《VOA》Chinese Companies Compete with US Project

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Chinese companies are planning to build an undersea internet link to connect Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, Reuters news agency reports.
Technology experts consider the planned $500 million project China's attempt to compete with a similar effort led by American companies.
The Chinese project is known as EMA. It aims to create a huge network of high-speed internet cables on the ocean floor. Reuters reported that China's HMN Tech is to build the network and put down the cable. HMN Tech would receive financial assistance from the Chinese government for the project, the news agency said.
be known as + 人或物的稱號
Michael Jackson is known as the "King of Pop."
be known for + 人或物被熟知的原因
Steve Jobs is known for his innovation and leadership in the tech industry.
aim to
I aim to finish this project by the end of the week.
be to 用於表示計劃、安排或命令
1. 表示計畫或安排:The concert is to start at 7 pm.
2. 表示命令或義務:Students are to complete the homework assignment by tomorrow.
"be to" 的語態和時態要根據上下文和句子的需要而定。例如,當表示命令時,可以使用進行時態的 "am/are/is to" 或完成時態的 "have/has been to"。
而當表示計劃或安排時,通常使用一般現在時的 "is/are/am to"。同時,這個短語也常用於正式場合和書面語中。
Reuters reported that four people with direct knowledge of the plans confirmed the project. The individuals did not want to be named because they were not permitted to speak publicly about the plans.
China's three main telecommunications carriers will help map out the operation. It is expected to be one of the world's most modern and extensive undersea cable networks, the four individuals said. The proposed network would reportedly link Hong Kong to China's island province of Hainan. It would then continue to Singapore, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and France.
telecommunications carriers 電信營運商(商業和技術領域的專業術語,一般日常不太使用)
map out
1. 規劃、制定某個計劃或方案,需要考慮各種細節和因素。
We need to map out our strategy for the next quarter.
2. 描述或繪製,某個區域、場所或物體的地圖或圖表
The travel guidebook maps out the top tourist attractions in the city.

map out的語氣比較正式,通常用於商業、學術或技術領域,而在口語和非正式場合中可能不太常用。
Reuters said it contacted representatives from HMN Tech and the Chinese telecommunications companies. But none of them were willing to provide comments.
be willing to
She was willing to help me with my project.
In a statement to Reuters, China's foreign ministry said it "has always encouraged” Chinese companies“to carry out foreign investment and cooperation foreign investment and cooperation foreign investment and cooperation." The ministry did not provide any specific information about the reported Chinese-led project.
foreign ministry 國家的外交部門
carry out 執行、實施、開展
carry out a plan / order / project
Undersea cables carry more than 95 percent of all international internet traffic. Such projects usually involve cooperation between many technology and telecommunications companies. The companies share their resources to build large networks to transport data quickly around the world.
Such networks are considered important to supporting economic and military operations for the companies and governments involved.
operation 指一系列的活動、行動或任務,旨在實現特定的目標
military / business / rescue operation
The undersea cable project is the latest technology competition between the United States and China. Experts say the China-led project aims to directly compete with another undersea cable currently being built by American company SubCom. That project, called SeaMeWe-6, will also connect Singapore to France, through Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and several other countries.
Reuters reported that the SeaMeWe-6 project at first involved China's HMN Tech and the country's major telecommunications companies. But a successful U.S. government pressure campaign resulted in the contract being given to SubCom last year.
The campaign included the U.S. giving millions of dollars in training assistance to foreign telecommunications companies in exchange for choosing SubCom over HMN Tech, Reuters reported.
assistance 提供幫助或支持
The United Nations is providing assistance to the victims of the natural disaster.
in exchange for 作為交換;換取
The company offered her a higher salary in exchange for longer working hours.
The U.S. Commerce Department also put economic restrictions on HMN Tech in December 2021. The agency accused the company of seeking to secure American technology to help modernize China's People's Liberation Army. The restrictions made it impossible for owners of a Chinese-built cable network to sell internet connectivity to U.S. technology companies.
put restriction on 對...實施限制
The city put restrictions on smoking in public areas to protect people's health.
modernize (v.) 使現代化
The company is planning to modernize its production facilities with new equipment and automation technology.
China Telecom and China Mobile withdrew from the project after SubCom won the contract last year. Then the carriers, along with China Unicom, began planning the cable to be built by HMN Tech, the four individuals told Reuters. The three Chinese telecom companies are state-owned. The companies are expected to own more than half of the new network. They are also making deals with foreign partners, the news agency reported.
withdrew (v.) 表示某人或某個團體從某個計劃、協議或組織中退出或撤回。
He withdrew his application from the job after accepting a better offer from another company.
carriers (n.)可以表示各種運輸或運營公司,例如運輸公司、航空公司、快遞公司、電話公司等。
state-owned (adj.) 由國家所有或控制的公司或企業
make deal with 與某人或某個組織達成協議或交易
The company made a deal with a local supplier to purchase raw materials at a lower cost.
SubCom chose not to comment on the competing cable. The U.S. Department of Justice oversees an interagency group that protects U.S. telecommunication networks from spying and attacks. The department also had no comment when contacted by Reuters.
comment on 表示對某事物發表評論、意見或評價
The newspaper article comments on the recent changes in immigration policy.
