2406 blog
常說點→線→面, 今日有個感覺: 字→句→段→文, 之前一直在講的關係代名詞, 不定詞, 分詞等, 都是在說句, 現在想把句連成段. 而較好的方式, 就是找同一主題相關文章, 看看他們對同一事件的表述. 現在演算法都會推播相關文章, 這真的是一個省時, 省力的方式. 打入相關key word, 更可在短時間找出相關句子.
最近科技業在大裁員, 打入cost, lay off, reduce, cut等看看相關的句或段:下列一樣是取材自紐約時報:
1. Volkswagen is looking to shrink its costly, heavily unionized work force in Europe, as well as trim its reliance on high-cost European auto parts manufacturers.
↑這仍算是一個句, 用as well as來連接
連接詞:as well as
句型:我要去賺錢 as well as 我要錢 → 都是s + vt + o的句型
as well as
2. John said that his company had to lay off employees and control costs “so we can invest in these long-term, ambitious visions around A.I.” He added that he had come to realize that “we operate better as a leaner company.”
↑這是一個小段, 由兩句構成, 並用that一直做連接
句1:John said that his company had to lay off employees and control costs “so we can invest in these long-term, ambitious visions around A.I.
句2:He added that he had come to realize that “we operate better as a leaner company.”
句1:我(s) 要(vt) 錢(o)+我要錢+我要錢 句型 →可以說是三個或四個 “我要錢”句型串接起來
John(s) said(vt) that(o)
Company(s) lay off(vt) employees(o) and control(vt) costs(o)
We(s) invest(vt) visions(o)
That視為錢代, 裏面裝著另一個”我要錢”句型, 俗稱名詞子句
so也視為錢代, 表達出結果, 俗稱副詞子句
句2:我(s) 要(vt) 錢(o)+錢(s) 來了(vi) + 不定詞
He(s) added(vt) that(o)
He(s) had come(vi) to realize that “we operate better as a leaner company.(sc)
這句的sc(主詞補語)是不定詞形式, 裏面又有一個”錢(s) 來了(vi) ”小子句→we(s) operate(vi)
3, It tells me there is a focus on margins. They’re trimming where they can and redeploying resources.”
↑這是一個小段, 由兩句構成. 中間用逗號做區隔.
句1:It tells me there is a focus on margins.
句2:They’re trimming where they can and redeploying resources.”
句1:你(s) 給(vt) 我(o1) 錢(o2) + 錢(s) 在(vi) 這(sc) 句型
It(s) tells(vt) me(o1) that(o2) →o2的這個that省略, 直接把小子句寫出來
there(sc) is(vi) focus(s) → 真正主詞為focus
句2:我(s) 要(vt) 錢(o)+錢(s) 來了(vi) + 我(s) 要(vt) 錢(o)
They(s) trim(vt) where they can(o) and redeploy(vt) resources(o)
→ where then can這個受詞是一個小子句
They(s) can(vi)
以上講到這麼多錢, 應該越看越喜歡. 製造業的裁員是為了降低成本, 科技業的裁員是為了重新分配資源到其他領域.
一樣要進行"刻意練習", 用一樣的句型去造句.