
閱讀時間約 17 分鐘
Good Morning
Welcome to General Sun Li-Jen Residence. I’ll be your guide for this 30-minute tour.
First, let me give you some background information about this historical site.
When the Japanese ruled Taiwan, so many soldiers suffered from digestive problems. Some of them even needed to be sent back to Japan for curing. Sothe government indicated the Civil department to organize the Water Supply System as soon as possible. Here was the residence of the head of the Water Supply department. The building was built in 1907.
You might feel confused about the style of the architecture. This building is a fusion of Western and Japanese styles. The public area like offices and living rooms are Western style to show off their architectural techniques. As for private places like bedrooms or dining rooms, they still preferred the Japanese style.
General Sun moved into this residence around 1947. After 1956, the place renamed as The Army Officers Club. In 2004, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage enlisted this Century-old building as a historical architecture. Artgo Culture and Creative Co. started to manage this place in 2017 till now.
Living room
You are our honorable guests, so I'd like to show you the living room first.
General Sun used to entertain his quests and friends here. There are two black and white photos on the wall showing that he did live here for a period of time. The lady beside the General is his second wife. His first wife didn't come to Taiwan with him. The second wife was a good helper for his career and family.  As an old saying goes "There are three kinds of unfilial piety, no offspring is the greatest." So, the second wife got General's permission. She found a fair lady from housekeeping staff to be the third wife. The third wife had borne four kids.
Fireplace is common and essential in western style living room. It is the entrance that Santa comes over on Christmas Eve, right? But fireplace is used to heat the room. Winters in Taiwan are short and not very cold. Guess what? General had a creative usage about the fireplace. Do you know the answer? Sometimes General had meeting with military officers. Some confidential documents needed to be destroyed. All he needed to do was light a match and burned them. So, this is the "Ancient Paper shredder"
Personal Introduction
General Sun was born in 1900. He showed his high intelligence at a young age. He got the highest marks and was admitted to the Tsing Hun University. Then, he studied abroad in Purdue University. His major was Civil Engineering. At that time, only a few students can get scholarships of government sponsorship for overseas study. After graduating, he had chance to be an engineer. Seeing his country was in trouble, General Sun altered his career development. He applied for Virginia Military Institute and majored in Liberal Arts.
Look at this picture. He was tall and handsome. He was also good at all kinds of sports. He was team captain at basketball. His position was point guard who directs the team’s attacking play and controls the game tempo. No wonder he became a general in the near future.
He fought so many battles, and some almost took his life. Here, I’d like to highlight two of them. The first one is Yenangyaung Victory. He led a small force to fight against the numerous Japanese soldiers and won the battle. 7000s British soldiers, missionaries, and journalists were saved. He became well known and got a nickname “The tiger of jungle” or “Rommel of the orient”
Another key battle is Guningtou Victory. Although General Sun wasn’t fighting the battle in person, the troopers he trained were the main force. The victory lifted the army’s confidence and became the “turning point” of the whole situation. It stopped the Chinese Communists’ attempt and made Taiwan a safe island.
Because the residence has been through several renovations, the sunroom is the newest part designed with an eco-friendly concept. The roof with an electronic covering will keep it from sunlight when necessary. In addition, a water tank full of rainwater pumps up to the glass roof to cool down the heat in summer. You can enjoy your afternoon tea in this garden restaurant. The place can be a beautiful dining area, and it is also a unique wedding venue.
Artgo Study
This area used to be the research center of the Water Supply Department. People who worked here gathered books, maps, and reading material for setting up the waterway network. The place looks like the first library of the Japanese era.
If you are interested in the wall construction, I can show you some preserved objects in the corner. They are two common styles: Bamboo Plaiting Mudwall and Wood Mudwall.
Next, let's go outside to see the garden. The pond's shape looks like the Chinese Character "heart" So it is called heart-shaped pond, which is one of the traditional methods of Japanese gardens influenced by Zen. Do not use your eyes to see. Use your mind instead. Would you like to learn how to say that in Mandarin?
Beside the pond are some Alexander coconut trees. One tree is alone in the front, and the others form a group. The appearance looks as if General Sun were talking to his soldiers. General Sun planted the trees to memorize of the sacrificing soldiers. He is such a  great humanitarian !
