那麼,雅思口說到底考什麼?怎麼準備才能拿高分?本文將完整解析 IELTS 口說的考試流程、評分標準,以及 Band 9 高分回答範例,幫助你提升表達能力,讓考官對你的回答印象深刻!延伸閱讀:2025最新雅思考試實戰心得:從考場細節到口說流程,助你穩拿高分!
雅思口說考試時間約為10~15分鐘,分為三部分,與真人考官進行。過程有點像聊天,內容只會和「生活」或「工作」有關。- Part 1: 無思考時間,作答時間1分鐘。這部分主要是個人方面的問題,建議以個人經驗或習慣,具體回答至少2~5句。
- Part 1回答架構: Main point(直接回答問題)→ Explain(補充說明、提供細節)→ Reason / Example(說明原因或舉例)
- Part 2: 考生會拿到一張印有題目的「任務卡」,需根據卡片上的要點談論該主題1~2分鐘。有1分鐘的準備時間,並可使用紙筆做筆記,可在回答時參考。建議回答總句數約12~15句,150~200字。
- Part 2 回答技巧:需要詳細回答各題,每個分項都要回答,結構也應保持連貫、完整。
- Part 3: 則是和part 2相同的主題出題,需根據題目陳述自己的意見,清晰表達觀點。句數約5~7句,80~120字。
- Part 3回答架構: Main point→ Explain→ Reason / Example → Deepen your perspective(比Part 1多出來的部分,展現你論證、分析、討論和推論的能力)
了解雅思的出題結構之後,大家最在意的也許就是評分標準了!以下參考IDP IELTS與British Council(雅思官方出題中心)資料,將最高分(Band 9)標準整理如下。
- 表達流利,極少出現重複或自我糾正的情況;
- 出現猶豫皆是基於思考內容,而非為尋找合適的詞彙或文法
- 口說表達連貫,銜接手段的使用完全恰當
- 能完全且恰當地發展主題
- 能準確自如地使用詞彙來談論任何主題
- 使用慣用語自然準確
- 使用各種語法結構自然得體
- 除了出現英語為母語者也會犯的口誤外,始終使用準確的語法結構
- 準確運用豐富多樣的發音特點,能表達微妙的差異
- 表達過程中始終靈活地使用各種發音特點
- 聽者理解毫無障礙
看完以上標準,卻仍覺得有點模糊?別擔心!以下列舉Band 5至Band 9的回答範例,讓大家清楚掌握如何回答更能深得考官的心!
- Band 5 回答(單一句 + 簡單補充): I like reading books.
- Band 6-7 回答(多一句補充細節): I enjoy reading books, especially novels. It helps me relax after a long day at work.
- Band 8-9 回答(完整架構 + 流暢連接): I love reading books, especially historical novels. They allow me to escape reality and learn about different cultures at the same time. For example, I recently read Sapiens, which gave me a new perspective on human history.
(1) 描述
- 描述物體外觀或某項活動時,可以從以下面向來思考:
- 顏色(color): red, blue, reddish, etc.
- 形狀(shape): rectangular, circular, etc.
- 成分(Materials): It's made of [wood / metal / plastic/ etc.].
- 大小(Size):It's [bigger / smaller] than . . .
- 使用方式(Use): I use it to [cook]./ I use it in [the kitchen]. / It's used to [make coffee].
- 特質(Qualities): It is [portable/ waterproof/ edible/ recyclable].
- 比較(Comparisons): It looks like a . . ./ It's similar to . . . / It's a bit like . . .
- 感受(Feelings): I enjoy [verbing] with my friends. / I get a sense of achievement when I [verb]. / It reminds me of…
- 頻率與時間(Frequency & time): When I was a child / Every Sunday afternoon/ After school…
(2) 換句話說
可以從5W1H來探討:who, what, when, where, why, how(也可以簡單記「人事時地物」)
- It's a thing for / to / that you . . .(what)
- It's a place where . . . (where)
- It's someone who . . .
- It's a way of [Ving] (how)
(3) 善用連接詞
- If: 表達「因果」或提供「問題的解方」
- e.g., If I don't get enough sleep, I feel terrible the next day.
- e.g., If people exercised more, maybe they would be healthier.
- When: 表達「時間」、「因果」或「回想」
- e.g., When I don't get enough sleep, I feel terrible the next day.
- e.g., When I was younger, video games weren't so popular.
- More/比較級: 用來連接與延伸想法
- e.g., the more I study, the more my grades improve.
- e.g., the more we invest in energy research, the sooner we can start solving global warming.
- So: 用在提出一連串論點後的總結。類似寫作用的therefore, to sum up等,但口語用so更適合。
例題:Who is more responsible for addressing the dangers of global warming, individuals or governments?
If individuals make an effort, they can accomplish a lot through recycling and living more sustainable lifestyles. But if governments set clear regulations, they can very strongly influence businesses to find more sustainable practices, which is important because they can create more pollution than individuals. So, it's probably governments who bear most of the responsibility.
7 Words to Say in IELTS Speaking for Band 7+
Brisith Council: Lesson plans - Speaking