The Evil Within 2 - 英文遊戲短評

閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

*Light Spoiler / 輕微劇透
*Gory, creepy screenshots included, viewer discretion is advised / 包含血腥恐怖遊戲截圖,請審慎決定是否繼續閱讀

Maker: Tango Gameworks
Genre: survival horror
Platform: Windows, consoles

If describing in one sentence, Evil Within 2 is a survival horror game of zombie apocalypse with a tint of paranormal activities in a virtual world that its dwellers could actually kill and be killed for good.

The Evil Within 2 - 殭屍末日

The Evil Within 2 - 殭屍末日

The gameplay provides the highest level of thrills at the beginning. It unfortunately all goes downhill as the player advances the plot, uncovers the situation, and upgrades the protagonist's fire power.

The Evil Within 2 - 駭人氛圍

The Evil Within 2 - 駭人氛圍

Overall, the story is adequate, but cliched. There are some touching dialogue lines and cut scenes, but the imperfect 3D facial animation hinders the player's empathy to fully develop.

The Evil Within 2 - 過場人物特寫

The Evil Within 2 - 過場人物特寫

Combat-wise, at least for the first playthrough, the game provides just enough resources to defeat enemies. I consider it a positive experience, since overly abundant resources would make combats brainless "run-and-gun" sessions, which would not have fitted the survival horror atmosphere.

Negatively, I believe the biggest downside is the camera angles. From what I could tell, this game was probably ported from its console version(s), so the third person view is the default mode. However, in this mode, the camera would slightly oscillate up and down when controlling the protagonist to move around, which caused me to have motion sickness. On the other hand, the first person view is more stable but functions poorly with a couple of the game's main combat mechanisms:

The Evil Within 2 - 怪物設計截圖

The Evil Within 2 - 怪物設計截圖

1. Hiding behind obstacles - The player is often unable to see where enemies are in first person view;

2. Close combat - With first person view, the protagonist could easily engage too closely to enemies' 3D models and then miss hitboxes, while the enemy models could be clipped from the camera or block the entire view because of the tight distances. With the majority of enemies being close combaters, most of the time they would attempt to rush toward and be nearly "merged" with the protagonist, often making close combat very awkward.

The Evil Within 2 - 與前作關聯的場景

The Evil Within 2 - 與前作關聯的場景

In conclusion, The Evil Within 2 has quite meticulous background settings and an above average story, with its main flaws in game control mechanisms (the camera angles). It nevertheless still provided me 26 hours of fun time, though mixed with slight frustration.

My rating: 7.5/10

meticulous - 細緻的、嚴謹的
zombie apocalypse - 殭屍末日
combat - 戰鬥、搏鬥、格鬥
port - (遊戲平台)移植
clip/clipping - 裁切(在3D遊戲中,物件距離鏡頭太近或太遠導致(部分)不可視的情況,包括破圖等看到物件內部的情形

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Game Review - Bramble's gameplay is similar to Inside and maybe also Little Nightmares, but with significantly reduced puzzle-solving elements.
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Game Review: Great story plots, thrilling gameplay interlocked with actions, puzzle-solving, and rooms to breath.
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Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
曾發行《RichMan Heroes》大富翁NFT並在台灣經營超過30年的知名遊戲廠商大宇資訊於去年九月釋出與《The Sandbox》合作的消息。 近日大宇資訊官方的 instagram 中釋出多個仙劍場景及角色模型,並在1月18日至2月14日開放《仙劍奇俠傳》元宇宙版本供玩家遊玩
Episode 05 in the GG show on I am not who I am and playing game in podcast 請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Firstory podcast-hosting:節目 the GG
Now I see myself through god’s eye.  To see that I’m not perfect but still worthy of everything I’ve ever wanted. No matter how people think I’m crazy
|油蔥拌麵| 咦?油蔥不是一年四季都有嗎?對我來說亦是如此,不過,這是因為媽媽把紅蔥製成了一罐罐的油蔥醬,供我隨時想吃的時候,都可以挖一杓來滿足口腹之慾。俗諺說:「白露蔥,寒露蒜」,意思是說白露之後適合種蔥,寒露之後則適合種大蒜,這是因為入秋之後陽光變得溫和,氣候也變得涼爽.....
《惡之畫》的故事從一位在監獄教導受刑人繪畫的新銳藝術家 許寶清出發;他極力策劃一場自己與受刑人畫作的藝廊聯展,卻也意外地造成社會輿論反彈。殺人犯的畫作被公開展示,也引來受害者家屬抗議;而堅持藝術創作的許寶清,一方面要捍衛自己的創作自由,另一方面也透過畫作一步步探詢殺人犯的內心世世界。
@0423/2019 The equalizer 2 教我的事:老人家看似無端、無理的、重複講述的堅持,常常其實就是我們自以為是而忽略的事實。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
曾發行《RichMan Heroes》大富翁NFT並在台灣經營超過30年的知名遊戲廠商大宇資訊於去年九月釋出與《The Sandbox》合作的消息。 近日大宇資訊官方的 instagram 中釋出多個仙劍場景及角色模型,並在1月18日至2月14日開放《仙劍奇俠傳》元宇宙版本供玩家遊玩
Episode 05 in the GG show on I am not who I am and playing game in podcast 請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle Firstory podcast-hosting:節目 the GG
Now I see myself through god’s eye.  To see that I’m not perfect but still worthy of everything I’ve ever wanted. No matter how people think I’m crazy
|油蔥拌麵| 咦?油蔥不是一年四季都有嗎?對我來說亦是如此,不過,這是因為媽媽把紅蔥製成了一罐罐的油蔥醬,供我隨時想吃的時候,都可以挖一杓來滿足口腹之慾。俗諺說:「白露蔥,寒露蒜」,意思是說白露之後適合種蔥,寒露之後則適合種大蒜,這是因為入秋之後陽光變得溫和,氣候也變得涼爽.....
《惡之畫》的故事從一位在監獄教導受刑人繪畫的新銳藝術家 許寶清出發;他極力策劃一場自己與受刑人畫作的藝廊聯展,卻也意外地造成社會輿論反彈。殺人犯的畫作被公開展示,也引來受害者家屬抗議;而堅持藝術創作的許寶清,一方面要捍衛自己的創作自由,另一方面也透過畫作一步步探詢殺人犯的內心世世界。
@0423/2019 The equalizer 2 教我的事:老人家看似無端、無理的、重複講述的堅持,常常其實就是我們自以為是而忽略的事實。