(Scroll down for English!) 今天早上,一位朋友給我(蕃薯媽媽)發短信,擔心在日本感染鏈球菌性咽喉炎,當時她正準備帶孩子和媽媽去度假…
答:1.“手部衛生對於預防侵襲性鏈球菌感染極為重要。”"Hand hygiene is extremely important for preventing invasive streptococcal infections." ——藤田保健大學傳染病學教授本田仁 (Hitoshi Honda)。
2.「預防疾病最重要的是,在旅途中受傷的人要注意護理傷口。由於人們在旅途中放鬆,可能會忘記清洗傷口或未能及時就醫, 」 "The most important thing to prevent the disease is that people who are injured during their trips should take care of their wounds. As people are relaxed during trips, they may forget to clean their wounds or fail to see a doctor in time,"-—香港大學微生物學家何伯良。
3. 香港大學微生物學家何柏良表示,“在人多的地方也應該戴口罩,但旅途中沒必要一直戴口罩。”"People should also wear masks in crowded areas. But it is not necessary to wear masks all the time during the trip,"
2. 「這種疾病不是肺炎或 COVID-19 等呼吸道疾病,因此不太可能導致大流行。這是飛沫感染」—藤田保健大學傳染病教授本田仁 (Hitoshi Honda)。 (因此提出手部衛生建議)。要了解有關預防和治療呼吸道感染的更多信息,請參閱下面以前的部落格文章。
3. 儘管日本是熱門旅遊勝地,但只有一名香港人從日本感染鏈球菌 (1 Hong Konger who acquired strep infection from Japan)。
-我患有流感.. 我需要特敏福(Tamiflu)嗎?
-從香港出發的三代家庭遊輪假期 -> 沖繩(那霸和宮古島)以及無需簽證即可帶您的家
Strep throat infections in Japan… Should you cancel your holiday?
This morning, a friend texted me over concerns of strep throat infections in Japan, as she was going on holiday with her baby and mum….
Q: “Should we not go, since we have a baby and elderly?”
I have heard about the increase in strep throat infections in Japan at work. Nevertheless, my answer was:
A: “Go anyway!”
Her next question:
Q: “What precautions can I take then?”
A: 1. "Hand hygiene is extremely important for preventing invasive streptococcal infections." - Hitoshi Honda, an infectious disease professor at Fujita Health University.
(I would add that particularly for kids, make sure to sanitize their hands, as they touch everything- easier said than done!”)
2. "The most important thing to prevent the disease is that people who are injured during their trips should take care of their wounds. As people are relaxed during trips, they may forget to clean their wounds or fail to see a doctor in time,"- University of Hong Kong microbiologist Ho Pak-leung.
3. "People should also wear masks in crowded areas. But it is not necessary to wear masks all the time during the trip," - University of Hong Kong microbiologist Ho Pak-leung.
Some reasons to be optimistic:
1. Although cases are 3x compared to last year, the actual number is 474, which is still very low if you’re worried about the probability of catching it.
2. “The disease is not a respiratory illness like pneumonia or COVID-19, so it is unlikely to lead to a pandemic situation. This is a droplet infection” -Hitoshi Honda, an infectious disease professor at Fujita Health University. (hence the recommendations for hand hygiene). To read more about preventing and treating respiratory infections, see previous blog posts below.
3. There is only 1 Hong Konger who acquired strep infection from Japan, despite its popularity as a tourist destination.
And finally, since we’re on the topic of holiday in Japan, a postcard from our recent cruise holiday to Okinawa (the kids’ 1st time in Japan!) I (Mama) plan to write about in my next post!
Posts on respiratory infections
- Tips for prevention of cold, flu and COVID-19
- 9 suggestions for holistic treatment of colds for kids & adults
- Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19
- My kid has been coughing for ages... To give or not to give antibiotics?
Other posts on Japan
-HK -> Ishigaki (Okinawa) holiday (currently accessible by cruise!)