Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so much. You are always with me, and You take care of me every day. I am happy to learn more about You and Your love. Thank You for coming to save us and for dying on the cross for our sins. You are my good friend, and I want to follow You. Please help me be kind, love others, and trust You always. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.1. Baby Jesus is Born 👶✨
A long time ago, God sent His Son, Jesus, to the world. Mary was His mother, and Joseph took care of Him. Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, and angels told the shepherds, "Jesus is the Savior!" Wise men followed a bright star to see baby Jesus and gave Him gifts.
➡️ Key Words: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, angels, shepherds, wise men, star, gifts
➡️ Memory Verse: “For unto us a child is born.” (Isaiah 9:6)
Jesus grew up and helped many people. He made blind men see, helped the sick, and taught everyone about God's love. Jesus was kind to children and said, "Let the little children come to Me."
➡️ Key Words: love, kindness, heal, sick, blind, children, help
➡️ Memory Verse: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)
Some people did not like Jesus and wanted to hurt Him. Jesus knew He had to die on the cross to take away our sins. Even when He was hurt, He still prayed, "Father, forgive them." After Jesus died, His friends were very sad, but that was not the end!
➡️ Key Words: cross, forgive, pray, love, sin, friends, sad
➡️ Memory Verse: “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” (John 3:16)
After three days, Jesus came back to life! The stone in front of His tomb was rolled away, and His friends saw Him again. Jesus said, "Do not be afraid! I am alive!" He told His friends to share the good news with everyone.
➡️ Key Words: alive, tomb, stone, angel, friends, afraid, good news
➡️ Memory Verse: “He is not here; He has risen!” (Luke 24:6)
Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me. Thank You for coming to earth, helping people, and dying for my sins. I am so happy that You are alive! Please help me love others and share Your good news. Amen.