【英國Gín-á古】3支羽毛上集︱The Three Feathers Part 1

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Once upon a time there lived a girl who was wooed and married by a man she never saw; for he came a-courting her after nightfall, and when they were married he never came home till it was dark, and always left before dawn.


Éng過有1 ê chŏ͘-gín-á,伊hō͘ 1 ê伊m̄-bat見過面ê cha-po͘人jiok,了後to̍h嫁hō͘--伊,chit ê cha-po͘人lóng是tī天暗--ah了後chiah來ka phāⁿ,tī in結婚了後,伊猶原m̄-bat tī天暗進前轉厝,mā lóng是tī天光進前to̍h ē出門。

3 Ki Ú-mn̂g

Éng-kòe ū 1 ê chŏ͘-gín-á, i hō͘ 1 ê i m̄-bat kìⁿ kòe bīn ê cha-po͘-lâng jiok, liáu-āu to̍h kè hō͘--i, chit ê cha-po͘-lâng lóng sī tī thiⁿ-àm--ah liáu-āu chiah lâi ka phāⁿ, tī in kiat-hun liáu-āu, i iû-goân m̄-bat tī thiⁿ-àm chìn-chêng tńg chhù, mā lóng sī tī thiⁿ-kng chìn-chêng to̍h ē chhut-mn̂g.

Still he was good and kind to her, giving her everything her heart could desire, so she was well content for a while. But, after a bit, some of her friends, doubtless full of envy for her good luck, began to whisper that the unseen husband must have something dreadful the matter with him which made him averse to being seen.

To̍h算講是án-ne,cha-po͘人mā是對伊真好真有量,kā伊心內想beh ài ê一切lóng款kah chiâu tio̍h,só͘-pái伊有1-chām-á真滿足。但是無jōa久了後,伊有1-kóa朋友,的確是看伊ê運好leh起怨妒(oàn-tò͘),開始私底下teh nauh講,伊hit ê m̄-bat hông看過面ê ang婿,一定有siáⁿ-mih bē見眾(kìⁿ-chèng)--chit ê tāi-chì,chiah ē無ài hông看--tio̍h。

To̍h sǹg-kóng sī án-ne, cha-po͘-lâng mā sī tùi i chin hó chin ū-liōng, kā i sim-lāi siūⁿ-beh ài ê it-chhè lóng khoán kah chiâu tio̍h, só͘-pái i ū 1-chām-á chin boán-chiok. Tān-sī bô jōa kú liáu-āu, i ū 1-kóa pêng-iú, tek-khak sī khòaⁿ i ê ūn hó leh khí oàn-tò͘, khai-sí su-té-hā teh nauh kóng, i hit ê m̄-bat hông khòaⁿ kòe bīn ê ang-sài, it-tēng ū siáⁿ-mih bē kìⁿ-chèng--chit ê tāi-chì, chiah ē bô ài hông khòaⁿ--tio̍h.

Now from the very beginning the girl had wondered why her lover did not come a-courting her as other girls' lovers came, openly and by day, and though, at first, she paid no heed to her neighbours' nods and winks, she began at last to think there might be something in what they said. So she determined to see for herself, and one night when she heard her husband come into her room, she lit her candle suddenly and saw him.

Tī in tú開始teh行ê時,chŏ͘-gín-á to̍h bat好玄講,是án-chóaⁿ伊ê愛人á無hâm其他ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê kāng款,tī日時á光明正大來ka phāⁿ。Chhím頭,伊mā無iàu-ì伊ê厝邊tī hia使目尾,a̍h是下頦ngia̍uh--leh ngia̍uh--leh teh ka暗示,m̄-koh久--來,mā是開始感覺講,in teh講ê話凡勢是有kóa道理。Só͘-pái,伊決定beh ka-tī親身去探看māi-á--leh。To̍h tī 1 ê暗時,伊聽tio̍h in ang行入來房間--ni̍h,伊to̍h hiông-hiông kā蠟條點--起-來,in ang ê面sûi to̍h去ho͘看kah清清楚楚。

