
2021/10/01閱讀時間約 7 分鐘
“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”
“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” Aldous Huxley
昨晚偶爾看到一個有關digital nomad的群組,其中一個貼文是一位有家室的比利時人,厭倦了比利時的政治和經濟,想去印尼生活。他/她有網站製作及社交媒體的製作經驗,希望一家可以在外地以數碼遊牧的形式賺取生活費,支付整個家庭的生活。他/她出貼的目的是想問問群組組員的意見。他/她其中的一段貼文是這樣寫的:
“...about the economical and political situation in Belgium, This is probably the worst country in the world politically and economically.
I give 65% of my wedge to the government, our politics are so selfish they think only to earn money with the covid crisis.
Since Covid, people and companies don't mind about services...Nobody cares !
Only big companies receive help from government, small company like me are suffering and nobody cares.
Since the crisis: taxes, energies and real estates are so growing that in several years it won't be possible to live here confortably.
I need to change my mind and my way of life.
I want to start something new.
Even for my little daughter (5years old). I don't want her to live in this selfish country where everything is fake, where everything is like reality show.
I want to give her another point of view that all those fuckin TV show where everybody is so beautifull and plenty of money (or they think they are) !
I would prefere to live in country like Indonesia, Cambodia, ... somewhere in asia and to show her the real life.
I konw we could try to show this also in Belgium but it would never be the same if we would live in another country.
But I want also to give her all the comfort she needs.
So I want to earn money like we earn here, i want her to have school education and to have a nice house and first of all i want her to be secure. But even in Belgium it's impossible to be sure of that.
I don't care living in a small fishing town, but i want everything except living in a country where i'm pretty sure my daughter will grow in a fake country with fake people and fake life…”
Digital nomad「數碼遊牧」是1997年開始有的一個詞彙,意思是透過科技(主要是智能電話、電腦及wifi)作遠程工作remote work以賺取不穩定的收入,既不用固定的工作時間和空間,可更自由地平衡工作和生活。由於貼文者是在Digital nomad群組內貼文,大部份回應者都是數碼遊牧,都是支持他/她的,當中也有些經驗老到的遊牧民族告誡他/她「到處羊梅一樣花」,親歷其境,你就會發現原來也不外如是。我也甚認同這一看法。
“To travel is to discover that everyone is disappointed with their countries.”
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