【多益高分達人】in、on、at、for 時間介係詞,你真的分得清楚嗎?

2022/05/09閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
In, on, at, for 這幾個常見的時間介係詞,看起來很簡單,卻又令很多人頭大,搞不清楚何時該用哪個啊!趕快來看看以下對話中的空格,到底該用哪個時間介係詞呢?
A: Excuse me, sir. I have to get to Terminal 3 as soon as possible. Can you tell me how to get there?
B: Don’t worry. Terminal 3 is not far away. Take the escalator down to the lobby, go out and turn left, and then keep walking ____ 10 minutes until you see another huge white building like this one.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) for


A: Excuse me, sir. I have to get to Terminal 3 as soon as possible.
Can you tell me how to get there?
B: Don’t worry. Terminal 3 is not far away.
Take the escalator down to the lobby, go out and turn left, and then keep walking for 10 minutes until you see another huge white building like this one.
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