Tī in tú khai-sí teh kiâⁿ ê sî, chŏ͘-gín-á to̍h bat hò͘ⁿ-hiân kóng, sī án-chóaⁿ i ê ài-jîn-á bô hâm kî-tha ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê kāng-khoán, tī ji̍t-sî-á kong-bêng-chèng-tāi lâi ka phāⁿ. Chhím thâu, i mā bô iàu-ì i ê chhù-piⁿ tī hia sái-ba̍k-bóe, a̍h sī ē-hâi ngia̍uh--leh ngia̍uh--leh teh ka àm-sī, m̄-koh kú--lâi, mā sī khai-sí kám-kak kóng, in teh kóng ê ōe hoān-sè sī ū kóa tō-lí. Só͘-pái, i koat-tēng  beh ka-tī chhin-sin khì thàm khòaⁿ-māi-á--leh. To̍h tī 1 ê àm-sî, i thiaⁿ tio̍h in ang kiâⁿ ji̍p-lâi pâng-keng--ni̍h, i to̍h hiông-hiông kā la̍h-tiâu tiám--khí-lâi, in ang ê bīn sûi to̍h khì ho͘ khòaⁿ kah chheng-chheng-chhó-chhó.

And, lo and behold! he was handsome as handsome; beautiful enough to make every woman in the world fall in love with him on the spot. But even as she got her glimpse of him, he changed into a big brown bird which looked at her with eyes full of anger and blame.

Óa!無疑誤伊是hiah-nī漂撇,緣投kah有chhun,súi kah ē hō͘全世界ê cha-bó͘人當場to̍h去saⁿh tio̍h伊。M̄-koh伊to̍h án-ne kā in ang看1 ē niā-niā,in ang soah chŏaⁿ變做1隻咖啡色ê大隻鳥á,hiong-kài-kài teh ka gîn,目睭內全全是受氣kah責備。

Óa! Bô-gî-gō͘ i sī hiah-nī phiau-phiat, iân-tâu kah ū chhun, súi kah ē hō͘ choân-sè-kài ê cha-bó͘-lâng tong-tiûⁿ to̍h khì saⁿh tio̍h i. M̄-koh i to̍h án-ne kā in ang khòaⁿ 1 ē niā-niā, in ang soah chŏaⁿ piàn-chó 1 chiah ka-pi-sek ê tōa-chiah chiáu-á, hiong-kài-kài teh ka gîn, ba̍k-chiu lāi choân-choân sī siū-khì kah chek-pī.

"Because you have done this faithless thing," it said, "you will see me no more, unless for seven long years and a day you serve for me faithfully."

And she cried with tears and sobs, "I will serve seven times seven years and a day if you will only come back. Tell me what I am to do."

鳥á ka講:「你做chit件tāi-chì to̍h是leh反背--góa,為tio̍h án-ne,除非你tī sòa--lòe ê 7 tang koh過1工--ni̍h,專心一志來替我去奉獻(hōng-hiàn),nā無你to̍h bē koh見tio̍h我--ah。」

Cha-bó͘ gín-á哭kah kui面全目屎,ná chhn̍gh ná ìn講:「Nā是你ē-tàng回心轉意,叫我服侍7遍ê 7 tang koh過1工to ē-sái。Kā我講我ài án-chóaⁿ做。」

Chiáu-á ka kóng: “Lí chò chit kiāⁿ tāi-chì to̍h sī leh hoán-pōe--góa, ūi tio̍h án-ne, tû-hui lí tī sòa--lòe ê 7 tang koh kòe 1 kang--ni̍h, choan-sim it-chì lâi thè góa khì hōng-hiàn, nā bô lí to̍h bē koh kìⁿ tio̍h góa--ah.”

Cha-bó͘ gín-á khàu kah kui bīn choân ba̍k-sái, ná chhn̍gh ná ìn kóng: “Nā sī lí ē-tàng hôe-sim-choán-ì, kiò góa ho̍k-sāi 7 piàn ê 7 tang koh kòe 1 kang to ē-sái. Kā góa kóng góa ài án-chóaⁿ chò.”

Then the bird-husband said, "I will place you in service, and there you must remain and do good work for seven years and a day, and you must listen to no man who may seek to beguile you to leave that service. If you do I will never return."

To this the girl agreed, and the bird, spreading its broad brown wings, carried her to a big mansion.

來伊hit ê鳥á ang to̍h ìn講:「我ē安排khang-khòe hō͘你做,你ài留tī hia好好á做kah 7 tang koh過1工,nā是有人kā你siâⁿ,kā你拐,叫你mài koh做chit ê khang-khòe,你bē-tàng聽。Nā是你無照品照行,我to̍h永遠bē koh轉--來-ah。」

Chit ê條件,cha-bó͘ gín-á答應--ah,鳥á to̍h kā伊闊闊ê咖啡色翼股(si̍t-kó͘)thí--開,chhōa伊去1間大厝宅。

Lâi i hit ê chiáu-á ang to̍h ìn kóng: “Góa ē an-pâi khang-khòe hō͘ lí chò, lí ài lâu tī hia hó-hó-á chò kah 7 tang koh kòe 1 kang, nā sī ū lâng kā lí siâⁿ, kā lí koái, kiò lí mài koh chò chit ê khang-khòe, lí  bē-tàng thiaⁿ. Nā sī lí bô chiàu-phín chiàu-kiâⁿ, góa to̍h éng-oán bē koh tńg--lâi-ah.”

