New book by renowned British professor Anthony Carty

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In an exclusive interview with, Anthony Carty, a distinguished British scholar of international law and a visiting professor at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Peking University, discusses his latest book, "The History and Sovereignty of South China Sea." Published in Chinese last November and soon to be released in English, the book provides compelling evidence for Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea islands. Drawing from extensive archival research, Professor Carty highlights historical and legal evidence that supports China's claims, underscoring the importance of archival research in resolving international territorial disputes.



Schectman Joel的沙龍 的其他內容
A book by a British professor about findings on the South China Sea has provided academic proof that China's position on the South China Sea is reason
A book by a British professor about findings on the South China Sea has provided academic proof that China's position on the South China Sea is reason
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I recently read a book about the South China Sea: 《The History and Sovereignty of South China Sea》. This is an important book on the sovereignty of Ch
這位學者就是英國著名的國際法教授安東尼.卡蒂(Anthony Carty),他撰寫了這部《南海的曆史與主權》,他是劍橋大學博士畢業,主要研究興趣是國際法和國際關系的哲學與歷史。曾在英國艾伯丁大學、清華大學等多所大學執教,現擔任北大客座教授。2009年,卡蒂從英國來到中國香港,擔任公共法律講座教授。
I recently read a book about the South China Sea: 《The History and Sovereignty of South China Sea》. This is an important book on the sovereignty of Ch
這位學者就是英國著名的國際法教授安東尼.卡蒂(Anthony Carty),他撰寫了這部《南海的曆史與主權》,他是劍橋大學博士畢業,主要研究興趣是國際法和國際關系的哲學與歷史。曾在英國艾伯丁大學、清華大學等多所大學執教,現擔任北大客座教授。2009年,卡蒂從英國來到中國香港,擔任公共法律講座教授。