整體療法 (holistic treatment)具有享受和放鬆的額外好處,TLC(tender, loving care) 和放鬆對於康復也是很重要的!
1. 蜜糖棒棒糖和蜂蜜(1歲以上兒童)
「檸檬汁可以分解黏液並緩解疼痛。檸檬還含有大量維他命 C,可增強您的免疫系統,幫助消除感染。將一茶匙檸檬汁和兩湯匙蜂蜜加入茶或熱水中,然後喝掉。”
5. 用精油洗個熱水澡,或者更好的是,用沐浴炸彈!
Lush 的沐浴炸彈很棒
6. 在喉嚨/胸部塗抹精油:
- 對於孩子來說,我們喜歡使用 Vicks。我們很高興發現原來有給3 個月以上孩子使用的維克斯寶寶裝
當我們去聖誕節郵輪旅行時用了這個,那時媽媽得了低度感冒。也許維克斯有助於將病毒保持在較低的水平?雖然媽媽忘記帶通常放在枕頭上的薰衣草油, 但是媽媽把維克斯擦在喉嚨上後便睡得很好(爸爸說他聽到媽媽在打鼻鼾!)。
關於前兩個主題(6 和 7),這是我們發現的一種新方法,可以產生類似 擦維克斯的效用,但很溫暖!聽過按摩蠟燭嗎?我們本來也沒有,直到一位朋友給了蕃薯媽媽一個作為新生嬰兒派對的禮物。真是終極放縱!
我們目前有 3 個噴霧器和 1 個加濕器。客廳有 1 個燭光噴霧器,房間有 2 個噴霧器(我們發現我們需要 2 個,因為有時兩個男孩都生病了,他們睡在不同的房間!)。在使用噴霧器之前,蕃薯媽媽給自己買了一個加濕器,所以它有點失寵了,儘管醫學上仍然推薦它用於濕潤呼吸道(只是聞到精油的味道很舒服......!)
-我患有流感.. 我需要特敏福(Tamiflu)嗎?
Holistic treatments have the added benefit of enjoyment and relaxation, TLC and distressing is also important for recovery!
1. Honey lollipops & honey (for kids >1 year old)
R got honey lollipops from school & I allowed him to have one since he was coughing anyway…
“Research shows that honey has some antimicrobial and anti-inflammation properties. Honey can help by decreasing inflammation and irritation in your throat. Another study shows that honey may reduce mucus secretion. So, you can use honey for cough symptoms as well, whether it’s a wet or dry cough.”
I use this for myself and my kids
2. Lozenges
For symptom relief, I am partial to Nin Jiom Herbal Candy, purely because I like nice tasting sweets & feel good about the natural ingredients
Manuka honey lozenges are something I always mean to buy, but never get round to. My colleague gave me one after she won it at the Christmas party last week. Rather nice.
FLUIDS (if you’re going to drink fluids, it might as well be super beneficial ones!)
3. Lemon honey +/- ginger or with herbal teas
“Lemon juice breaks up mucus and provides pain relief. Lemon also contains a lot of Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system to help wipe out the infection. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey to tea or hot water and sip away.”
“Ginger is very effective in reducing swelling and congestion in the throat, as it is a natural antihistamine. Ginger has a strong antiviral and antibacterial effect and breaks down excess mucus in the throat.”
“Both green tea and clove tea have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can fight off infections. Fruit- or flower-based teas like raspberry and chamomile act as natural lubricants that can soothe the irritation in your throat. Peppermint tea is another great option for a sore throat, as it eases pain by numbing the throat.”
Personally, I really like lemon honey. There’s just the hassle of remembering to buy the lemon when you’re already sick and feel like going straight home and also the small task of making it.. I usually rope in Baba, so lemon honey is equivalent to a bit of TLC for me. I have this momentary relief of sore throat when I swallow the honey and then it starts to hurt again, but I don’t want to get diabetes by becoming Pooh bear… hence lemon honey is a good solution. Fluid+ honey + lemon + love! What more could one ask for?
For convenience’s sake, sometimes I will put a spoonful of honey into my herbal tea instead…
4. Chicken soup
“Chicken soup contains a large number of proteins, antioxidants, and amino acids that help your body fight off infection. It is also high in gelatin which soothes the back of the throat and reduces the pain of swallowing. Chicken broth made with garlic can be especially helpful in treating a sore throat. It keeps the throat hydrated, nourishes the body, and reduces nasal congestion.”
Again, chicken soup (especially with ginseng?! See last article) requires TLC. In the absence of that, a hot soup is nice too. We keep a stock of Marks and Spencer’s canned soup around. Ready-made chicken ginseng soup can also be found at the supermarket or Korean shop. Soup noodles for dinner is always welcome at this stage… (I had some for lunch today, a nice momentary relief from my sore throat!)
ESSENTIAL OILS: Different ways of using them…
I’m a bit obsessed with essential oils… they just make me feel better!
Before bedtime:
5. A hot bath with essential oils, or even better, bath bombs!
Lush does great bath bombs
Try and choose one with beneficial essential oils, such as eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint. In addition, lavender aids sleep:
And steam is good for colds
Get yourself to a steam room if you’re near one! Although I am usually too lazy to go to mine…
6. Rubbing in essential oils on the throat/chest:
- For kids, I like to use Vicks. I was excited to find out the existence of baby Vicks for 3+ months
Because the original Vicks can only be used for 2 years old +
I used this when we went on cruise over Xmas & I had a low grade cold. Perhaps it helped keep it at a low grade level? I liked rubbing it on my throat & slept quite well (Baba said he heard me snoring!), despite forgetting to bring lavender oil that I usually put on my pillow. Apparently essential oils help with sleep:
“Inhalation of essential oils as per aromatherapy, resulted in lower perceived stress and depression, as well as better sleep quality”
I also used it for lymph node massage (see next).
7. Lymph node massage
I tried this for the 1st time , though my lymph nodes felt pretty sore afterwards & I had to take a Panadol! Medically reviewed website says:
“Massaging the lymph nodes causes lymphatic drainage that can reduce the infection in the throat. This method is most likely to be effective if your lymph nodes already feel sensitive and tender to the touch. Locate the swollen lymph nodes at the side of the neck and rub them gently in a downward motion. This massage technique improves circulation and helps eliminate toxins from the throat”
8. Massage candles
On the subject of the previous 2 topics (6 &7), here’s a new way I’ve discovered to generate something akin to Vicks, but warm! Ever heard of a massage candle? I hadn’t either until a friend gave me one for my baby sprinkle. Ultimate indulgence!
I found a local shop that produces massage candles with essential oils beneficial for cold (e.g. below: eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary & patchouli)
9. Diffuser and humidifier
We currently have 3 diffusers and 1 humidifier. 1 candle-lit diffuser for the living room and 2 diffusers for the rooms (we discovered we need 2 as sometimes both boys are sick and they sleep in separate rooms!). I bought a humidifier for myself before I got into diffusers, so it’s somewhat fallen out of favour although it’s still medically recommended for moistening airways (just that it’s nice to smell essential oils..!)
Other relevant posts, including flu prevention:
- Strep throat infections in Japan… Should you cancel your holiday?
- Tips for prevention of cold, flu and COVID-19
- Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19