The Life of Jesus

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Dear Jesus,

Thank You for loving me so much. You are always with me, and You take care of me every day. I am happy to learn more about You and Your love. Thank You for coming to save us and for dying on the cross for our sins. You are my good friend, and I want to follow You. Please help me be kind, love others, and trust You always. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

1. Baby Jesus is Born 👶✨

A long time ago, God sent His Son, Jesus, to the world. Mary was His mother, and Joseph took care of Him. Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, and angels told the shepherds, "Jesus is the Savior!" Wise men followed a bright star to see baby Jesus and gave Him gifts.

➡️ Key Words: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, angels, shepherds, wise men, star, gifts

➡️ Memory Verse: “For unto us a child is born.” (Isaiah 9:6)

2. Jesus Helps and Loves People ❤️

Jesus grew up and helped many people. He made blind men see, helped the sick, and taught everyone about God's love. Jesus was kind to children and said, "Let the little children come to Me."

➡️ Key Words: love, kindness, heal, sick, blind, children, help

➡️ Memory Verse: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

3. Jesus on the Cross ✝️

Some people did not like Jesus and wanted to hurt Him. Jesus knew He had to die on the cross to take away our sins. Even when He was hurt, He still prayed, "Father, forgive them." After Jesus died, His friends were very sad, but that was not the end!

➡️ Key Words: cross, forgive, pray, love, sin, friends, sad

➡️ Memory Verse: “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” (John 3:16)

4. Jesus is Alive! 🌟

After three days, Jesus came back to life! The stone in front of His tomb was rolled away, and His friends saw Him again. Jesus said, "Do not be afraid! I am alive!" He told His friends to share the good news with everyone.

➡️ Key Words: alive, tomb, stone, angel, friends, afraid, good news

➡️ Memory Verse: “He is not here; He has risen!” (Luke 24:6)

Final Thought & Prayer 🙏

Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me. Thank You for coming to earth, helping people, and dying for my sins. I am so happy that You are alive! Please help me love others and share Your good news. Amen.

七年北漂寒窗,寄居於木柵邊疆,牧養後山森林,享受獨有的山水景緻,常常在深夜漫山短跑。 學成後,幸運走在心理師的路上,歸隱已七年之久,成為學生的玩伴,歷遍鄉村民情,反璞歸真。 寫作的契機,是想記住與每個生命相逢的激盪、激昂,創造生命勾連生命的漣漪。

Peter 的巷口沙龍 的其他內容
「並且照明你們心中的眼睛,使你們知道他的恩召有何等指望,他在聖徒中得的基業有何等豐盛的榮耀。」 —— 以弗所書 1:18 「你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。」 —— 箴言 4:23 思考,才能看見神的時代已來臨
Opening Prayer Dear God, thank You for this beautiful day and for bringing us together. Please help us to learn more about You and Your love.
在信仰的旅程中,警醒與察覺 是至關重要的。我們不能按照自己的計畫去製造 神的時機,因為 神的時機是一旦過去,就不會再回來的。 有時,這樣的時機甚至要等上數千年才會再次降臨。因此,我們必須警醒,察覺 神的時機,並緊緊跟隨。 🔹 神的時機,必定會伴隨合適的人選 當 神的時機成熟時,祂不會耽延,
「太初有道,道與 神同在,道就是 神。」(約翰福音 1:1) 在信仰的道路上,許多事一開始看起來遙不可及,但當我們學習、研究、努力、行動,就能逐步達成。無論是唱歌、煮飯,甚至是人生的每一個挑戰,都需要時間與耐心去練習,才能漸漸掌握、累積成果。
「或許無法期許美好的過去,但要祈求更嶄新的未來。」 人生充滿變數,有時候我們回顧過去,會發現充滿遺憾與痛苦。但即便如此,我們仍然要向前看,因為未來仍然在我們手中,歷史仍在書寫,而神的計畫從未停止。
「總是要有人開路,才能讓後來的人走得更穩。」 這是一場關於信仰、音樂與團隊的旅程,從400人刪減成300多人,每個人都為了一個共同的目標而努力。我們在這條路上奔跑,不只是為了自己,更是為了見證、為了使命、為了將來能更靠近神的計畫。
「並且照明你們心中的眼睛,使你們知道他的恩召有何等指望,他在聖徒中得的基業有何等豐盛的榮耀。」 —— 以弗所書 1:18 「你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。」 —— 箴言 4:23 思考,才能看見神的時代已來臨
Opening Prayer Dear God, thank You for this beautiful day and for bringing us together. Please help us to learn more about You and Your love.
在信仰的旅程中,警醒與察覺 是至關重要的。我們不能按照自己的計畫去製造 神的時機,因為 神的時機是一旦過去,就不會再回來的。 有時,這樣的時機甚至要等上數千年才會再次降臨。因此,我們必須警醒,察覺 神的時機,並緊緊跟隨。 🔹 神的時機,必定會伴隨合適的人選 當 神的時機成熟時,祂不會耽延,
「太初有道,道與 神同在,道就是 神。」(約翰福音 1:1) 在信仰的道路上,許多事一開始看起來遙不可及,但當我們學習、研究、努力、行動,就能逐步達成。無論是唱歌、煮飯,甚至是人生的每一個挑戰,都需要時間與耐心去練習,才能漸漸掌握、累積成果。
「或許無法期許美好的過去,但要祈求更嶄新的未來。」 人生充滿變數,有時候我們回顧過去,會發現充滿遺憾與痛苦。但即便如此,我們仍然要向前看,因為未來仍然在我們手中,歷史仍在書寫,而神的計畫從未停止。
「總是要有人開路,才能讓後來的人走得更穩。」 這是一場關於信仰、音樂與團隊的旅程,從400人刪減成300多人,每個人都為了一個共同的目標而努力。我們在這條路上奔跑,不只是為了自己,更是為了見證、為了使命、為了將來能更靠近神的計畫。
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