Chit ê tiâu-kiāⁿ, cha-bó͘ gín-á tah-èng--ah, chiáu-á to̍h kā i khoah-khoah ê ka-pi-sek si̍t-kó͘ thí--khui, chhōa i khì 1 keng tōa chhù-the̍h.

"Here they need a laundry-maid," said the bird-husband. "Go in, ask to see the mistress, and say you will do the work; but remember you must do it for seven years and a day."

"But I cannot do it for seven days," answered the girl. "I cannot wash or iron."

鳥á ang ka講:「In chia需要1 ê洗衫ê女工,你 --入-去,kā in講你beh chhōe chia ê女主人,講你beh來ín chit ê khang-khòe。M̄-koh你ài ē記--chit,你to̍h ài做到7冬koh過1工hiah-nī久!」

Cha-bó͘ gín-á ìn講:「M̄-koh che我連7工to做bē到neh,我to bē曉洗衫,mā bē曉熨衫--ā。」

Chiáu-á ang ka kóng: “In chia su-iàu 1 ê sé-saⁿ ê lú-kang, lí --ji̍p-khì, kā in kóng lí beh chhōe chia ê lú-chú-lâng, kóng lí beh lâi ín chit ê khang-khòe. M̄-koh lí ài ē-kì--chit, lí to̍h ài chò kàu 7 tang koh kòe 1 kang hiah-nī kú!”

Cha-bó͘ gín-á ìn kóng: “M̄-koh che góa liân 7 kang to chò bē kàu neh, góa to bē-hiáu sé-saⁿ, mā bē-hiáu ut-saⁿ--ā.”

"That matters nothing," replied the bird. "All you have to do is to pluck three feathers from under my wing close to my heart, and these feathers will do your bidding whatever it may be. You will only have to put them on your hand, and say, 'By virtue of these three feathers from over my true love's heart may this be done,' and it will be done."

So the girl plucked three feathers from under the bird's wing, and after that the bird flew away.

鳥á to̍h ka ìn講:「He無要緊,你án-ne做to̍h好,你ùi我ê翼股下底,óa心臟ê所在挽3支羽毛--落-來,chit 3支羽毛不管如何lóng ē聽你ê命令。你kan-na需要kā in khǹg tī你ê手面,嘴講:『藉我ê真愛心肝頭ê chit 3支羽毛,望che圓滿。』Tāi-chì to̍h ē做好--ah。」

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h ùi鳥á ê翼股下挽3支羽毛,sòa--lòe,鳥á to̍h飛--走-ah。

Chiáu-á to̍h ka ìn kóng: “He bô iàu-kín, lí án-ne chò to̍h hó, lí ùi góa ê si̍t-kó͘ ē-té, óa sim-chōng ê só͘-chāi bán 3 ki ú-mn̂g--lo̍h-lâi, chit 3 ki ú-mn̂g put-koán jû-hô lóng ē thiaⁿ lí ê bēng-lēng. Lí kan-na su-iàu kā in khǹg tī lí ê chhiú-bīn, chhùi kóng: “Chià góa ê chin-ài sim-koaⁿ-thâu ê chit 3 ki ú-mn̂g, bāng che oân-boán.” Tāi-chì to̍h ē chò hó--ah.”

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h ùi chiáu-á ê si̍t-kó͘ ē bán 3 ki ú-mn̂g, sòa--lòe, chiáu-á to̍h poe--cháu-ah.