According to his birthday on Dec 8th, 1900, General Sun was a Sagittarius. He had great ambition, and lots of brilliant ideas in his mind. One of his weaknesses was that he neglected some minor things, which was harmful for keeping his position. His honesty and frankness not only made him outstanding among his peer but also irritated a powerful man Chiang Kai Shake. At last, General Sun lost his title and freedom.
Next story was about a vivid dream. Mrs. Sun remembered having a dream several months before General Sun got set up for committing a crime. She said "A devastating earthquake occurred. Luckily, my husband was safe and sound. He hadn't got hurt; however, he came out from the resident without his military cap."  General did keep his life but lost his title at that time.
Look at this 3D photo. General Sun is at the left-hand side. My right-hand side is General McArthur. They were old friends. While they were communicating with each other in English. Right behind them stood President Chiang. He probably felt confused. Did they say something I should know? His expression was a little bit weird.
As I mentioned earlier, General Sun was famous around the world. A subordinate has great achievements which make his boss feel uneasy and nervous. The boss will tolerate this situation or do something to stop it. I once came here for lunch and heard the story by chance. I am deeply touched by General Sun’s patriotic sentiment. He deserved the highest position in history.
作者:范仲淹 原文: 碧雲天,黃葉地,秋色連波,波上寒煙翠。山映斜陽天接水, 芳草無情,更在斜陽外。 黯鄉魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好夢留人睡。明日樓高休獨倚, 酒入愁腸,作作相思淚。 試譯作品: Clouds float in the blue sky; yellow leaves cover the
作者:李之儀 原文: 我住長江頭,君住長江尾。日日思君不見君。共飲長江水。 此水幾時休,此恨何時已。只願君心似我心,定不負相思意。 我的試譯作品: I live at the start of the Yang Zi River, and you live at the end of the sam
作者:秦觀 原文: 春路雨添花,花動一山春色。 行到小溪深處,有黃鸝轉千百。 飛雲當面化龍蛇,夭矯轉空碧。 醉臥古藤陰下,了不知南北。 我的試譯內容如下: After spring showers, a pass grows flowers. Winds blow flowers, and flow
作者:秦觀 醉漾輕舟,信流引到花深處。 塵緣相誤,無計花間住。 煙水茫茫,千里斜陽暮。 山無數,亂紅如雨。不記來時路。 我的試譯作品 The little boat looks like drunk driving. It follows the water with trust, leading
He is a sagittarius accordaccording to his birthday Dec 18th 1900. He had great ambition in his heart, and lots of brillsnt ideas in his mind. one of
前陣子在臉書看到這篇有趣的文章,試著將它翻成中文,英文原文附在文章之後 一個父親經過兒子的房間時,看到房間竟然異於平常地乾淨,帎頭上還顯眼地直放著一個信封。 信封上寫著:「爸爸」帶著最糟的預感,男子用顫抖的雙手打開信封讀著信。 「親愛的父親大人,我是帶著極大的懺悔和悲傷寫這封信,我必須和我的女朋友私
