● Say Yes Dog - A Friend
Say Yes Dog 的成員分別來自德國與盧森堡,三人是在荷蘭求學時結識,後來決定共同組成這個 synthpop團。音樂動感之餘,還總帶有一點點幽默。
MV中飾演丟鞋阿伯的傢伙來頭不小,他是德國資深歌德搖滾樂團 "Mono Inc." 現任的主唱 Martin Engler。他與 Say Yes Dog的關係匪淺,出演了不只一隻MV。在另一首歌 "Lies" 飾演一個戴上耳機、沉浸在自己的世界裡忘情亂舞扭動身體的大叔。
不要看他在 "Lies" 裡有趣的形象,在原本的樂團中裝扮可是很凶狠的...。
在查 "A Friend" 歌詞的過程中,發現網路搜尋一直查到一堆錯誤又不完整的資料,只好怒在這裡重新放上正確的歌詞。
Where is the friend when I need them the most?
Climb to the top where I try to get close
Counting the seconds, then I look up to you
In both hands a drink while I wait for the queue
Who needs a girl if you're a boy on the run?
No person of interest, no belt without gun
Shaking the vest to the man in the box
You wanted to scare him, you should've turned the clocks
In your house
Nothing special
Nothing special
Nothing special
Nothing special
The stones are cold but the lighter keeps clicking
Socks have holes and a probable cause
A book with no cover, a run down the streets
One turn for the mad men
One turn for the mad men
Until I press pause