Bunun Language Vocabulary in Use - Aa - Az

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出處:巒群布農語簡易詞典 - 張玉發牧師 Vukusi Manias Istasiplal 著
Puaq はな 花

  • In Takbuanaz Bunun language, the pronounciation of letter "e" pronounces similarly to the international phonetic alphabet "aɪ", and the the letter "o" pronounces similarly to the international phonetic alphabet "aʊ".
  • The important point of pronouncing the Bunun language is that the stress is always on the penultimate vowel.
For expample:
  1. Bunun 布農族/布農語: the penultimate vowel is on "Bu", so the pronounciation of Bunun is "BU-nun".
  2. Tahai 男生名: the penultimate vowel is on "ha", so the pronounciation of Tahai is "ta-Ha-i".
  3. heza 有;存在: the penultimate vowel is on "he", so the procounciation of heza is "HE-za".

aali〔a-AL-i〕〈N〉dog louse / 狗蝨(紅色)
aaluan〔a-al-U-an〈N〉 lounge / 休息室
aam〈a-AM〉〈N〉 soup of porrige /稀飯湯
aangut〈a-An-ŋut〉〈V〉often in between (in the middle) / 常常在中間
apap 〈AP-ap〉 〈V〉 / swim / 游泳 synonym:sungqaqaul 〈sun-qa-QA-ul〉
aapap 〈a-AP-ap〉〈V-ing〉be swimming / 游泳
aapapan 〈a-ap-AP-an〉〈N〉swimming pool / 游泳池
aasling 〈a-AS-ling〉〈V〉to be the specialzed chores / 專門合音
aaszaq 〈a-As-zaq〉〈N〉metal rake / 鐵耙
aaza 〈a-A-za〉〈V〉be unrequitedly love / 暗戀;單戀
aazaz 〈a-AZ-az〉 〈V〉to idler / 遊手好閒
aemaan 〈a-e-MA-an〉 〈N〉total freight /總運費
aetazan 〈a-e-TA-zan〉 〈N〉(1)widows / 寡婦們 (2)widowers / 鰥夫們
ai! 〈A-i〉〈Ex.〉Alas! / 唉!
aiung 〈a-I-ung〉 〈N〉Police jenitor / 警察工友(外來語)
akadaan 〈a-ka-DA-an〉〈N〉(1)was passed / 被經過 (2)was turned / 被輪到
akahapavan 〈a-ka-ha-PA-van〉〈N〉flying over / 從上面飛過去
akakunbuan 〈a-ka-kun-BU-an〉〈N〉underpass / 地下道
akalehlean 〈a-ka-leh-LE-an〉〈N〉car lane 車道
akasangun 〈a-kas-AN-ŋun〉〈V〉something/s that people is expecting / 期待;期望
akasuqan 〈a-kas-U-qan〉〈N〉entrance / 入口
akatenan 〈a-ka-TEN-an〉〈N〉a place to make a detour / 繞道的地方
Akatpungan 〈a-kat-PUN-ŋan〉 〈V〉 / to go all over the country / 走遍全境
Aki〈A-ki〉〈N 〉/ father in law (groom side) / 公公
Akia 〈a-KI-a〉〈N〉 / idol / 偶像
Akitmamata-an 〈a-kit-ma-ma-TA-an〈V〉 / has been bullied/ targeted all the time / 一直被針對
Akitmata-un 〈a-kit-ma-TA-un〉 〈N〉 / destination/target / 目的,目標
Aklas 〈AK-las〉 〈V〉 / to scare away / 嚇飛;嚇跑
Aklasun 〈ak-LAS-un〉 〈V〉 / was scared away / 被嚇飛;被嚇跑
Aknu 〈AK-nu〉 〈V〉 / be able to lift / 提得動
Aktas 〈AK-tas〉 〈V〉 / to break / 撐斷
Aktasun 〈ak-TA-sun〉 〈V〉 / was broken / 被撐斷
Ala 〈A-la〉 〈N〉 / same name / 同名(This is a tradition in Bunun Tribe. The grandchildren are given the names of their grandparents. And these grandchildren are the ala of their grandparents. / 布農族的傳統命名方式:孫輩會以其祖輩的名字命名,例如:祖母的名字是Mea,孫女就會命名Mea。祖父的名字是Daqu,則孫子就會命名Daqu,孫子孫女就是祖父母的ala。)
Al-anakan 〈al-a-NA-kan〉 〈V〉 / to do something by ownself / 自有
Al-asa 〈al-A-sa〉〈V〉/ originally wanted to do / 原本是想要....
Alda-an 〈al-DA-an〈V〉 / be tired of eating / 吃膩
Aldidipa-an 〈al-di-di-PA-an〉〈V〉 / to mind something very much / 對....很在意
Aldidipa-un 〈al-di-di-PA-un〉 〈V〉 / something/someone that people care about / 在意
Aldikusan 〈al-di-KU-san〉 〈V〉 / be holding in hands / 手握著
Alhamu-an 〈al-ha-MU-an〉 〈V〉 / to be together / 同在
alim 〈AL-im〉 / the spleen 脾臟
alinada-an 〈a-li-na-DA-an〉 / the platform 站台;月台
alinada-av a〈-li-na-DA-av〉 〈Imperative〉 / let him lean there 讓他靠在那裡
alinadada-an 〈a-li-na-da-DA-an〉 / the command platform 司令台
alisihalan 〈a-li-si-HA-lan〉 / the playground 樂園
al-issia 〈al-IS-sia〉 / it should be someone… 這個應該是....
alkuku-aq 〈al-ku-KU-uq〉 / just fine 還好
allangat 〈al-LAN-ŋat〉 〈Conj〉 / in addition 而且
allusqutan 〈al-lus-QU-tan〉 / to hold something tightly 緊緊的抓著
allusqutav 〈al-lus-QU-tav〉 〈Imperative 〉 / please hold it tightly 要緊緊的抓著
alma-aq 〈al-MA-aq〉 〈Conj〉 / if this is…; in the case of …如果是....
almadia 〈al-MA-dia〉 / it should have many.. 應該有很多....
almaku-uq 〈al-ma-KU-uq〉 / it should be.. 應該怎麼....
almamata-an 〈al-ma-ma-TA-an〉 / has been concentrated 被專注....
almananu-an〈 al-ma-na-NU-an〉 / to be all the time 一直的
almananuav 〈al-ma-na-NU-av〉 imperative / please firmly 牢牢的
almapataz 〈al-ma-PA-taz〉 / may be to kill 可能是要殺
almaqtu 〈al-MAQ-tu〉 / it should be feasible 應該可以
almasihal 〈al-ma-SI-hal〉 / it should work in someone’s favour. 有利
almatinsuqis 〈al-ma-tin-SU-qis〉 / should be return 應該是回來
almopa-an 〈al-mo-PA-an〉 / still not letting go 仍不放手
almusqutan 〈al-mus-QU-tan〉 / was strangled 被掐著脖子
alnanepan 〈al-na-NE-pan〉 / to keep in mind 要記得
alnanepav 〈al-na-NE-pav〉 / please keep in mine 給他記得
alnanepun 〈al-na-NE-pun〉 / to be remembered 被記得
alnanu 〈al-NA-nu〉 / …long ago 早就....
alngangosan 〈al-ŋan-GO-san〉 / future; prospect 前途;未來
alngangosun 〈al-ŋan-GO-sun〉 / in front of people 在人的眼前
alni-I 〈al-Ni-I〉 / probable not 應該不是....
alnuqu-an 〈al-nu-QU-an〉 / seat 座位 /synonym同義詞: alunqu-an a-lun-QU-an
alpasdu-an 〈al-pas-Du-an〉 / to be targeted, to be confronted 被衝著;被針對;被迎一田市
alpinsihalun 〈al-pin-si-HA-lun〉 / has been treated early 早被醫治
alqansepav 〈al-qan-SE-pav〉 / please remember 要給它記住
alqansepun 〈al-qan-SE-pun〉 / to remember 被記住
alqepusan 〈al-qu-PU-san〉 / to be protected; to be watched 被保佑;被保護;被守護
alqumisan 〈al-qu-MI-san〉 / the earth, the world, a place to live 生存的地方,地上;世囜串
alsangan 〈al-SA-ŋan〉 / earlier 早就
alsasequtav 〈al-sa-se-QU-tav〉 / please stare at … 給它凝視
alsasu-un 〈al-sa-SU-un〉 / to… on the spot / 被當場


