Thoughts after reading The Silent Patient

閱讀時間約 11 分鐘
I love reading exciting thriller or detective story when I was a bit younger. Probably because I didn’t have much experience about life, so I’d always like to seek for excitement, crime, and intricate story line, to show I’m smart enough to get the truth right.
As growing older, I prefer prose, short story or poetry that don’t necessarily have fast-paced and exciting plot but only slow move and reflective thoughts. So the read of The Silent Patient comes actually after a long gap of thriller in my reading life.
But the read is definitely an enjoyable experience. It is for sure a compelling and intriguing story that makes the reader unstoppable for continue reading.
Besides this general comment, I’d like to cover things I found particular and worth a discussion here.
The Timeline of the Events
I wrote the book review a few days earlier in Mandarin. At the time I have browsed over some reviews on Internet in my language, but none of them seem to mention this. So I thought I was the strange one to not get the timeline of two story lines.
Then I found another review on this book (written by Tahmina Khaleel; it is an interesting book review so give it a read!) saying pretty much the same thing. Kathy’s affair with Gabriel doesn’t seem to happen 6 years before, at least for me.
I also agree with Tahmina that the twist kind of nullifies the whole set-up, including others’ characters mysteries: Paul, Jean-Felix, Max, just to name a few. Seems that they have nothing to do with the story line, why building up their sophisticated relationship and stories with Alicia?
Probably to mislead readers and make the twist more astonishing. To be honest, I usually won’t be intrigued in all clues or incoherence in a detective story (and I wasn’t really bothered when I wrote this review in Mandarin a few days earlier). I guess I was just kinda triggered by readers’ comments and reviews, and felt wanting to be in the discussion too.
Hints in plot and Theo’s role characterization
While the chronological sequence appears to be a bit illogical, some hints in plot and Theo’s mental state characterization enable the story to be more consistent and relatable. We can see how Theo is like as a human being from his psychotic narrative, his memory of childhood, and how he feels when discover the affair of Kathy’s.
That being said, from the beginning til the end, Theo’s principle is always the same, and his behavior has always been based on that principle. He wants to help Alicia. He wants to help her realize the truth, help her speak out, and cure her. When she refuses to let him help, he finally decides to destroy her.
He uses the excuse to force Alicia to face the cruel truth that he himself never dare to confront. Thus he has been consistently hypocritical, and the ending makes sense.
There are some other clues in the story, for example in the beginning part, Yuri tells Theo to turn back to his wife and forget about Alicia, which hints the development of the plot. Another clue is in Alicia’s painting, which I will cover in next part.
Alicia as an artist
It turns out that Alicia is actually an intelligent artist, and I feel a lot details are hidden in her artworks. The most significant one is the Alcestis which resonates the Greek tragedy. I like the author’s new take on this Greek mythology, looking into Alcestis’s silence after coming back alive, which people rarely noticed this before.
The expression of that art, that she’s psychologically dead, is very much impressive. Another art of hers that I found fascinating is the one portraying Grove on fire and Theo carrying her; in the narrative of Theo’s, it’s unclear if he’s carrying her to or from the fire. A vivid reflection of Theo’s behavior in the story.
There are some other works from Alicia, like the one of Lidia Rose reclining on a bed, and another one of Gabriel on the cross. I didn’t have ideas for these paintings yet so I’ll just leave it here.
After writing this review, I read a few more comments everywhere. Some said they’ve been clear at the beginning that the stories are on two different time frame. The fact that Kathy sent message to Gabriel via email but not Snapshot or something hints at the time frame too.
Some said it’s intentional and it lets the twist hit harder. I’m more inclined to this but, like this poster on Reddit, I feel a bit annoyed at not being given any clues.
But that’s only my take on the book. Feel free to share yours!
在一個風大的午後喝著果汁,毫無道理的創了這個帳號。// 原本在Medium,現在思考要不要轉戰方格子。
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自從從台東回到都市讀書後,一直都很嚮往安靜平淡的生活,長大的過程中不斷的在觀察自己的內在,隨著時間變化也慢慢發現自己真心喜歡什麼。 你想擁有什麼樣子的對象,想要擁有什麼樣子的機會與生活,那你就要多踏入那樣子的場域,跟那樣子的人親近。 也必須思考清楚,到底什麼樣子是你在生活當中想要遇到
Explore the meaning of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken and the personal reflections on life, accompanied by a recitation of the poem.
我的愛在時間裡變厚 不再四處紛飛 藉由足夠的重力 有了形狀 閉起眼睛伸手碰觸— 那就是了 你當然可以繞著它走 從所有的角度觀察它 就像那株翠玉白菜 或肉形石 但 「所有的角度」卻是我們僅有的 在靈魂與意識相遇的十字路口, 總會有事情發生: 兩者錯身而過、兩者相匯、兩者對撞出了
想在一個純粹的夜裡沉浸   各處卻滿了街燈、車燈、霓虹燈   伴著無數分貝的響聲   擊潰了原本那夜的寧靜 在那心底廣袤的草原   鋪滿貧瘠的溝壑   浸滿無邊的黑暗   無法綻放內光的力量   罪把我丟進這雜亂的黑漆
本篇適合新手主管、仍在苦惱要如何向上管理的苦bb屬下們必讀! 今天要介紹的是當今世上富有盛名的思想家賽門・西奈克《最後吃,才是真領導》這本書,可視為繼《先問,為什麼?》、《找到你的為什麼》的最終篇。 誰是領導者?領導者的定義 我們都要勇敢選擇做正確的事 擁有主管職並不會讓你成為真正領導者
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自從從台東回到都市讀書後,一直都很嚮往安靜平淡的生活,長大的過程中不斷的在觀察自己的內在,隨著時間變化也慢慢發現自己真心喜歡什麼。 你想擁有什麼樣子的對象,想要擁有什麼樣子的機會與生活,那你就要多踏入那樣子的場域,跟那樣子的人親近。 也必須思考清楚,到底什麼樣子是你在生活當中想要遇到
Explore the meaning of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken and the personal reflections on life, accompanied by a recitation of the poem.
我的愛在時間裡變厚 不再四處紛飛 藉由足夠的重力 有了形狀 閉起眼睛伸手碰觸— 那就是了 你當然可以繞著它走 從所有的角度觀察它 就像那株翠玉白菜 或肉形石 但 「所有的角度」卻是我們僅有的 在靈魂與意識相遇的十字路口, 總會有事情發生: 兩者錯身而過、兩者相匯、兩者對撞出了
想在一個純粹的夜裡沉浸   各處卻滿了街燈、車燈、霓虹燈   伴著無數分貝的響聲   擊潰了原本那夜的寧靜 在那心底廣袤的草原   鋪滿貧瘠的溝壑   浸滿無邊的黑暗   無法綻放內光的力量   罪把我丟進這雜亂的黑漆
本篇適合新手主管、仍在苦惱要如何向上管理的苦bb屬下們必讀! 今天要介紹的是當今世上富有盛名的思想家賽門・西奈克《最後吃,才是真領導》這本書,可視為繼《先問,為什麼?》、《找到你的為什麼》的最終篇。 誰是領導者?領導者的定義 我們都要勇敢選擇做正確的事 擁有主管職並不會讓你成為真正領導者
尋找讓你覺得最值得燃燒自己的行動計畫,即刻開始! 由內而外,從個人到組織都能找到你的為什麼 想找到自己的WHY,就從探索個人故事開始 站在巨人肩膀上看世界,經驗法則想告訴我們什麼? 快來看看如何找到你的為什麼?