Ways of seeing 重點John Berger

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編輯 白佳宜
Unit 1
Seeing comes before words.
We only see what we look at.p8
The art of the past is being mystified because a privileged minority is striving to invent a history which can retrospectively justify the role of the ruling classes,and such a justification can no longer make sense in modern terms.And so,inevitably,it mystifies.p11
Perspective makes the single eye the center of the visible world.p16
The camera—demonstrated that there was no center.p18
The meaning of the original work no longer lies in what it uniquely says but in what it uniquely is.p21
A film unfolds in time and a painting does not.p26
U2 圖示 沒有文字
A man’s presence is dependent upon the promise of power which he embodies.
The promised power—its object is always exterior to the man.p45
A woman’s presence expresses her own attitude to herself. A woman must continually watch herself.p46
If a woman throws a glass on the floor,there is an example of how she treats her own emotion of anger and so of how she would wish it to be treated by others.If a man does the same,his action is only read as an expression of his anger.
Only a man can make a good joke for its own sake.
Women watch themselves being looked at.
Thus she turns herself into an object—an object of vision : a sight.
This nakedness is not, an expression of her own feelings; it is a sign of her submission to the owner’s feelings or demands.p52
In other non-European traditions,the theme of work is sexual attraction, it is likely to show active sexual love as between two people.p53
U4圖示 沒有文字
The idealized appearances he found in the painting were an aid, a support, to his own view of himself.p101
If somebody demonstrates the extent of the property interest in a given cultural field, it is said to be a demonstration of his obsession.p108
圖示 沒有文字
In the cities in which we live, all of us see hundreds of publicity images every day of our lives.p129
The publicity image steals her love of herself as she is, and offers it back to her for the price of the product.p134
The oil painting consolidated his own sense of his own value.It enhanced his view of himself as he already was.
The purpose of publicity is to make the spectator marginally dissatisfied with his present way of life.p142
All publicity works upon anxiety. To get money is to overcome anxiety. Having nothing you will be nothing.
The existing social conditions make the individual feel powerless. He lives in the contradiction between what he is and what he would like to be. p148
Publicity turns consumption into a substitute for democracy. The choice of what one eats (or wears or drives) takes
the place of significant political choice.p149
All hopes are gathered together, made homogeneous, simplified in every purchase.p153
Capitalism survives by forcing the majority.
Today in the developed countries it is being achieved by imposing a false standard of what is and what is not desirable.p154
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    台灣日治時期(1895~1945),這短短的50年間培育出的優良台灣文學家,日文寫作已達巔峰。如呂赫瑞、龍瑛宗..... 這一代日文書寫者在二二八事件後,有人被迫害,有人從此不再參與任何台灣社會事務。日文世代的光芒也從此被掩沒。真的很可惜😣 編輯 白佳宜 《地に這うもの》 p4 p5 p6 p7
    台灣日治時期(1895~1945),這短短的50年間培育出的優良台灣文學家,日文寫作已達巔峰。如呂赫瑞、龍瑛宗..... 這一代日文書寫者在二二八事件後,有人被迫害,有人從此不再參與任何台灣社會事務。日文世代的光芒也從此被掩沒。真的很可惜😣 編輯 白佳宜 《地に這うもの》 p4 p5 p6 p7
    Google News 追蹤
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    Alec Benjamin在2024年5月10日發布12 Notes專輯中的Ways To Go 這首歌描述了在迷失與不確定中尋找自我和方向的旅程。他們感到孤獨和困惑,但仍保持著對未來的希望和堅持。整首歌充滿了對尋找意義和前進的渴望,以及對自我成長的追求。
    The sheet provides various ways to express opinions and to agree or disagree, as well as shows different ways to express cause and effect.
