How to Speak to Foreigners in 6 Months!

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Two different attitudes of studying can results in two definitely opposite feelings and outcomes. It all depends on how you regard English. A subject? Or a language?

To be honest, I will say Taiwan's English education is not ideal. After 12 years of studying, even the students with full score on their university entrance exam, couldn't guarantee that they are capable of holding a basic talk to foreigners easily.

Among friends of mine, who have better grades in English exam, don't speak as natural as I do. Not meaning to show off myself, I am trying to point out the atmosphere and incorrect mindset of studying, causing by deviate cultural value. While score stands for every thing, we are losing the opportunities of studying something essentially, because tests and studying are two different things.

For tests, the answer can be generated through various ways, no matter it is being calculated, considered, guessed, we can only evaluate every student by results, not the process.

Studying, is the process. Time we spent, transfer into knowledge we learn. Specially, we don't learn the same thing, even we read the same book. Inspiration and growth is so specific to each person, because we are always using the present to respond our past, then form our imagination to the future.

Let me share the experience that I couldn't express what's in my mind, when I was chating with an Indian friend. I met this guy after entering university, and I guess he is the one who lit my motivation of studying English again. We were looking for what's for lunch outside of school. After ordered in a hotpot restaurant, I tried to find some topics about India, for example, the catse system at present, development of India, social issues happening, and so on. He told me what he knew, and try his best to explain it to me since I was not able to understand fast, and a little bit because of the acsent. However, when it comes to me to share my family, culture about Taiwan, the Buddism school I had studied for 5 years, I found it so difficult to put words I actually learned together to make him understand. That was a hard day for me, I mean the lunch time is actually delightful, but I feel shame of myself. Not only because I couldn't speak well, but because I was not able to share what I think is beautiful to him. Therefore, a thought came into my mind, I am going to enhance my English ability to the next level. I am serious!

Progression of practicing, the process was every thing but smooth at all. I felt really upset when I tried at the first few weeks. My brain was overwhelmed by comprehensing sentences came out from my friends mouth. Then I had no energy to think about what I was going to say, not to mention finding substitutional words to explain the phrases I didn't know how to say. I gave up. I thought maybe I was just not good at it. Perhaps I had encounter my limitation. That's all. Nonetheless, the conversation began to activated in English every night before I fell asleep. Nights over nights, hundreds of occasions had been rehearsaled. Gradually, I could speak without that much hestitation. Starting to make some silly jokes. Being more courageous to say something out loud even I was not very certain. The sense of achievement was slowly growing, especially after sharing viewpoints that I value, or speaking a long sequence of words. That feels awesome! That is why I study English for!

The journey of exploring myself has been going on since I was still an elementary school student. At present, the answer of my future career ended up that I am eventually more proficient in humanities rather than STEM. Hoping that the cultivation right now, can help me build up strength, and assists me find jobs that I'm interested which is also in my field, in the future.


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憑著僅有的資訊與籌碼,去為不可預知的未來努力,有人說這叫投資自己,但誰能準確說出,自己的未來在哪裡,會在哪間公司上班,領到多少薪水,自己的學歷跟經驗,到底能保證自己什麼樣的生活品質 。 生活中有這麼多的機遇與轉折,沒有人會知道哪天自己栽在哪裡,更沒人知道自己哪棵無心插柳,會在某天成了遮蔭世界的大樹。
憑著僅有的資訊與籌碼,去為不可預知的未來努力,有人說這叫投資自己,但誰能準確說出,自己的未來在哪裡,會在哪間公司上班,領到多少薪水,自己的學歷跟經驗,到底能保證自己什麼樣的生活品質 。 生活中有這麼多的機遇與轉折,沒有人會知道哪天自己栽在哪裡,更沒人知道自己哪棵無心插柳,會在某天成了遮蔭世界的大樹。
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聽一個到台灣求學的外國人說,因為語文基礎差所以需要在心裡把老師講的中文念好幾遍才能理解意思…… 就覺得,這情形我也有過啊? 難道我其實是外國人?! 大概進入國小正式開始有系統的學習之後,我就一直不太能理解為什麼一個老師用一個方式就要三四十個小孩都達到一樣的理解?是這樣的,如果在開始
在準備TOEFL及IELTS這種難度頗高的英文證照考試時,除了多做考題「熟悉」考試的內容及「釐清」考試的方向外,也可以每日閱讀Scientific Americm電子報及聽該網站Podcast,「重新提升」或「再塑」自己在準備難度頗高的英文證照考試答題「真實力」。
這篇要講雅思準備 我從大學畢業後到要準備出國,有將近十年沒有碰英文,一路上都是靠google大神過活 我的雅思之路真的非常坎坷阿….. 一路上考了10次以上,寫作還一直卡在5.5這個關卡 不過連一個英文這麼爛的人,都可以考過雅思了,我相信應該很多人也可以,只是要付出時間,以及要有下一次就可以