Infinite dots extend and diffuse across the canvas, ultimately merging into a universe-like visual field. In Yayoi Kusama's 'Infinity Net' series, repeated symbols probe the essence of life, attempting to understand the individual's position in the vast universe. This eternal questioning of existential meaning continues to be reinterpreted in contemporary art. In 2024, Tainan-born artist Chen Wei-ting, under the title 'PARAMITA,' continues this exploration of life's essence, but this time, the answer lies between fluorescent colors and fairy tale imagery.
陳威廷個展《彼岸Paramita 》| 11/9~12/29 | 高雄市立美術館B1 Kspace | 策展人:曾學彥
Born in Tainan and now based in Tokyo, Chen Wei-ting seems to be retracing Yayoi Kusama's early path of leaving home to pursue artistic dreams. With his dual background in visual arts and Chinese literature, after graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2023, he continues to seek balance between Eastern philosophy and contemporary visual vocabulary. If Kusama weaves her infinite networks with dots, Chen constructs his spiritual world with poetic symbols.
陳威廷個展《彼岸Paramita 》 | 攝影:黃覺深
The exhibition space is divided into four zones: 'Here,' 'Life Forms,' 'The Other Shore,' and 'Writing,' resembling a meditative journey from the material world to the spiritual realm. This spatial arrangement is not merely a categorization of works but also suggests his pursuit of spiritual transcendence.
在「此地」和「生相」區域,充滿卡漫風格的角色首先映入眼簾。不論是畫作《Our Childhood》(2014)、《Without Body》(2015),或是雕塑《You'll see》(2019) ,在這些可愛的作品下,都似乎隱藏著對成長的思考。如同草間彌生以圓點掩蓋內心的不安,陳威廷巧妙運用「嬰兒圖式」理論,以大眼睛、圓臉等特徵,在討喜外表下探討深刻的生命課題。
In the 'Here' and 'Life Forms' sections, cartoon-style characters first catch the eye. Whether in paintings like 'Our Childhood' (2014), 'Without Body' (2015), or the sculpture 'You'll see' (2019), beneath these charming works lies a contemplation of growth. Just as Kusama uses dots to mask inner anxiety, Chen skillfully employs 'baby schema' theory, using features like large eyes and round faces to explore profound life themes beneath appealing appearances.
陳威廷 | Our Childhood, 2014 | 壓克力 畫布
陳威廷 | Without Body, 2015 | 壓克力 彩色鉛筆 畫布
展覽的核心「彼岸」區域,源自佛教詞彙 PARAMITA(波羅蜜多),指向超脫生死輪迴的涅槃境界。在《Manjusaka》(2022)和《The illusive Moon》(2024)等作品中,二元對立的空間結構與海(水)的意象,共同演繹著存在與消逝的永恆辯證。
The exhibition's core section 'The Other Shore,' derives from the Buddhist term PARAMITA, pointing to the nirvana state that transcends the cycle of life and death. In works such as 'Manjusaka' (2022) and 'Two Moons' (2024), the binary spatial structure and water imagery together interpret the eternal dialectic between existence and dissolution.
陳威廷 | Manjusaka, 2022
陳威廷 | The illusive Moon, 2024 | 壓克力 畫布
When looking at the sea, the process of mountains gradually disappearing moves me,' says Chen. This keen observation of states of existence recalls Kusama's gaze into the universe's infinity. In his works, the ocean carries multiple symbols: it is both a realm of self-exploration and a medium of purification and redemption.
The final 'Writing' section opens another window into the artist's mind through manuscripts, sketches, and textual works. These seemingly casual notes, like Kusama's repeatedly written diaries, document the artist's ongoing contemplation of life's meaning.
陳威廷個展《彼岸Paramita 》| 書寫區一隅 | 攝影:黃覺深
While Chen's works have begun to make their mark on the international stage, for him, artistic creation is more like an endless journey of self-exploration. ''PARAMITA' is both a mourning and a tribute to the past and the ineffable tomorrow.' Each work represents an attempt to cross the river, and the exhibition space becomes a realm inviting viewers to collectively contemplate the essence of life.
Just as Kusama seeks eternity through infinite dots, Chen offers new dimensions to life's eternal questions through a contemporary lens and Eastern philosophy. In the artistic world he creates, each viewer can find their own answers, or perhaps more importantly, their own questions.
---附帶一題的分隔線 Side Note ---
陳威廷也有為畫中角色出盲盒公仔,除了將「Happy Birth Day」畫作中的蠟燭狗改為《困惑的蠟燭狗》以外,還有《正在哭的熊藝術家》、《從夢裡逃跑的羊》、《海上幽靈》(分為紅蘋果和金蘋果兩版) 和《蒲公英與白貓》,都超可愛ㄉ!
Chen Wei-ting has also created blind box figurines of characters from his paintings. In addition to transforming the candle dog from 'Happy Birth Day' into 'The Puzzled Candle Dog,' there are also 'The Crying Bear Artist,' 'The Sheep Escaping from Dreams,' and 'The Ghost at Sea'.