
更新於 2024/04/14閱讀時間約 11 分鐘

The translation of "奧斯汀:美軍攔截從伊朗、伊拉克、敘利亞、葉門對以色列的飛彈攻擊" into English is:

"Austin: US forces intercept missile attacks from Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen against Israel."

Here's the Chinese text alongside its English translation:


**He said that the prophecy of Ezekiel chapters 37 and 38 indeed speaks of this regathering that will ultimately lead to 'Magog'—which many Bible scholars have long speculated to be Russia and one of its allies—invading Israeli territory from the north.**


**He explained, 'If Magog is indeed Russia, then one of its allies is Persia, which is the old name for Iran. Thus, the Bible predicted hundreds of years ago that after the re-gathering of the Israeli nation, this massive force from the north of Israel would attack Israel.' And among the allies of Russia or Magog, there would certainly be Iran or Persia.**


**Although it is still unclear how the current conflict will end, Pastor Laugery said that if Israel attacks Iran (or its proxies), we might be at the epicenter of a series of events prophesied in chapters 37 and 38 of Ezekiel.**


**'I'm not saying this will lead to that situation, but what I am saying is that it's very much worth paying attention to. If one morning you wake up and see a headline that reads 'Russia attacks Israel,' buckle up,' he said. 'Because you might see biblical prophecy being fulfilled in your lifetime, and it is indeed unfolding right before your eyes.'"**


The relationship between the Middle East conflicts and the Biblical narratives involving Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael can be explored on multiple levels. Abraham is considered the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and his story is recorded in both the Bible and the Quran. Isaac and Ishmael, his two sons, are considered the ancestors of the Jews and Arabs, respectively, creating a deep historical and religious backdrop.

### Biblical Narrative:

1. **The Story of Abraham**: Abraham is called the "father" of all monotheistic faiths due to his faith in God. In the Bible, God promises Abraham that he will be the ancestor of a great nation and through his descendants, all nations will be blessed (Genesis 12).


1. **亞伯拉罕的故事**:亞伯拉罕因信仰上帝而被稱為所有信仰一神教的「父親」。聖經中,上帝承諾亞伯拉罕他將成為一個大國的祖先,並且通過他所有的後裔都將得到祝福(創世記12章)。

2. **Isaac and Ishmael**: Isaac is the son of Abraham and his wife Sarah, while Ishmael is the son of Abraham and his concubine Hagar. Isaac is seen as the direct ancestor of the Jewish people, while Ishmael is considered the ancestor of the Arab people. The relationship between the two brothers and their descendants is recorded in the Bible and reflects the later tensions between their respective nations and tribes.


2. 以薩是亞伯拉罕與其妻子撒拉的兒子,而以實瑪利則是亞伯拉罕與其妾哈加爾所生。以薩被視為猶太人的直接祖先,而以實瑪利被認為是阿拉伯人的祖先。兩兄弟之間的關係以及他們各自的後代在《聖經》中有所記載,並反映出後來的族群和國家間的緊張關係。

### Historical and Contemporary Impact:

These stories have a profound impact on the religious and ethnic identities in the Middle East. Jews and Arabs both regard Abraham as their common spiritual and cultural root, but they have different interpretations and emphasis on the importance of Isaac and Ishmael and the roles of their descendants. These differing views have not only shaped their religious views and national identities but have also exacerbated conflicts in the region, particularly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

### Religious Interpretations and Conflict:

How religious narratives influence contemporary political landscapes is a complex issue. For example, many Israelis and Jews believe that the establishment of the modern State of Israel is part of God's promise to Abraham as recorded in the Bible. Meanwhile, many Muslims also consider the Palestinian territories as part of their religious and historical heritage, partly based on Ishmael being seen as an ancestor of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

These interpretations and the historical relationships between the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael continue to influence the dynamics and conflicts in the Middle East today.