Large undersea cable projects usually take at least three years to complete. The Chinese companies are hoping to complete contracts by the end of the year and have the EMA cable operational by the end of 2025, Reuters reported.
be hoping to
operational (adj.)
The new factory is now fully operational and is producing thousands of units per day.
Telecommunications experts said one of the most important parts of the project will be establishing a new high-speed connection between Hong Kong, China, and the rest of the world. The experts say the project will expand China's state-supported telecommunications carriers. They also say the network will provide protection in case they are banned from developing U.S.-backed cables in the future.
One telecom executive working on the deal told Reuters about the competing cables, “It's like each side is arming itself with bandwidth.”
arm itself with bandwith
是一個比喻性的表達方式,通常用來描述一個組織、國家或公司等在數字領域擴張和發展自身能力的努力。 bandwidth是指網絡傳輸數據的速率或網絡的頻寬大小。
The company is arming itself with bandwidth to support its expanding e-commerce business.
小珉讀書中 的其他內容
In this rollicking comedy set, he roasts society's obsession with billionaires -- and offers an alternative way to leave a legacy.
Finding Comfort Where You Are is about finding peace in your space.
What if you could transform your anxiety into something you can actually use during your work day?
In this rollicking comedy set, he roasts society's obsession with billionaires -- and offers an alternative way to leave a legacy.
Finding Comfort Where You Are is about finding peace in your space.
What if you could transform your anxiety into something you can actually use during your work day?
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哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
同時接手紐澳兩家公司,是源自於一個願景,那也是策略執行的起點。思考的基調是,藉由公司本身橫跨紐澳兩地的自有通路優勢,期望逐步壯大原有的核心生意,有朝一日擁有自己可控的產品範圍,自創品牌,然後走出大洋洲市場。 因此,按照策略的執行,我應該是在第二階段完成之後,在最短的時間內併入全新的產品項目,讓產品
( 已刊載於 2024-04-21 01:16 聯合報/民意論壇) 中國崛起,要實現「中華民族偉大復興」,與美國爭雄,是本世紀全球最重大的事件;準總統賴清德宣誓上任後要做的「國家重建、社會改造、洗滌每一個人的人心」,則是近日台灣重大事件。從對立事件發生機率的起伏消長,或可一窺未來歷史發展的可能方向。
隨著資訊的進步,網路似乎與每個人脫離不了關係,這次要分享的公司,在台灣不是每個人都知道,甚至在我用大數據搜索後,才知道它在歐洲還算小有名氣! 本次選擇的重點依舊是看著高營業利益率維持20%以上及ROE,往年配息率皆有6%以上! 進一步觀察,在歐洲主要的業
聽女CEO說她老公是馬來西亞的華人拿督,是搞這微企的始創人。開始還有兩個A的廣告公司,後來公關及廣告都移師大陸,轉型以半外判及自家的KOL 推銷自家設計以女性為主的性感內衣褲 飾物 情趣用品等等,經合作的物流中心發貨到東南亞及以國內為主的市場。生產線有泰國 越南和九加二的大灣區。 KOL每天的直播
1.中美貿易戰後嚴重影響網通產業鏈,台廠顯著受益,正文已將中國產能逐漸移出。 2.白牌商業模式興起,正文將轉型成直供模式,預計在 2024 佔比達 30% 以上。 3.已處份常熟廠,越南廠相對中國廠營業成本較低且效能為 2.5~3 倍。
哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
同時接手紐澳兩家公司,是源自於一個願景,那也是策略執行的起點。思考的基調是,藉由公司本身橫跨紐澳兩地的自有通路優勢,期望逐步壯大原有的核心生意,有朝一日擁有自己可控的產品範圍,自創品牌,然後走出大洋洲市場。 因此,按照策略的執行,我應該是在第二階段完成之後,在最短的時間內併入全新的產品項目,讓產品
( 已刊載於 2024-04-21 01:16 聯合報/民意論壇) 中國崛起,要實現「中華民族偉大復興」,與美國爭雄,是本世紀全球最重大的事件;準總統賴清德宣誓上任後要做的「國家重建、社會改造、洗滌每一個人的人心」,則是近日台灣重大事件。從對立事件發生機率的起伏消長,或可一窺未來歷史發展的可能方向。
隨著資訊的進步,網路似乎與每個人脫離不了關係,這次要分享的公司,在台灣不是每個人都知道,甚至在我用大數據搜索後,才知道它在歐洲還算小有名氣! 本次選擇的重點依舊是看著高營業利益率維持20%以上及ROE,往年配息率皆有6%以上! 進一步觀察,在歐洲主要的業
聽女CEO說她老公是馬來西亞的華人拿督,是搞這微企的始創人。開始還有兩個A的廣告公司,後來公關及廣告都移師大陸,轉型以半外判及自家的KOL 推銷自家設計以女性為主的性感內衣褲 飾物 情趣用品等等,經合作的物流中心發貨到東南亞及以國內為主的市場。生產線有泰國 越南和九加二的大灣區。 KOL每天的直播
1.中美貿易戰後嚴重影響網通產業鏈,台廠顯著受益,正文已將中國產能逐漸移出。 2.白牌商業模式興起,正文將轉型成直供模式,預計在 2024 佔比達 30% 以上。 3.已處份常熟廠,越南廠相對中國廠營業成本較低且效能為 2.5~3 倍。