About Choosing Street Food(下)

更新於 2024/11/25閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

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【Further Discussion 延伸討論】

  1. (it's a long story.)

I'm not sure if I have had food poisoning, but I remember when I was a child, I participated in a traditional wedding party, in Taiwan, we called that "Bando("辦桌"的台語)" aka “Roadside banquet”.

Because I really like to eat fish, I ate a lot of a kind of fish at the party, I don't know what is the fish's name, only remember the fish meat very soft and no fish bone. I only could see the fish's body was chopped piece by piece on the dish, no fish head, no fish tail. That's what a great thing for a child that I didn't need to pick the fishbone, and no annoying fish head! So I ate a piece and a piece of fish's body, and no doubt.

After the party, I went home, and I started to have the runs(diarrhea), but I didn't have normal shit, I got a... oil shit!! Oh my god, I thought I would die, and die with unknown reason! Then I started to cry alone. I didn't want to leave my mom, my dad, my brother, and all of my family.

Then, my brother told me he had the same situation. What? And a few minutes later, I heard our neighbor told to my parent they had the same situation, too. "Oh, I'm not alone!" I thought at that time.

And I heard my neighbor told to my mom: "What a black-hearted chef! Give us the garbage fish! make me have an oil shit all day!"

Oh, I knew we would die for what reason!

Finally, my mom told us we won't die, but maybe have oil shit for several days. And the fish came from a ditch, not a sewer lid but a farm ditch. The fish is illegal to sell at fish markets but cheap, and it tastes like cod, so many dishonest vendors sell that and lie to customers it is cod.

Because I didn't go to see a doctor and got well a few days later, I think maybe it is not part of food poisoning.

Wow, a little long story, and it's the end.



Of course need to think about Tainan, there are many street foods, like beef soup, and tofu pudding in 安平,

especially 國華 street cross 正興 street, a lot of traditional foods and new foods are gathered there.

Like milkfish congee, rice noodles with squid, shrimp rice, and chicken house(炸雞洋行).

As long as you want to have a dessert, there are 蜷尾家 ice cream, 莉莉fruit ice, and many hipster coffee stores. Welcome to Tainan~


Ok, like we mentioned in question 2, I would recommend foreigners try some foods like beef noodles, beef soup, milkfish congee, shrimp rice, and bubble tea.

There are many tea shops in Taiwan, not only bubbles, you can change to taro balls, coconut jelly, coffee jelly, and pudding instead.

It's even possible to adjust the sugar and ice in your tea.

So, welcome to Taiwan~~


There are not many foreign restaurants where I live. If must to say, I think the Vietnam and Thailand restaurants are more in there.

Recently, my ex-colleague recommended a restaurant to me, the restaurant named "好泰麵", according to the name, we can know that is a Thailand restaurant.

The food is clean and fresh, which is not common in kind of these restaurants.

Especially the Pork Rice(打拋豬?), it is really delicious if you have the chance, must try it.


I don't cook in Taichung, because I'm not used to the kitchen here.

But when I was living in Tainan, I loved to cook Japanese hamburgers, different from American hamburgers, A Japanese hamburger is thicker and more juicy than American's.

I can mix some tofu in the hamburger, the tofu can decrease the hamburger's calories, and I can put it in a bento box, then take it to my office as a lunch.

And I can make a lot of raw hamburgers and put them in the freezer(冰箱), when I want to eat them, I can cook them immediately.