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 赢得吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 后,自行车管理机构捍卫跨性别政策 在奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 在最近的新墨西哥州吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 中获得全面胜利后,自行车运动的管理机构
奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 赢得吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 后,自行车管理机构捍卫跨性别政策 在奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 在最近的新墨西哥州吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 中获得全面胜利后,自行车运动的管理机构
Pump Room 餐廳落成於18世紀,一腳踏進歷史場景,我非常喜歡的《傲慢與偏見》作家珍‧奧斯汀也鍾情此地,她的兩部小說都出現過這棟古典華美的建築。
     《傲慢與偏見》的教學,究竟能給學生帶來什麼愛情啟示,我歸納起來是這樣的: 一、第一印象未必準確,要了解一個人,必須多方打聽,而非只憑外在或從單一資訊來源來認識。 二、出身與經濟條件並不能成為擇偶的單一標準,沒有愛情的婚姻必定不幸福。 三、必須多溝通、坦誠以對,感情才能有好的進展。
University of Texas at Austin 大家好,我是Tony! 2017年的某個凌晨,還在桃園當個小阿替的我接到美國德州大學奧斯汀分校 (University of Texas at Austin) 博士班學位的錄取通知,一想到未來4-6年將要面對更高強度的學術洗禮,興奮到整天都
親愛的蘿拉: 回想起來,還是覺得有些不可思議,我們母女居然可以一同欣賞十八世紀英國女作家珍奧斯汀的作品。你通常只是一頭鑽進自己的英文青少年小說中,而我只讀那些大人「無聊」(套用你的話)的書。與你同年齡十、十一歲的美國孩子,可能都還沒聽說過她吧! 約三十年前,我還是個台灣的高中生,每天一大早就要搭北
住在美國多年,美其名是過著陶淵明式的悠閒生活,其實往來的朋友曲指可數,又因中文書籍購買不易,試探過認識的台灣朋友,似乎沒有人有意組讀書會,只能暫時把這個心願收藏心中,等待機會。 2011年秋天,與女兒回北台灣的淡水住了半年,我立刻著手設計「珍奧斯汀讀書會」的海報,張貼在妹妹的韓國餐廳內。後來接到兩
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 赢得吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 后,自行车管理机构捍卫跨性别政策 在奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 在最近的新墨西哥州吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 中获得全面胜利后,自行车运动的管理机构
奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 赢得吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 后,自行车管理机构捍卫跨性别政策 在奥斯汀·基利普斯 (Austin Killips) 在最近的新墨西哥州吉拉巡回赛 (Tour of the Gila) 中获得全面胜利后,自行车运动的管理机构
Pump Room 餐廳落成於18世紀,一腳踏進歷史場景,我非常喜歡的《傲慢與偏見》作家珍‧奧斯汀也鍾情此地,她的兩部小說都出現過這棟古典華美的建築。
     《傲慢與偏見》的教學,究竟能給學生帶來什麼愛情啟示,我歸納起來是這樣的: 一、第一印象未必準確,要了解一個人,必須多方打聽,而非只憑外在或從單一資訊來源來認識。 二、出身與經濟條件並不能成為擇偶的單一標準,沒有愛情的婚姻必定不幸福。 三、必須多溝通、坦誠以對,感情才能有好的進展。
University of Texas at Austin 大家好,我是Tony! 2017年的某個凌晨,還在桃園當個小阿替的我接到美國德州大學奧斯汀分校 (University of Texas at Austin) 博士班學位的錄取通知,一想到未來4-6年將要面對更高強度的學術洗禮,興奮到整天都
親愛的蘿拉: 回想起來,還是覺得有些不可思議,我們母女居然可以一同欣賞十八世紀英國女作家珍奧斯汀的作品。你通常只是一頭鑽進自己的英文青少年小說中,而我只讀那些大人「無聊」(套用你的話)的書。與你同年齡十、十一歲的美國孩子,可能都還沒聽說過她吧! 約三十年前,我還是個台灣的高中生,每天一大早就要搭北
住在美國多年,美其名是過著陶淵明式的悠閒生活,其實往來的朋友曲指可數,又因中文書籍購買不易,試探過認識的台灣朋友,似乎沒有人有意組讀書會,只能暫時把這個心願收藏心中,等待機會。 2011年秋天,與女兒回北台灣的淡水住了半年,我立刻著手設計「珍奧斯汀讀書會」的海報,張貼在妹妹的韓國餐廳內。後來接到兩