迷失的聯繫:改善兩岸關係顯然已犧牲台灣的公民自由 ■孔傑榮投書(雲程譯)

更新於 2023/05/15閱讀時間約 19 分鐘


It is beyond my understanding why Professor Cohen write to the editor of South China Morning Post instead of having a phone call to his student Ma now the President of ROC?
What Ma’s doings recently may have concequences internationally as belows,
1. What will happen if the pro-US Taiwanese lost their human rights and democracy and feel betrayed, again? Do Taiwanese become anti-US as Chinese are now?
2. What is an anti-US Taiwan in the West Pacific rim means to the US?
3. Can the US encourage Beijing to walk straight forwad in the path of democracy if democratic Taiwan no longer exist?
4. Will China have more reasons to control her people then ever and threaten its neighboring countries?
5. Can the US ever say that the democracy is a superior system?



迷失的聯繫:改善兩岸關係顯然已犧牲台灣的公民自由 ■孔傑榮投書(雲程譯)

















“Ties that Blind: Improved cross-strait relations appear to have come at a cost to some civil liberties in Taiwan” by Jerome A. Cohen, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia Studies

November 13, 2008 South China Morning Post

Last week's historic visit to Taiwan by Beijing's cross-strait chief, Chen Yunlin , which culminated in four useful agreements, focused attention on issues of human rights as well as politics. Some issues concerned the proper government response to public protests in a free society. Others involved fair investigation of former and present government leaders suspected of corruption.
Chinese have recognised the importance of protecting foreign envoys for almost 3,000 years. The feudal states that contended for power before establishment of the Qin dynasty reciprocally assured the personal safety of their emissaries. Such protection has continued to be indispensable to inter-state co-operation.
After police in Tainan failed to prevent an assault on Mr Chen's deputy, president Ma Ying-jeou's government was obligated to do better during Mr Chen's visit. Although police could not prevent Mr Chen from being trapped in a hotel for eight hours by a huge mob of protesters, they did defend him against bodily harm throughout a stressful week.
In doing so, they went beyond the limits of a free society, forbidding peaceful protesters from displaying Taiwanese and Tibetan flags, confiscating flags from demonstrators, closing a store that played Taiwanese songs and seeking to minimise the visitors' awareness of the protests. There were also incidents of police brutality, albeit sometimes in response to violent provocations by demonstrators.
The police misconduct even outraged many local supporters of Mr Chen's visit. Mr Ma, in addition to implementing his campaign pledge to sponsor revision of the Assembly and Parade Law to eliminate protesters' need for advance official permission, should recommend amendments prohibiting the kind of undemocratic police practices that recently occurred and order training designed to enhance police compliance with the law. It is encouraging to note that Democratic Progressive Party chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, who led the massive opposition demonstration, has subsequently called not only for a government review of police misconduct but also for a re-examination by her own party of its failures to maintain order among its demonstrators. The DPP, if it is to fulfil its essential role as democratic opposition, must not degenerate into an army of street fighters.
Some Taiwanese and foreign critics took the occasion of Mr Chen's visit to call attention to another crucial feature of democratic government - the fair prosecution of current and former officials suspected of corruption. The critics voiced three serious complaints about recent arrests and incommunicado detentions of prominent DPP figures who have served as government officials. They imply that the DPP is being singled out for prosecutions while corruption among Kuomintang leaders is being ignored. They also claim that: most DPP suspects have been held incommunicado without a court examination of the justification for their detentions; and that prosecutors' offices have been leaking detrimental information about the suspects to the media while denying them knowledge of the leaks and a chance to refute the "trial by press".
These practices, it is said, bring into question the political neutrality of the judiciary, and the presumption of innocence and other elements of due process required for the fair and open trials essential to democracy, raising the specter of the unjust procedures of "the dark days of martial law" (1947-1987). It is not clear whether critics' claims of "selective prosecution" are well founded. Recent arrests may simply reflect massive corruption by the DPP, which dominated executive government for the past eight years - corruption that allegedly reached as high as former president Chen Shui-bian and his family.
Oddly, although during the Chen administration some prosecutions were brought against both DPP and KMT figures, some obvious KMT targets were overlooked despite reportedly thick dossiers compiled by Control Yuan investigators. Mr Ma should appoint a commission of impartial experts to review such prosecutions.
It does not appear that any of the recently detained DPP figures were denied a court hearing or their right to counsel. Moreover, there is a legislative basis for the courts' decisions to detain them incommunicado for up to four months of investigation if there is a reasonable basis for believing that the suspects might otherwise falsify evidence. Yet, in view of the harshness of this pre-indictment sanction and the obstacles it creates to mounting an adequate defence, it ought to be invoked rarely.
Certainly, the Legislative Yuan, or the commission suggested here, should re-examine legislation to strike a new balance between the threat of corruption to a democratic government and the threat of incommunicado detention to civil liberty.
The charge of biased prosecution leaks to the press seems to be the most straightforward of the critics' complaints. Such leaks, which occur in many countries, do appear to have taken place and cannot be allowed in a democratic system.
Jerome A. Cohen is co-director of NYU's US-Asia Law Institute and adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations



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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    「誇大不實的醫療迷思」 作者是美國的一位醫生,從專業角度切入幾個重要的醫療保健相關議題,像是吃維生素有沒有用?是不是真的要每天8杯水?如何均衡飲食? 「思考不過是一場即興演出」獻給每一位想太多的你和你跟你。
    在診間常被問到「醫師,我有買實支實付,手術應該都會給付吧!?」 老實說,我的答案都是「我不知道! 」 其實我以前跟很多人一樣,以為保單上只要有「實支實付」這四個字, 就是我看病花多少錢,保險公司就會給多少錢,但其實.....不是!!! 「實支實付」的保單百百種,很多都有加上附加條款,可能每年繳
    近年來市場上出現的許多與身心靈相關的課程和療癒方法,反映了現代社會對心靈安定的需求以及年輕人的困境與現況。 心態和修煉固然重要,但如果一個課程只強調這些方面,並不傳授任何技巧或系統性的知識,那麼這樣的課程是否值得投入時間和金錢,是否能夠實現學習者的期望回報,則成為一個大大的問號。
    在小鎮上,有一座荒廢已久的房子,人們傳說這裡曾經住著一對母子。母親是一位年輕而美麗的女子,但性格孤僻、陰鬱,經常不顧兒子的安危,沉迷於自己的世界裡。因此,這位母親被視為是一個怪異而可怕的人物,常常被人們所嚇唬。 然而,更令人驚訝的是,母親的兒子突然在一天晚上消失了,沒有人知道他去了哪裡,也沒有人見
    花開的日子 沉重的悲傷 風起的時刻 微醺的徬徨
    以下為一位有緣人分享 我的婚姻與家庭在世人看來,曾經很幸福美滿:夫妻都是公務員,孩子乖巧懂事又會讀書。但世事無常,在丈夫功成名就之時生起二心,變相轉移所有的財產之後自行離家,孩子因此抑鬱厭學,一時之間,我真的不知道該何去何從? 婚姻: 工作: 生活: (分享完畢) 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 南無阿彌陀佛
    今次只聚焦於構成當今日本流行文化的核心部分之一的「ACG文化」當中的「動畫」-「A」(Animations)、「漫畫」- 「C」(Comics)、「電子遊戲」,亦稱「電玩」-「G」(Games)三者其中之二的「動畫」、「漫畫」,二者簡稱「動漫」。 首先,動漫是藝術。那麼,什麼是藝術?
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    「誇大不實的醫療迷思」 作者是美國的一位醫生,從專業角度切入幾個重要的醫療保健相關議題,像是吃維生素有沒有用?是不是真的要每天8杯水?如何均衡飲食? 「思考不過是一場即興演出」獻給每一位想太多的你和你跟你。
    在診間常被問到「醫師,我有買實支實付,手術應該都會給付吧!?」 老實說,我的答案都是「我不知道! 」 其實我以前跟很多人一樣,以為保單上只要有「實支實付」這四個字, 就是我看病花多少錢,保險公司就會給多少錢,但其實.....不是!!! 「實支實付」的保單百百種,很多都有加上附加條款,可能每年繳
    近年來市場上出現的許多與身心靈相關的課程和療癒方法,反映了現代社會對心靈安定的需求以及年輕人的困境與現況。 心態和修煉固然重要,但如果一個課程只強調這些方面,並不傳授任何技巧或系統性的知識,那麼這樣的課程是否值得投入時間和金錢,是否能夠實現學習者的期望回報,則成為一個大大的問號。
    在小鎮上,有一座荒廢已久的房子,人們傳說這裡曾經住著一對母子。母親是一位年輕而美麗的女子,但性格孤僻、陰鬱,經常不顧兒子的安危,沉迷於自己的世界裡。因此,這位母親被視為是一個怪異而可怕的人物,常常被人們所嚇唬。 然而,更令人驚訝的是,母親的兒子突然在一天晚上消失了,沒有人知道他去了哪裡,也沒有人見
    花開的日子 沉重的悲傷 風起的時刻 微醺的徬徨
    以下為一位有緣人分享 我的婚姻與家庭在世人看來,曾經很幸福美滿:夫妻都是公務員,孩子乖巧懂事又會讀書。但世事無常,在丈夫功成名就之時生起二心,變相轉移所有的財產之後自行離家,孩子因此抑鬱厭學,一時之間,我真的不知道該何去何從? 婚姻: 工作: 生活: (分享完畢) 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 南無阿彌陀佛
    今次只聚焦於構成當今日本流行文化的核心部分之一的「ACG文化」當中的「動畫」-「A」(Animations)、「漫畫」- 「C」(Comics)、「電子遊戲」,亦稱「電玩」-「G」(Games)三者其中之二的「動畫」、「漫畫」,二者簡稱「動漫」。 首先,動漫是藝術。那麼,什麼是藝術?