Then the girl did as she was bidden, and the lady of the house engaged her for the place. And never was such a quick laundress; for, see you, she had only to go into the wash-house, bolt the door and close the shutters, so that no one should see what she was at; then she would out with the three feathers and say, "By virtue of these three feathers from over my true love's heart may the copper be lit, the clothes sorted, washed, boiled, dried, folded, mangled, ironed," and lo! there they came tumbling on to the table, clean and white, quite ready to be put away. So her mistress set great store by her and said there never was such a good laundry-maid. Thus four years passed and there was no talk of her leaving. But the other servants grew jealous of her, all the more so, because, being a very pretty girl, all the men-servants fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h照伊hông吩咐--ê去做,大厝宅ê女主人mā ûn-ná有ka chhiàⁿ。To無hit款像伊hiah-nī好腳手ê洗衫工--lah,當然--lah,你ka想看māi,伊to̍h kan-na ài行入去洗衫á間,門chhòaⁿ--leh,百葉窗ka thoah--落-來,án-ne to̍h無人ē-tàng看tio̍h伊teh創啥,sòa--lòe koh kā hit 3支羽毛the̍h--出-來,講:「藉我ê真愛心肝頭ê chit 3支羽毛,望柴火點起來hiâⁿ銅鼎,衫分類好,洗好,滾--過,phi ho͘ ta,摺好,teh平,熨好勢。」你ka看!清氣kah白siak-siak ê衫to̍h án-ne自動飛去桌á頂,隨時ē-tàng收--起-來。Só͘-pái,女主人對伊是不止á對重,講從來m̄-bat看過hiah好ê洗衫女工。To̍h án-ne,4冬過--去-ah,mā無風聲講伊beh離開。M̄-koh其他ê使用人是jú來jú怨妒--伊,尤其是伊koh生tio̍h真súi,hia ê cha-po͘使用人ta̍k-ê to去愛tio̍h伊,koh想beh ka chhōa。

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h chiàu i hông hoan-hù--ê khì chò, tōa chhù-the̍h ê lú-chú-lâng mā ûn-ná ū ka chhiàⁿ. To bô hit khoán chhiūⁿ i hiah-nī hó-kha-chhiú ê sé-saⁿ-kang--lah, tong-jiân--lah, lí ka siūⁿ khòaⁿ-māi, i to̍h kan-na ài kiâⁿ ji̍p-khì sé-saⁿ-á-keng, mn̂g chhòaⁿ--leh, pah-hio̍h-thang ka thoah--lo̍h-lâi, án-ne to̍h bô lâng ē-tàng khòaⁿ tio̍h i teh chhòng-siáⁿ, sòa--lòe koh kā hit 3 ki ú-mn̂g the̍h--chhut-lâi, kóng: “Chià góa ê chin-ài sim-koaⁿ-thâu ê chit 3 ki ú-mn̂g, bāng chhâ-hóe tiám khí-lâi hiâⁿ tâng-tiáⁿ, saⁿ hun-lūi hó, sé hó, kún--kòe, phi ho͘ ta, chih hó, teh pêⁿ, ut hó-sè.” Lí ka khòaⁿ! chheng-khì kah pe̍h-siak-siak ê saⁿ to̍h án-ne chū-tōng poe khì toh-á téng, sûi-sî ē-tàng siu--khí-lâi. Só͘-pái, lú-chú-lâng tùi i sī put-chí-á tùi-tiōng, kóng chiông-lâi m̄-bat khòaⁿ kòe hiah hó ê sé-saⁿ lú-kang. To̍h án-ne, 4 tang kòe--khì-ah, mā bô hong-siaⁿ kóng i beh lī-khui. M̄-koh kî-tha ê sú-iōng-lâng sī jú lâi jú oàn-tò͘--i, iû-kî sī i koh seⁿ tio̍h chin súi, hia ê cha-po͘ sú-iōng-lâng ta̍k-ê to khì ài tio̍h i, koh siūⁿ-beh ka chhōa.

But she would have none of them, because she was always waiting and longing for the day when her bird-husband would come back to her in man's form.

Now one of the men who wanted her was the stout butler, and one day as he was coming back from the cider-house he chanced to stop by the laundry, and he heard a voice say, "By virtue of these three feathers from over my true love's heart may the copper be lit, the clothes sorted, boiled, dried, folded, mangled, and ironed."

He thought this very queer, so he peeped through the keyhole. And there was the girl sitting at her ease in a chair, while all the clothes came flying to the table ready and fit to put away.

M̄-koh伊siáng to m̄願嫁,因為伊一直苦心teh等待伊ê鳥á ang,以人ê樣相轉來伊身軀邊ê hit 1工。

想beh chhōa--伊ê人內底,其中有1 ê是1-khian肚大大khian ê管家,有1日,伊ùi酒館轉--來ê時,tú好去經過洗衫á間。伊聽tio̍h 1 ê聲講:「藉我ê真愛心肝頭ê chit 3支羽毛,望柴火點起來hiâⁿ銅鼎,衫分類好,洗好,滾--過,phi ho͘ ta,摺好,teh平,熨好勢。」

伊感覺真奇怪,to̍h ùi鎖匙khang ka偷看,看tio̍h hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á坐tī椅á頂teh曲脚,同齊時he衫to̍h ka-tī自動飛去桌á頂,lóng處理kah thèng好thang ka收--起-來-ah。

M̄-koh i siáng to m̄-goān kè, in-ūi i it-ti̍t khó͘-sim teh tán-thāi i ê chiáu-á ang, í lâng ê iūⁿ-siùⁿ tńg-lâi i seng-khu piⁿ ê hit 1 kang.