作者:范仲淹 原文: 碧雲天,黃葉地,秋色連波,波上寒煙翠。山映斜陽天接水, 芳草無情,更在斜陽外。 黯鄉魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好夢留人睡。明日樓高休獨倚, 酒入愁腸,作作相思淚。 試譯作品: Clouds float in the blue sky; yellow leaves cover the
作者:李之儀 原文: 我住長江頭,君住長江尾。日日思君不見君。共飲長江水。 此水幾時休,此恨何時已。只願君心似我心,定不負相思意。 我的試譯作品: I live at the start of the Yang Zi River, and you live at the end of the sam
作者:秦觀 原文: 春路雨添花,花動一山春色。 行到小溪深處,有黃鸝轉千百。 飛雲當面化龍蛇,夭矯轉空碧。 醉臥古藤陰下,了不知南北。 我的試譯內容如下: After spring showers, a pass grows flowers. Winds blow flowers, and flow
作者:秦觀 醉漾輕舟,信流引到花深處。 塵緣相誤,無計花間住。 煙水茫茫,千里斜陽暮。 山無數,亂紅如雨。不記來時路。 我的試譯作品 The little boat looks like drunk driving. It follows the water with trust, leading
He is a sagittarius accordaccording to his birthday Dec 18th 1900. He had great ambition in his heart, and lots of brillsnt ideas in his mind. one of
前陣子在臉書看到這篇有趣的文章,試著將它翻成中文,英文原文附在文章之後 一個父親經過兒子的房間時,看到房間竟然異於平常地乾淨,帎頭上還顯眼地直放著一個信封。 信封上寫著:「爸爸」帶著最糟的預感,男子用顫抖的雙手打開信封讀著信。 「親愛的父親大人,我是帶著極大的懺悔和悲傷寫這封信,我必須和我的女朋友私
Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
孫淑媚的最新專輯《我要閃閃爍 我要當米蟲》橫跨30年音樂生涯的轉型之作,淑媚放飛自我,與獨立樂壇接軌。這是一張相當概念的專輯,短小精悍。文章介紹了專輯內的幾首歌曲,並闡述了每首歌曲的特色和深層意義。
文化底蘊著靈魂淬鍊的美麗 每一種民族都擁有自己的獨特文化,這些文化是民族的精神財富,是民族身份認同的重要組成部分。 每一種民族真正和期望看見的是其他民族和自己的文化傳統,相互學習其他文化的內容和智慧。身為中國人,如果孩子參加學校的文化活動,代表中國文化的元素,才是代表自己的亮點,
領導者的魅力,無法躲藏,像是強烈的發光體,即使在亮處,仍是閃光。 義勇忠誠 順勢隨緣是將軍的座右銘。 本來無反,何來平反之說? 不過是使真相大白而已。智慧與氣度,讓這座在南方的行館宅邸更顯高貴。
三個月前,一位老陳多年的客人老劉,急沖沖的來到工作室,請問老陳:"真的有需要作心臟相關的檢查,才能出國看望子媳孫嗎? ",主因其加國的子媳來電說:爸媽感恩節計畫來加國團圓,很棒棒+好期待;只是,為了預防可能兩老在冬天+異地,因為環境+身體可能的不良影響;因此希望老爸作心臟檢查;若結合科學脈診,掌握氣
再2個星期就是農曆七月了 這是一段真實顯靈連神明也感動的故事 好久沒有處理到客戶在現場眼淚潰堤的情況
​ 在中華民國近代史中抗日這一段歷史可說是一段可悲可泣歷史。孫立人將軍這個人隨著不同年紀人有不同反映,但是這位孫立人將軍可是一位鐵膽忠臣歷史人物。在台北城市發展的過程,是一場空間與人文的持續對話!百年來,將軍官邸佇立於台北城市城南區域一偶,靜默的領略四季的變化,優雅的期待旅人的相遇。 地址:
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
孫淑媚的最新專輯《我要閃閃爍 我要當米蟲》橫跨30年音樂生涯的轉型之作,淑媚放飛自我,與獨立樂壇接軌。這是一張相當概念的專輯,短小精悍。文章介紹了專輯內的幾首歌曲,並闡述了每首歌曲的特色和深層意義。
文化底蘊著靈魂淬鍊的美麗 每一種民族都擁有自己的獨特文化,這些文化是民族的精神財富,是民族身份認同的重要組成部分。 每一種民族真正和期望看見的是其他民族和自己的文化傳統,相互學習其他文化的內容和智慧。身為中國人,如果孩子參加學校的文化活動,代表中國文化的元素,才是代表自己的亮點,
領導者的魅力,無法躲藏,像是強烈的發光體,即使在亮處,仍是閃光。 義勇忠誠 順勢隨緣是將軍的座右銘。 本來無反,何來平反之說? 不過是使真相大白而已。智慧與氣度,讓這座在南方的行館宅邸更顯高貴。
三個月前,一位老陳多年的客人老劉,急沖沖的來到工作室,請問老陳:"真的有需要作心臟相關的檢查,才能出國看望子媳孫嗎? ",主因其加國的子媳來電說:爸媽感恩節計畫來加國團圓,很棒棒+好期待;只是,為了預防可能兩老在冬天+異地,因為環境+身體可能的不良影響;因此希望老爸作心臟檢查;若結合科學脈診,掌握氣
再2個星期就是農曆七月了 這是一段真實顯靈連神明也感動的故事 好久沒有處理到客戶在現場眼淚潰堤的情況
​ 在中華民國近代史中抗日這一段歷史可說是一段可悲可泣歷史。孫立人將軍這個人隨著不同年紀人有不同反映,但是這位孫立人將軍可是一位鐵膽忠臣歷史人物。在台北城市發展的過程,是一場空間與人文的持續對話!百年來,將軍官邸佇立於台北城市城南區域一偶,靜默的領略四季的變化,優雅的期待旅人的相遇。 地址: