日本可能發現新元素 No.113

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【Comment】居然還在觀察會不會變成其他元素?關鍵的衰變 anchor decay。但在科學的極致地步,也有人的認定困擾。Science 報導了其間人的因素:"In the end it boils down to which [type of evidence] does IUPAC like best?"


新元素113番、日本の発見確実に 合成に3回成功◎日經(2012.09.27)理研、命名権獲得へ前進http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASDG2604F_W2A920C1CR8000/







 これまで周期表に載っている元素はすべて欧米の研究機関が発見、命名している。国や研究者にちなんだ名がつけられている例が多い。森田准主任研究員は「ジャポニウムや日本を代表する物理学者の仁科芳雄[1] 博士にちなんだニシナニウムなどを検討している」と話した。


新元素 日本、初めて発見か 認定ならジャポニウム◎朝日(2012.09.27)http://digital.asahi.com/articles/TKY201209260710.html?ref=comkiji_txt_end_kjid_TKY201209260710









Japanese Physicists Claim Clinching Observation of New Superheavy Element◎Science(2012.09.26)http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2012/09/japanese-physicists-claim-clinch.html

The claim sounds simple enough: Physicists in Japan say they have made a new superheavy atom, element 113, which lies at the border of the periodic table.  However, the backstory is far more complicated.  And it illustrates just how arcane the business of spotting new superheavy elements can be.

It's not the first time physicists have claimed the discovery of element 113.  A collaboration of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, reported production of the element in 2003.  The Japanese team, which is based at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science in Wako, made a similar claim in 2004.  But neither of those results was conclusive, researchers say.  The RIKEN team now makes a "very strong case," says Christoph Düllmann, a nuclear chemist at the GSI nuclear research lab in Darmstadt, Germany.  "We clearly have to congratulate them. This has taken years and years of work."  Others say they are reserving judgment on who should get the credit for the discovery.

An element's chemical identity is set by the number of protons in its nucleus—its atomic number.  All elements with an atomic number greater than uranium's 92 don't exist naturally on Earth and must be produced in nuclear reactors, nuclear explosions, or by using particle accelerators.  The tradition is that whichever lab makes a new element gets to suggest its name and hence we already have dubnium (element 105), darmstadtium (element 110), and berkelium (element 97) after the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the third lab that has dominated the field of superheavy elements.  RIKEN researchers are the new guys on the block and element 113, if confirmed, would be their first official discovery.

Physicists make superheavy elements by taking a target film of a heavy metal and bombarding it with a beam of lighter nuclei.  Very rarely, one of the projectiles hits a nucleus head-on and forms a compound nucleus which flies out of the foil from the force of the collision.  The nucleus will spit out a few neutrons to shed excess energy before arriving at the detector, a heavily instrumented block of silicon.  Once it is there, researchers can detect the timing of any decays and the energy of the decay products.

If the nucleus just splits apart, or "fissions," it tells researchers little.  They learn more if instead it emits an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) to produce a "daughter nucleus" and then that emits another alpha and so on.  The timing and energies of the alpha decays reveals the identities of all the members of the chain back to the original nucleus.  And if one member of the chain is a nucleus that has been previously studied, then its decay properties anchor the whole sequence in reality.

That anchor decay has been missing in the search for element 113.  In 2003, the Dubna team claimed to have made one atom of it by bombarding americium with calcium to produce an atom of element 115, which then quickly decayed to 113 and then lighter elements.  The team later found three more similar chains.  RIKEN researchers use a slightly different technique in which they slam zinc into bismuth, detecting one atom of element 113 in 2004 and another in 2005. But none of the decay chains detected included an anchor decay.  So last year, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the keepers of the periodic table, decided that neither team could claim discovery.

Kosuke Morita, leader of the RIKEN team, says that his team's new result—a single decay—overcomes these shortcomings.  The team's first two decays emitted alphas four times to produce a nucleus of dubnium with an atomic weight of 262 which then split apart by fission.  But dubnium-262 is known to have an alternative decay path involving more alpha decays.  And Morita's team's third atom took that path, decaying to previously-studied lawrencium-258 followed by mendelevium-254 and then fissioning, as the researchers report this week in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.  "Morita and team have a very good claim.  It's a very good landing point in known isotopes," says Heino Nitsche of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California.

Game, set, and match?  Not quite.  The Dubna researchers have also accumulated additional evidence to support their claim, which they submitted to IUPAC and IUPAP earlier this year.  Dubna researchers have now made a total of 56 atoms of element 113 with five different masses, says team leader Yuri Oganessian.  Because the Dubna team used a different target and projectile than the Japanese, all of their decay chains end in the fission of dubnium.  However, the chemistry of dubnium had been studied previously, so the team was able to identify that final single atom in the decay chain by chemical means before it fell apart.  "You have to commend them," Nitsche says.  "But the results are not unambiguous. There are a few experts who are not completely convinced."

Oganessian declines to say who he thinks IUPAC and IUPAP should credit with the discovery.  "It would be unethical and incorrect to discuss the issues that are directly connected with the work of experts before they make their decision," he says.  He does note, however, that elements 114 and 116 have been credited without the demonstration of an anchor decay.  Ultimately, the decision may be a matter of scientific taste, says GSI's Düllmann: "In the end it boils down to which [type of evidence] does IUPAC like best?"



