Probabilistic Graphical Model 1.3節 - Part 1

更新於 2024/05/13閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。

1.3 Overview and Roadmap

1.3.1 Overview of Chapters

We begin in part I, by describing the most basic type of graphical models, which are the focus of most of the book. These models encode distributions over a fixed set of random variables. We describe how graphs can be used to encode distributions over such spaces, and what the properties of such distributions are.

  • In chapter 3, we describe the Bayesian network representation, based on directed graphs. We describe how a Bayesian network can encode a probability distribution. We also analyze the independence properties induced by the graph structure.

  • In chapter 4, we move to Markov networks, the other main category of probabilistic graphical models. Here also we describe the independencies defined by the graph and the induced factorization of the distribution. We also discuss the relationship between Markov networks and Bayesian networks, and briefly describe a framework that unifies both.

  • In chapter 5, we delve a little deeper into the representation of the parameters in probabilistic models, focusing mostly on Bayesian networks, whose parameterization is more constrained. We describe representations that capture some of the finer-grained structure of the distribution, and show that, here also, capturing structure can provide significant gains.

  • In chapter 6, we turn to formalisms that extend the basic framework of probabilistic graphical models to settings where the set of variables is no longer rigidly circumscribed in advance. One such setting is a temporal one, where we wish to model a system whose state evolves over time, requiring us to consider distributions over entire trajectories, We describe a compact representation — a dynamic Bayesian network — that allows us to represent structured systems that evolve over time. We then describe a family of extensions that introduce various forms of higher level structure into the framework of probabilistic graphical models. Specifically, we focus on domains containing objects (whether concrete or abstract), characterized by attributes, and related to each other in various ways. Such domains can include repeated structure, since different objects of the same type share the same probabilistic model. These languages provide a significant extension to the expressive power of the standard graphical models.

  • In chapter 7, we take a deeper look at models that include continuous variables. Specifically, we explore the properties of the multivariate Gaussian distribution and the representation of such distributions as both directed and undirected graphical models. Although the class of Gaussian distributions is a limited one and not suitable for all applications, it turns out to play a critical role even when dealing with distributions that are not Gaussian.

  • In chapter 8, we take a deeper, more technical look at probabilistic models, defining a general framework called the exponential family, that encompasses a broad range of distributions. This chapter provides some basic concepts and tools that will turn out to play an important role in later development.
這裡將提供: AI、Machine Learning、Deep Learning、Reinforcement Learning、Probabilistic Graphical Model的讀書筆記與演算法介紹,一起在未來AI的世界擁抱AI技術,不BI。
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以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.2 Structured Probabilistic Models 既然要融入Uncertainty和Probability
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 想要有一個智能體能接收輸入訊息,進而輸出對應動作甚至做Reasoning
這個頻道將提供以下服務: 深入介紹各種Machine Learning技術 深入介紹各種Deep Learning技術 深入介紹各種Reinforcement Learning技術 深入介紹Probabilistic Graphical Model技術 不定時提供讀書筆記 讓我們一起在未
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.2 Structured Probabilistic Models 既然要融入Uncertainty和Probability
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 想要有一個智能體能接收輸入訊息,進而輸出對應動作甚至做Reasoning
這個頻道將提供以下服務: 深入介紹各種Machine Learning技術 深入介紹各種Deep Learning技術 深入介紹各種Reinforcement Learning技術 深入介紹Probabilistic Graphical Model技術 不定時提供讀書筆記 讓我們一起在未
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
對於天氣的精密掌握,不僅得以改善各種生存條件,還能藉此訂定各種軍事策略,對於各種地緣政治紛爭的此刻,有其重大意義,於是各國對於快速準確的天氣預測技術,皆十分有興趣。本文介紹Google Research 的研究利用AI來預測天氣,誤差可以勝過傳統超級計算機的估算,讓我們一起看看是怎麼做到的。
1. p1 ="衛生紙") 接著執行 p1.stores = s1 卻出現 undefined method "each"的錯誤訊息。(如下圖一) 解決方法: 強制給實體掛上store_id 接下來處理Product
Turtle Graphic的前身是一種設計給小朋友學習的簡易繪圖程式,最初來自於Wally Feurzeig、Seymour Papert和Cynthia Solomon於1967年所創造的Logo編程語言,它是Python內建的繪圖函式庫,我們可以根據函式庫裡面的指令,操控一隻或多隻「小烏龜」在
Tesla 從二月初開始,各種Model 2新聞、爆料炒得滿天飛,朋友Ted蒐集了很多資訊,看了看先整理出四個必須知道的最新資訊,來看看Model 2究竟香在哪裡。(目前關於Model 2的資訊都還只是猜測)
在Model中常看到這兩個屬性fillable, guarded: protected $fillable=['name','job']; protected $guarded=['user_id']; 其中guarded是黑名單的意思,fillable則是白名單。 這兩個屬性是用來設定是否允許批量
續上篇,把程式碼改成這樣,model加上關聯,就可以從article去query comments了。 L27表示從article table中primary key = 1的文章去找所有留言。 L27的$articles變數output如下: L12這個method: comments(),
Elon Musk有個很厲害的地方,就是往往可以從自己搞出來的困境中神奇脫身;而最近的一次,就是在上市18到24個月之前就發表Tesla Model Y車款。問題是,Model Y可能會吸走目前非常重要的Model 3訂單,而且Tesla現在正需要Model 3的訂單來救命。
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
對於天氣的精密掌握,不僅得以改善各種生存條件,還能藉此訂定各種軍事策略,對於各種地緣政治紛爭的此刻,有其重大意義,於是各國對於快速準確的天氣預測技術,皆十分有興趣。本文介紹Google Research 的研究利用AI來預測天氣,誤差可以勝過傳統超級計算機的估算,讓我們一起看看是怎麼做到的。
1. p1 ="衛生紙") 接著執行 p1.stores = s1 卻出現 undefined method "each"的錯誤訊息。(如下圖一) 解決方法: 強制給實體掛上store_id 接下來處理Product
Turtle Graphic的前身是一種設計給小朋友學習的簡易繪圖程式,最初來自於Wally Feurzeig、Seymour Papert和Cynthia Solomon於1967年所創造的Logo編程語言,它是Python內建的繪圖函式庫,我們可以根據函式庫裡面的指令,操控一隻或多隻「小烏龜」在
Tesla 從二月初開始,各種Model 2新聞、爆料炒得滿天飛,朋友Ted蒐集了很多資訊,看了看先整理出四個必須知道的最新資訊,來看看Model 2究竟香在哪裡。(目前關於Model 2的資訊都還只是猜測)
在Model中常看到這兩個屬性fillable, guarded: protected $fillable=['name','job']; protected $guarded=['user_id']; 其中guarded是黑名單的意思,fillable則是白名單。 這兩個屬性是用來設定是否允許批量
續上篇,把程式碼改成這樣,model加上關聯,就可以從article去query comments了。 L27表示從article table中primary key = 1的文章去找所有留言。 L27的$articles變數output如下: L12這個method: comments(),
Elon Musk有個很厲害的地方,就是往往可以從自己搞出來的困境中神奇脫身;而最近的一次,就是在上市18到24個月之前就發表Tesla Model Y車款。問題是,Model Y可能會吸走目前非常重要的Model 3訂單,而且Tesla現在正需要Model 3的訂單來救命。