SY Holdings Deploys DeepSeek AI, Pioneering Supply Chain

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SY Holdings Deploys DeepSeek AI, Pioneering Supply Chain Innovation

SY Holdings Group Limited ("SY Holdings", stock code: 06069.HK), a leading supply chain technology platform in China, officially announced that its "SY Cloud Platform" has integrated with the domestic open-source large model, DeepSeek. This marks a crucial step for SY Holdings in actively embracing AI technology and exploring innovative applications, as well as a significant effort in response to the national "AI+" development strategy.


The Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the launch of "AI+" initiatives to nurture future industries. The SY Cloud Platform leverages system integration with over 10 large core enterprises, established digital ecosystem around more than 1.5 million potential suppliers, and connected to more than 160 funding partners. This has accumulated a wealth of industrial ecosystem data and innovative practical experience. After integrating the DeepSeek large model and through high quality data training, SY Holdings aims to enhance the efficiency of its AI capability. This not only provides more precise and efficient inclusive financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) but also explores areas such as intelligent supplier management, automated supply chain business processes, and intelligent decision support for inventory management, sales, and procurement. SY Holdings is dedicated to advancing intelligent supply chain solutions, collaborating with industry stakeholders to drive the sector's digital transformation and smart evolution.


In today’s digital economy, artificial intelligence has become a linchpin for firms seeking to bolster core competitiveness. SY Holdings’ integration of the DeepSeek large language model reflects both strategic foresight and practical operational alignment, addressing real-world business imperatives. SY Cloud Platform‘s integration with DeepSeek’s capabilities enables the firm to transition from data aggregation to advanced intelligent decision systems, harnessing cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP), deep knowledge reasoning, and multimodal analytics. For example, DeepSeek’s NLP capabilities now supercharge contract audits and transaction stream analysis, reducing manual labor and mitigating operational risks. This will effectively address the challenges in data management and protracted approval cycles endemic to traditional financial frameworks, empowering SY Holdings to swiftly address small businesses’ urgent, high-frequency financing needs.


The DeepSeek large model has demonstrated unique adaptability in supply chain finance fraud detection, aligning well with SY Holdings' risk control philosophy of "transaction-focused, entity-light." The SY Cloud Platform can quickly parse large volumes of unstructured data, including contracts, transaction documents, delivery videos, and public opinion information, and conduct in-depth mining and correlation analysis of these multi-dimensional data. This helps SY Holdings construct more comprehensive profiling for corporates and transactions, which enables more precise risk assessment. For example, during contract parsing, it can identify key clauses, legal risk points, and detect fraudulent contracts. Additionally, DeepSeek's fully open-source strategy allows SY Holdings to quickly complete local deployment while ensuring data security and compliance.


SY Holdings has prioritized platform-driven and technology-centric growth. To date, the firm has invested a cumulative total of nearly RMB 300 million in R&D, with almost 30% of its workforce dedicated to research and development. The company holds 80 national patents and software copyrights, spanning big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Driven by sustained innovation and integration into industrial digital ecosystems, platform technology service revenue now accounts for 40% of total revenue, with net profit expected to grow over 30% in 2024. The strategic adoption of AI large models is projected to further accelerate this revenue growth.


SY Holdings stated, “The global AI-driven transformation is reshaping industries, and we are fully committed to embracing this new era. Having integrated the DeepSeek large model into operations, the company is now actively testing advanced models such as ChatGPT, Llama, Qwen, and Dovetail to identify their potential applications in industrial supply chain management. Looking ahead, SY Holdings will continue to increase R&D investment and proactively drive AI-driven innovations, aiming to solidify its leadership in ‘AI + industrial supply chain’ solutions.”

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由05/2023 NVDA 引領的生成式 AI 浪潮至今,若將2023年視為 AI 元年一點也不為過,以臺灣科技實力尤其在矽智財IP與半導體整個大族群串起的上中下游完整完整供應鏈與以傳統伺服器組裝與其周邊關鍵零組件。
投資理財內容聲明 文內如有投資理財相關經驗、知識、資訊等內容,皆為作者個人分享行為。 有價證券、指數與衍生性商品之數據資料,僅供輔助說明之用,不代表創作者投資決策之推介及建議。 閱讀同時,請審慎思考自身條件及自我決策,並應有為決策負責之事前認知。 希望您能從這些分享內容汲取投資養份,養成獨立
供應鏈順利運作與否,存在著許多不可控的變因,像是天災、地緣政治或者類似疫情這種全球性的危機等等,而 AI 的發展,也讓如何將 AI 應用到供應鏈管理上,提高其韌性以及優化營運效能,成了企業組織的關鍵課題之一。
除現有已知的 AI 硬體建構廠商外,本篇並列出作者對於下一波 AI 應用興起時之潛力企業觀察清單,包含網路服務、網路安全、行業運用方案解決業者、與 AI 軟體開發商等。
​投資理財內容聲明 文內如有投資理財相關經驗、知識、資訊等內容,皆為作者個人分享行為。 有價證券、指數與衍生性商品之數據資料,僅供輔助說明之用,不代表創作者投資決策之推介及建議。 閱讀同時,請審慎思考自身條件及自我決策,並應有為決策負責之事前認知。 希望您能從這些分享內容汲取投資養份,養成獨
​投資理財內容聲明 文內如有投資理財相關經驗、知識、資訊等內容,皆為作者個人分享行為。 有價證券、指數與衍生性商品之數據資料,僅供輔助說明之用,不代表創作者投資決策之推介及建議。 閱讀同時,請審慎思考自身條件及自我決策,並應有為決策負責之事前認知。 希望您能從這些分享內容汲取投資養份,養成獨
黃仁勳點名AI個股近日線型觀察 每日自選及盤後觀察:尚立、M61、東捷、融程電、世芯 前一週選股觀察:華城、元太、雙鴻、台燿 QA:雙鴻、台光電、元太、聯發科、LINEPAY、綠界、歐買尬、神盾集團
由05/2023 NVDA 引領的生成式 AI 浪潮至今,若將2023年視為 AI 元年一點也不為過,以臺灣科技實力尤其在矽智財IP與半導體整個大族群串起的上中下游完整完整供應鏈與以傳統伺服器組裝與其周邊關鍵零組件。
投資理財內容聲明 文內如有投資理財相關經驗、知識、資訊等內容,皆為作者個人分享行為。 有價證券、指數與衍生性商品之數據資料,僅供輔助說明之用,不代表創作者投資決策之推介及建議。 閱讀同時,請審慎思考自身條件及自我決策,並應有為決策負責之事前認知。 希望您能從這些分享內容汲取投資養份,養成獨立