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Name of Boys in Bunun Tribe of Native Taiwanese
Girls' names in Bunun Tribe of Native Taiwanese
Name of Boys in Bunun Tribe of Native Taiwanese
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Embiyax su hug? (你好嗎?) 我是來自花蓮的太魯閣族,我是Putang Nuku。
今á日咱beh紹介ê語詞是tū水,頭起seng咱seng來紹介chit字tū。 Tū有that-tiâu--leh ê意思,像講「痰sàu bē--出-來,tū tī嚨喉,人to̍h去--ah。」Che to̍h是leh講,che痰害人bē喘氣soah失去性命。Koh親像「Hit日大水真恐怖,
Nauh,mā有人講ngauh。 Nauh,khêng-si̍t有kúi-lo̍h ê意思,咱sòa--落-來ē 1項1項á來解說。 1種是nga̍uh-nga̍uh唸,ka-tī唸,細聲á唸,m̄是beh講hō͘別人聽,有時á四pêng邊--a lóng無人mā leh唸,真單純to̍
Embiyax su hug? (你好嗎?) 我是來自花蓮的太魯閣族,我是Putang Nuku。
今á日咱beh紹介ê語詞是tū水,頭起seng咱seng來紹介chit字tū。 Tū有that-tiâu--leh ê意思,像講「痰sàu bē--出-來,tū tī嚨喉,人to̍h去--ah。」Che to̍h是leh講,che痰害人bē喘氣soah失去性命。Koh親像「Hit日大水真恐怖,
Nauh,mā有人講ngauh。 Nauh,khêng-si̍t有kúi-lo̍h ê意思,咱sòa--落-來ē 1項1項á來解說。 1種是nga̍uh-nga̍uh唸,ka-tī唸,細聲á唸,m̄是beh講hō͘別人聽,有時á四pêng邊--a lóng無人mā leh唸,真單純to̍