Humanitarian Aid of Fuel, Food, and Water Should Not Be an Issue
The problem appears to lie with Japan in this case. It is quite unusual for three different airlines from the different departure airport to have aircrafts making emergency landings. If the designated alternate airports included U.S. military bases, then the issue of refueling and provisioning should not have been a problem. However, if the alternate airports were not U.S. military bases, then the question arises as to why the three aircraft had to land in the first place.
The provision of humanitarian aid in the form of fuel, food, and water should not have been a major challenge. The primary concern seems to lie with the decisions and actions taken by the Japanese authorities or the airlines themselves. The unusual circumstances surrounding the emergency landings of multiple aircraft from the same alliance suggest that the problem in judgment and coordination may have originated from the Japanese side rather than the humanitarian aid effort itself. 以人道為由的加油、食物、飲水,應該不是難事,問題判斷應該出現在日本方面固守成規。
日本3航機轉降美軍基地 乘客困逾11小時才下機 中央社 20240601
沖繩時報報導,這3架航機分別是日本航空(Japan Airlines)907號班機、全日空(All Nippon Airways)467號班機及日本越洋航空(Japan Transocean Air)53號班機。那霸機場昨天至少有46個起降航班被迫改變目的地或誤點。