【讀】Luster | 年輕一代真實赤裸的掙扎與情慾

2021/01/17閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
書名 : Luster
作者 : Raven Leilani
類型 : 文學小說
出版年 : 2020
Luster是去年下半年十分熱門的文學小說,而且也出現在許多人的年度top 10之中,這波好評熱潮讓我很好奇它的魅力。在讀的過程我其實有些意外,因為我原先預想故事會著重在Eric的開放式婚姻與Edie作為第三者的部分,但其實書本的主軸是放在Edie本人身上,看著這樣一個20多歲的黑人年輕女生如何在現在的社會中各個面向生存。而儘管與我想像不同,我仍然挺喜歡這本書最終呈現的樣貌。
我認為作者呈現地很棒的是那種真實貼切現在年輕世代的感受,(很多國外媒體會用"millennial fiction"一詞形容這類作品),描述Edie在經濟上、情感上、家庭上、創作上受到的困難與挫折,同時精準地將她(及很多年輕人)所抱持的無力感用文字表現出來。她所經歷的是或許是很多人可以感同身受的,背負著龐大的學生貸款、原先低薪沒有未來的工作被炒了後只得做外送跑腿過活、一段段關係都是短暫而純粹的肉體需求,直到Eric。
P.S.推薦這個我覺得很值得一看的書本討論影片,Claire Reads books針對“millennial fictions”一詞,透過Luster及其他基本作品來說明討論。


His joy is raw in a way that makes me feel like I can unzip my skin suit and show him all the ooze inside. But not yet. There is a sadness about his fervor, the way it feels slightly put on, as if he has something to prove. He looks over at me when we reach the top. The wind cards through his hair. Behind his eyes, I see myself fractured into pieces. Suddenly it feels painful to be this ordinary, to be this open to him, as he looks at me and pretends I am not just a cheaper version of a fast Italian car.
I didn’t tell him I was a virgin because I could not bear to be treated tenderly. I didn’t want him to be careful. I wanted it to be over with. So when it hurt and I was too proud to say stop and so said more, I believed, like a Catholic or a Tortured Artist, that the merit of a commitment correlates directly to the pain you endure in its pursuit.
I think of my parents, not because I miss them, but because sometimes you see a black person above the age of fifty walking down the street, and you just know that they have seen some shit. You know that they are masters of the double consciousness, of the discreet management of fury under the tight surveillance and casual violence of the outside world. You know that they said thank you as they bled, and that despite the roaches and the instant oatmeal and the bruise on your face, you are still luckier than they have ever been, such that losing a bottom-tier job in publishing is not only ridiculous but offensive.
I’ve made my own hunger into a practice, made everyone who passes through my life subject to a close and inappropriate reading that occasionally finds its way, often insufficiently, into paint. And when I am alone with myself, this is what I am waiting for someone to do to me, with merciless, deliberate hands, to put me down onto the canvas so that when I’m gone, there will be a record, proof that I was here.
I think of how keenly I've been wrong. I think of all the gods I have made out of feeble men.

