近日在國內對於執行「死刑」(death penalty)與否,又激起一番正反雙方唇槍舌戰。
川普就任後周一立即簽署眾多「行政命令」(executive order)中,其中一項就是下達命令要求美國「司法部」(Justice Department),推翻「高等法院」(Supreme Court)「大法官」(justice)宣判「死刑」(capital punishment)是「違憲的」(unconstitutional)判決。
下面圖文擷取於Bloomberg新聞網站。藉由閱讀英文標題、次標題及前兩段新聞內容,可以幫助英文者深入學習death penalty,supreme court,Justice Department,overrule,justice,capital punishment,unconstitutional,administration,aggressive,executive order十個TOEIC(多益)金藍色證照詞彙。
Opinion | Barbara McQuade, Columnist
專欄 | 芭芭拉·麥奎德,專欄作家
Trump’s Death Penalty Order Is a Message to the Supreme Court
The president is directing the Justice Department to overrule the Supreme Court in cases where the justices have found capital punishment is unconstitutional.
2025年1月23日 at 下午7:30 [GMT+8]
The death penalty is back in the new Trump administration, and its use will be more aggressive than ever. 死刑在新的川普政府中捲土重來,其使用將比以往更加激進。
Among the flurry of executive orders President Donald Trump issued Monday was one called “Restoring the Death Penalty and Protecting Public Safety.” Regardless of your opinion of capital punishment, parts of this order raise concern about this administration’s view of the rule of law.
1. death penalty (n.) 死刑
Despite ongoing debates about human rights, some jurisdictions maintain the death penalty as a form of ultimate criminal punishment. 儘管關於人權的爭論持續不斷,一些司法轄區仍然維持死刑作為最終的犯罪懲罰方式。
2. supreme court (n.) 最高法院
The Supreme Court's landmark decisions often reshape the legal landscape and impact constitutional interpretations across the nation. 最高法院的里程碑式裁決常常重塑法律格局,並影響全國的憲法解釋。
3. Justice Department (n.) 司法部
The Justice Department plays a critical role in enforcing federal laws and prosecuting cases of national importance. 司法部在執行聯邦法律和起訴具有全國重要性的案件中扮演關鍵角色。
4. overrule (v.) 否決、推翻
The appellate court decided to overrule the lower court's initial verdict based on new evidence and legal interpretations. 上訴法院根據新證據和法律解釋,決定推翻下級法院的初步判決。
5. justice (n.) 正義、司法
The pursuit of justice requires impartiality, fairness, and a commitment to upholding legal and ethical standards. 追求正義需要公正、公平,以及致力於維護法律和道德標準。
6. capital punishment (n.) 死刑
Scholars continue to debate the moral and practical implications of capital punishment in modern legal systems. 學者們持續討論死刑在現代法律體系中的道德和實踐意義。
7. unconstitutional (adj.) 違憲的
The proposed legislation was deemed unconstitutional because it infringed upon fundamental rights protected by the constitution. 該提議的法案被認定為違憲,因為它侵犯了憲法保護的基本權利。
8. administration (n.) 政府管理、政府
Each new administration brings unique policy approaches and priorities to governing the country. 每一屆新政府都為治理國家帶來獨特的政策方法和優先事項。
9. aggressive (adj.) 激進的、好鬥的
The company's aggressive marketing strategy helped them rapidly expand their market share in a competitive industry. 公司激進的市場行銷策略幫助他們在競爭激烈的行業中迅速擴大市場份額。
10. executive order (n.) 行政命令
The president signed an executive order to address the urgent national security concerns raised by recent geopolitical developments. 總統簽署了一項行政命令,以應對最近地緣政治發展引發的緊急國家安全問題。