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
這是一篇嘗試以英文回答文章中的問題討論及延伸討論,是在忙碌生活中有時間就做的練習。 1. I think that is a good idea. For the fans, McKellen playing the role is a good choice to continue
這一路來我相信,宇宙安排給我知曉的訊息,都是當下需要的,縱使網路上資訊充斥,依然習慣照自己的閱讀直覺運作。 並且或許,關於他的資訊也是,讓我看到時都是種測驗,能最快反映出自身當下狀況。
是的。我想創造更多的可能性。 起初,網民推薦我開一個部落格,因此方格子就此誕生。成立至今大約也才2個月多,但很高興這麼多人喜歡我的作品。所以為了大家,我決定開直播,好讓更多更多人知道Foryourstory。 「看」故事和「聽」故事是截然不同的體驗,讀法、語氣、聲音都會影響說出去的故事,但看故事
I'm trying to answer the questions from this article
這個世界,最公平的是太陽,二十四小時從不間斷,明亮溫暖,陽光普照 這句意義深遠的台詞,來自第56屆金馬獎最佳劇情長片《陽光普照》,該片上映後好評不斷,除了劇情打動人心外,片中演員的表現更賺人熱淚,其中飾演「阿和」的巫建和,也因自然且深刻的演技入圍金馬獎最佳男主角,但你知道嗎?他曾經是位運動員,專長
台灣新生代演員曹佑寧近年作品不斷,人氣也持續攀升,有趣的是,他的粉絲族群分布廣泛,從體育迷到影劇粉都有一票死忠支持者,闖蕩演藝圈至今成績亮眼的他,其實球員生涯的國手經歷同樣輝煌。 曹佑寧高中就讀棒球名校平鎮高中,當時就被評為是跑打守三拍子好手,也曾代表中華隊參加世界青棒賽;大學時,曹佑寧進入輔大棒球
台灣演藝圈近年竄出不少演技、顏值皆突出的新生代演員,其中出演多部賣座影集的温貞菱更是其中翹楚,許多人不知道,其實温貞菱以往曾練過田徑,雖後未鑽研體育,但曾是運動選手的身分,讓她的心智更堅毅,也因此在才能演藝圈秉持初衷、堅持所夢。 温貞菱國小時期曾是學校田徑隊的選手,身體協調性及體力都極為出色,即使後
哈囉各位好,我是Teidi。 今天我要公開我的一切!包含我的體重。 我很好懂的!喜歡的東西就這幾樣而已,簡單隨意。你呢?
婚禮紀錄 by 自然捲攝影工作室, 攝影師 Tako 造型 by 糖糖整體造型新娘秘書, 造型師 糖糖 這是一篇關於我自已的婚禮回顧分享文…真的有點久,時間倒轉回到2013年夏天,跟交往了N年的隊友終於決定攜手走入禮堂,一起共組屬於二個人的小家庭。 婚禮的籌備過程其實不算長,大約半年的時間,而我
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
這是一篇嘗試以英文回答文章中的問題討論及延伸討論,是在忙碌生活中有時間就做的練習。 1. I think that is a good idea. For the fans, McKellen playing the role is a good choice to continue
這一路來我相信,宇宙安排給我知曉的訊息,都是當下需要的,縱使網路上資訊充斥,依然習慣照自己的閱讀直覺運作。 並且或許,關於他的資訊也是,讓我看到時都是種測驗,能最快反映出自身當下狀況。
是的。我想創造更多的可能性。 起初,網民推薦我開一個部落格,因此方格子就此誕生。成立至今大約也才2個月多,但很高興這麼多人喜歡我的作品。所以為了大家,我決定開直播,好讓更多更多人知道Foryourstory。 「看」故事和「聽」故事是截然不同的體驗,讀法、語氣、聲音都會影響說出去的故事,但看故事
I'm trying to answer the questions from this article
這個世界,最公平的是太陽,二十四小時從不間斷,明亮溫暖,陽光普照 這句意義深遠的台詞,來自第56屆金馬獎最佳劇情長片《陽光普照》,該片上映後好評不斷,除了劇情打動人心外,片中演員的表現更賺人熱淚,其中飾演「阿和」的巫建和,也因自然且深刻的演技入圍金馬獎最佳男主角,但你知道嗎?他曾經是位運動員,專長
台灣新生代演員曹佑寧近年作品不斷,人氣也持續攀升,有趣的是,他的粉絲族群分布廣泛,從體育迷到影劇粉都有一票死忠支持者,闖蕩演藝圈至今成績亮眼的他,其實球員生涯的國手經歷同樣輝煌。 曹佑寧高中就讀棒球名校平鎮高中,當時就被評為是跑打守三拍子好手,也曾代表中華隊參加世界青棒賽;大學時,曹佑寧進入輔大棒球
台灣演藝圈近年竄出不少演技、顏值皆突出的新生代演員,其中出演多部賣座影集的温貞菱更是其中翹楚,許多人不知道,其實温貞菱以往曾練過田徑,雖後未鑽研體育,但曾是運動選手的身分,讓她的心智更堅毅,也因此在才能演藝圈秉持初衷、堅持所夢。 温貞菱國小時期曾是學校田徑隊的選手,身體協調性及體力都極為出色,即使後
哈囉各位好,我是Teidi。 今天我要公開我的一切!包含我的體重。 我很好懂的!喜歡的東西就這幾樣而已,簡單隨意。你呢?
婚禮紀錄 by 自然捲攝影工作室, 攝影師 Tako 造型 by 糖糖整體造型新娘秘書, 造型師 糖糖 這是一篇關於我自已的婚禮回顧分享文…真的有點久,時間倒轉回到2013年夏天,跟交往了N年的隊友終於決定攜手走入禮堂,一起共組屬於二個人的小家庭。 婚禮的籌備過程其實不算長,大約半年的時間,而我