[1]  http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=1741   http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=7275    accessed on 20120927

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感覺大部分的商業文章在介紹品牌的進入市場策略時,大部分都是著重在「行銷」。但其實真正執行起來時,東西可能還沒開始賣,在「物流」要怎麼處理就卡關了。尤其是到日本(國外)市場,因為資訊太少,光自己摸索就要摸半天(如果有辦法自己摸索的話),或者是採用土法鍊鋼的方式一單一單送,但很沒有效率 (很累)。
今天16日早上5點45分左右,日本長野縣白馬村北城別墅區居民向119通報路上水流滾滾。 警方等單位調查後發現是附近山崩導致別墅區旁的水路大水漫出。
不知道從甚麼時候開始,我忘記了一開始的熱情,眼前的牆越來越高,內心也依然充斥著恐懼,回頭一看卻發現,身後有一群戰友,他們都是最堅強的後盾,我並不是一個人單打獨鬥。站在場上的每個人都必須保持信念:「只要球還沒落地,就千萬別放棄!」 人生大概也是一樣,只要腦袋還存在一絲意志,都有機會逆轉局勢。 我想
日本電影《怪物》由是枝裕和執導、坂元裕二編劇、坂本龍一配樂、日本知名演員:安藤櫻、永山瑛太、中村獅童、田中裕子演出。從電影預告、電影前20幾分鐘,會讓人去猜測促成這場校園暴力的「怪物」是誰, 隨著層層剝開真相,卻讓我們看到,原來我們都活在一個就算只是好端端的生活,也可能被任何人當成怪物的世界。
大家好,我是日商台灣微告的艾比。「你是什麼血型?」在台灣一般被問血型,大家都會認為是私人問題或想到醫療用途,但在日本卻是跟「你吃飯了沒?」差不多類型的日常問題,日本幾乎是全民血型論,尤其求職,履歷表上有一欄會是「血型欄」,都還沒開始開口自介,求職者的血型先被分析。 以血型概括定論是否有點不公?如今在
這篇報導採訪了本身罹患第一型糖尿病30年的內科醫師糖尿病專門醫師的市原由美江。 醫師說最會升高血糖值的就是糖質,還有脂質也會,正確來說脂質是保持血糖值高檔。
今天邀請到粉絲數超過 9 萬的「小水獺學日文」創作者 Hiroshi,分享他從選系、到日本橫濱交換、經營社群到進入日本品牌行銷的完整經歷! 大家過往認為就讀日文系有哪些發展機會 & 職涯規劃?
去日本燒肉店的9個可能問題 每次到日本我到日本除了不能錯過的美景之外,當然是沿路吃不停的美食 這邊是我自己在燒肉店的 1. CP值跟用餐時間 2. 燒肉是一個跟時間競賽的經典美食 3. 如果可以燒肉肉類安排順位 4. 沾醬是輔助也是提味或是蓋味的好輔具 5. 國產牛還是和牛 6. 燒肉該配什麼酒
感覺大部分的商業文章在介紹品牌的進入市場策略時,大部分都是著重在「行銷」。但其實真正執行起來時,東西可能還沒開始賣,在「物流」要怎麼處理就卡關了。尤其是到日本(國外)市場,因為資訊太少,光自己摸索就要摸半天(如果有辦法自己摸索的話),或者是採用土法鍊鋼的方式一單一單送,但很沒有效率 (很累)。
今天16日早上5點45分左右,日本長野縣白馬村北城別墅區居民向119通報路上水流滾滾。 警方等單位調查後發現是附近山崩導致別墅區旁的水路大水漫出。
不知道從甚麼時候開始,我忘記了一開始的熱情,眼前的牆越來越高,內心也依然充斥著恐懼,回頭一看卻發現,身後有一群戰友,他們都是最堅強的後盾,我並不是一個人單打獨鬥。站在場上的每個人都必須保持信念:「只要球還沒落地,就千萬別放棄!」 人生大概也是一樣,只要腦袋還存在一絲意志,都有機會逆轉局勢。 我想
日本電影《怪物》由是枝裕和執導、坂元裕二編劇、坂本龍一配樂、日本知名演員:安藤櫻、永山瑛太、中村獅童、田中裕子演出。從電影預告、電影前20幾分鐘,會讓人去猜測促成這場校園暴力的「怪物」是誰, 隨著層層剝開真相,卻讓我們看到,原來我們都活在一個就算只是好端端的生活,也可能被任何人當成怪物的世界。
大家好,我是日商台灣微告的艾比。「你是什麼血型?」在台灣一般被問血型,大家都會認為是私人問題或想到醫療用途,但在日本卻是跟「你吃飯了沒?」差不多類型的日常問題,日本幾乎是全民血型論,尤其求職,履歷表上有一欄會是「血型欄」,都還沒開始開口自介,求職者的血型先被分析。 以血型概括定論是否有點不公?如今在
這篇報導採訪了本身罹患第一型糖尿病30年的內科醫師糖尿病專門醫師的市原由美江。 醫師說最會升高血糖值的就是糖質,還有脂質也會,正確來說脂質是保持血糖值高檔。
今天邀請到粉絲數超過 9 萬的「小水獺學日文」創作者 Hiroshi,分享他從選系、到日本橫濱交換、經營社群到進入日本品牌行銷的完整經歷! 大家過往認為就讀日文系有哪些發展機會 & 職涯規劃?
去日本燒肉店的9個可能問題 每次到日本我到日本除了不能錯過的美景之外,當然是沿路吃不停的美食 這邊是我自己在燒肉店的 1. CP值跟用餐時間 2. 燒肉是一個跟時間競賽的經典美食 3. 如果可以燒肉肉類安排順位 4. 沾醬是輔助也是提味或是蓋味的好輔具 5. 國產牛還是和牛 6. 燒肉該配什麼酒