【民進黨執政與原住民政策:2024選舉後的關鍵反思】"DPP Governance and Indigenous Policies: Critical Reflections Post the 2024 Elections"
(來源:Alian96.3特別節目,主持人右:官大偉Daya Dakas、左:Wsay Kolas)
In regards to the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, Professor Ljegay Rupeljengan, in Indigenous radio program, mentioned that Indigenous communities initially held high expectations for the leadership of President Tsai Ing-wen. They acknowledged President Tsai's early apology on behalf of the nation to Indigenous peoples and the establishment of Indigenous transitional justice, including relevant investigations and measures.
However, over the course of their tenure, many promised policies, including land rights, autonomy, Indigenous universities, and electoral district reforms, have not been realized, leading to accumulating disappointment. While the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has achieved some milestones in Indigenous policies, such as supporting Indigenous languages and establishing Indigenous cultural health stations, this doesn't exempt them from continued scrutiny. The higher the expectations, the greater the potential for disappointment, especially in this election where the DPP did not present innovative proposals, leading Professor Lè Kuí to remark that they seemed familiar from four or even eight years ago.
With the DPP securing reelection, it reflects the policy expectations of voters. The government's approach to Indigenous policies and the degree of implementation represent the relationship between the nation and Indigenous communities. Moving forward, continuous scrutiny and supervision are imperative.
🏷️ Personal reflection by Umav: While democratic election results capture mainstream opinions, Professor Ljegay’s perspective within the Indigenous community align with the prevailing sentiment. However, with the legislature not achieving a majority, the ruling party is undoubtedly set to face challenging times. (Source: Alian 96.3 Special Program, Hosts: Daya Dakas on the right, and Wsay Kolas on the left)