L8 Sustainable food

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The global population continues to grow and is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, posing enormous demand challenges for food production. Food production requires vast amounts of land, water, and energy resources, the supply of which is already limited. Therefore, how to ensure the sustainability of food supply amid population growth is an important issue.

Although maintaining a sustainable food supply is an important issue, we can still achieve it through the following methods:👇🏼


First, reduce food waste. A large amount of food is wasted around the world every year. Like the picture next to it, when people think they are enjoying their meal, it is their leftover food. I felt furious when I saw the images because they were ignorant of the blessings and how many people did not have enough food. To reduce waste, we can make a reasonable purchase plan to ensure that we only buy the food we need and order as much as we can at meals.🤬

Second, choose sustainable food sources. We can support smallholders and local agriculture and choose food produced in environmentally friendly and sustainable ways, such as organic produce, local products, and sustainable fisheries. This reduces the burden on the environment, prevents contamination of soil and water resources, and ensures the livelihood of farmers and fishermen. The following store is an organic produce store that I often visit. Although expensive, it is worth it if the earth can be improved.

Finally, education and advocacy. We can spread awareness and advocacy online to advance the cause of sustainable food. For example, providing information about food production and consumption encourages people to choose sustainable food and try their best for the planet.

Maintaining a sustainable food supply requires us to work together on an individual and social level. Through these methods, we can reduce food waste, support sustainable food production methods, and ensure the sustainability and stability of food supplies.



The main purpose of this e-portfolio is to document the knowledge, concepts, and reflections from lectures on Environment and Health.
e-portfolio 的其他內容
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In recent years, attention to climate change has increased.
Thunderstorm asthma is an asthma attack associated with thunderstorms.
It turns out that Hay Fever is also known as Allergic rhinitis.
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Where does the microbiome in our bodies come from? The fetus is sterile in the womb, meaning there are no bacteria in the fetus' body.
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