    Mastering ChatGPT : 101 Productive Ways to Boost Your Workplace Efficiency (BBM EDUCATION Book 20) Kindle Edition by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Ki
    這題算是路徑計數類的DP衍伸題(路徑數、方法數、組合數...等等這種枚舉類的題目,第一時間切入除了想到DFS+回溯法之外,也可以留意DP動態規劃解題的可能性) 題目會給我們一個指定長度為arrLen的陣列,起點從index=0開始出發,每次移動可以往左移一格,往右移一格,或是留在原地不
    什麼樣的形象最能代表眼中的妳? 1.三明治女孩:在現實與夢想中交戰,在老闆和同事間左右為難.被家庭跟工作包夾,在夾縫中求生存 2.戰鬥陀螺女神:每天忙得團團轉 3.便利貼女孩:平凡,樸素,容易滿足 4.仙人掌女人:身兼數職,情緒總在臨界點,渾身是刺 5.魚乾女:在外光鮮亮麗,在宅邋塌隨便 6.鏗鏘玫
    在2013年到2017年間,一帶一路下過於美好的中哈關係對於中國出生的哈薩克移民、甚至在哈薩克出生但因為通商和中國有密切來往的哈薩克公民,就像是一張精心設計的透明大網,Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights保守估計在哈薩克境內,至少有50萬個家庭受到2017年起大規模拘禁的影響。
    AY Office System is an Office Furniture Supplier Malaysia in which formed by a group of office furniture experts. Unlike those traditional shop, we a
    以Off Xinjiang 為名,我記錄了下那些閱讀哈薩克倖存者證詞裡最讓我印象深刻的人事和我自己的情緒變化。用書寫抵抗遺忘,是驅動我開始書寫和研究新疆人權危機(種族滅絕)、以及哈薩克人經驗最原始的動力。
    SEO優化操作經營會分成兩種,off page seo 跟  on page SEO , 那什麼是off page SEO ( 網站外部SEO呢? 今天就來分享如何操作 off page seo (網站外部SEO),幫助自媒體網站SEO優化經營 off page seo網站外部S
    這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
    美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
    Alec Benjamin在2024年5月10日發布12 Notes專輯中的Ways To Go 這首歌描述了在迷失與不確定中尋找自我和方向的旅程。他們感到孤獨和困惑,但仍保持著對未來的希望和堅持。整首歌充滿了對尋找意義和前進的渴望,以及對自我成長的追求。
    The sheet provides various ways to express opinions and to agree or disagree, as well as shows different ways to express cause and effect.
    Mastering ChatGPT : 101 Productive Ways to Boost Your Workplace Efficiency (BBM EDUCATION Book 20) Kindle Edition by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Ki
    這題算是路徑計數類的DP衍伸題(路徑數、方法數、組合數...等等這種枚舉類的題目,第一時間切入除了想到DFS+回溯法之外,也可以留意DP動態規劃解題的可能性) 題目會給我們一個指定長度為arrLen的陣列,起點從index=0開始出發,每次移動可以往左移一格,往右移一格,或是留在原地不
    什麼樣的形象最能代表眼中的妳? 1.三明治女孩:在現實與夢想中交戰,在老闆和同事間左右為難.被家庭跟工作包夾,在夾縫中求生存 2.戰鬥陀螺女神:每天忙得團團轉 3.便利貼女孩:平凡,樸素,容易滿足 4.仙人掌女人:身兼數職,情緒總在臨界點,渾身是刺 5.魚乾女:在外光鮮亮麗,在宅邋塌隨便 6.鏗鏘玫
    在2013年到2017年間,一帶一路下過於美好的中哈關係對於中國出生的哈薩克移民、甚至在哈薩克出生但因為通商和中國有密切來往的哈薩克公民,就像是一張精心設計的透明大網,Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights保守估計在哈薩克境內,至少有50萬個家庭受到2017年起大規模拘禁的影響。
    AY Office System is an Office Furniture Supplier Malaysia in which formed by a group of office furniture experts. Unlike those traditional shop, we a
    以Off Xinjiang 為名,我記錄了下那些閱讀哈薩克倖存者證詞裡最讓我印象深刻的人事和我自己的情緒變化。用書寫抵抗遺忘,是驅動我開始書寫和研究新疆人權危機(種族滅絕)、以及哈薩克人經驗最原始的動力。
    SEO優化操作經營會分成兩種,off page seo 跟  on page SEO , 那什麼是off page SEO ( 網站外部SEO呢? 今天就來分享如何操作 off page seo (網站外部SEO),幫助自媒體網站SEO優化經營 off page seo網站外部S