堂現眼前, 孤煙直立廢墟上, 唯有貓兒在亂竄。   There is water on the prairie, a round church appears in front of us, and a solitary smoke stands on the ruins,
早年存傲氣,心繫科西嘉, 棄文從軍去,寧為雞之首, 投身革命派,地位正日隆, 攻下土倫堡,鋒芒顯露中, 衛戌巴黎城,青史已留名。 In the early days, Napoleon was arrogant and cared about Corsica. He abandoned lite
縱馬馳騁疆場上, 英姿勃發誰能比, 可憐身敗滑鐵盧, 獨困荒島囚半生。   Napoleon Bonaparte rides his horse across the battlefield, Who can compare with his heroic appearance? It's a p
萊茵河畔獨自遊, 如畫風光映眼簾, 兩岸城堡遍地起, 勾起異客思古意。 I travel the Rhine alone, The picturesque scenery caught my eye, Castles are popping up everywhere on both sides
圓椎外形夠吸引, 隨意一食甜入心, 震憾口感超興奮, 夏日炎炎好消暑。   The cone shape of this ice cream cone is quite attractive. I feel sweet to my heart when I eat it casually, The
人生失意莫回想, 活在當下更重要, 未來空白如畫布, 人人皆能展所長。 Don’t think back when you are frustrated in life. It is more important to live in the present. The future is as b
磁浮縱橫路軌上, 行駛片刻萬里征, 山巒後移平野現, 疑是長江天上流。   The maglev train runs vertically and horizontally on the track, travel thousands of miles in just a few moments