Siūⁿ-beh chhōa--i ê lâng lāi-té, kî-tiong ū 1 ê sī 1-khian-tō͘ tōa-tōa  khian ê koán-ke, ū 1 ji̍t, i ùi chiú-koán tńg--lâi ê sî, tú-hó khì keng-kòe sé-saⁿ-á-keng. I thiaⁿ tio̍h 1 ê siaⁿ kóng: “Chià góa ê chin-ài sim-koaⁿ-thâu ê chit 3 ki ú-mn̂g, bāng chhâ-hóe tiám khí-lâi hiâⁿ tâng-tiáⁿ, saⁿ hun-lūi hó, sé hó, kún--kòe, phi ho͘ ta, chih hó, teh pêⁿ, ut hó-sè.”

I kám-kak chin kî-koài, to̍h ùi só-sî khang ka thau khòaⁿ, khòaⁿ tio̍h hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á chē tī í-á téng teh khiau-kha, tâng-chê-sî he saⁿ to̍h ka-tī chū-tōng poe khì toh-á téng, lóng chhú-lí kah thèng hó thang ka siu--khí-lâi-ah.

Well, that night he went to the girl and said that if she turned up her nose at him and his proposal any longer, he would up and tell the mistress that her fine laundress was nothing but a witch; and then, even if she were not burnt alive, she would lose her place.

Now the girl was in great distress what to do, since if she were not faithful to her bird-husband, or if she failed to serve her seven years and a day in one service, he would alike fail to return; so she made an excuse by saying she could think of no one who did not give her enough money to satisfy her.

Só͘-pái hit暗,伊to̍h去chhōe hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á,chhiàng講,nā是koh看伊無,拒絕伊ê求婚,伊to̍h ē去kā女主人講,講伊hit ê it-tó͘ ê洗衫女工是1 ê尪姨。到時,to̍h算講伊無去hông活活燒kah死,mā ē無頭路。

Taⁿ,chŏ͘-gín-á煩惱kah m̄知beh án-chóaⁿ,nā是講,伊對伊ê鳥á-ang不忠,a̍h是講伊無奉待伊ê女主人到7冬koh過1工ê久,伊ê鳥á-ang lóng kāng款bē koh轉--來,só͘-pái伊to̍h藉口講,nā是無the̍h有夠額ê錢thang hō͘伊滿意,伊siáng to bē考慮。

Só͘-pái hit àm, i to̍h khì chhōe hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á, chhiàng kóng, nā sī koh khòaⁿ i bô, kī-choa̍t i ê kiû-hun, i to̍h ē khì kā lú-chú-lâng kóng, kóng i hit ê it-tó͘ ê sé-saⁿ lú-kang sī 1 ê ang-î. Kàu-sî, to̍h sǹg-kóng i bô khì hông oa̍h-oa̍h sio kah sí, mā ē bô thâu-lō͘.

Taⁿ, chŏ͘-gín-á hoân-ló kah m̄ chai beh án-chóaⁿ, nā sī kóng, i tùi i ê chiáu-á-ang put-tiong, a̍h-sī kóng i bô hōng-thāi i ê lú-chú-lâng kàu 7 tang koh kòe 1 kang ê kú, i ê chiáu-á-ang lóng kāng-khoán bē koh tńg--來, só͘-pái ito̍h chià-kháu kóng, nā sī bô the̍h ū kàu-gia̍h ê chîⁿ thang hō͘ i boán-ì, i siáng to bē khó-lū.

At this the stout butler laughed. "Money?" said he. "I have seventy pounds laid by with master. Won't that satisfy thee?"

"Happen it would," she replied.

So the very next night the butler came to her with the seventy pounds in golden sovereigns, and she held out her apron and took them, saying she was content; for she had thought of a plan. Now as they were going upstairs together she stopped and said:

聽tio̍h che,hit ê大箍把ê管家笑--出-來。Ìn講:「錢?我有70鎊khiām tī主人hia,án-ne kám koh無夠thang hō͘你滿意?」


Só͘-pái,隔工e暗管家the̍h 70鎊ê金幣來chhōe--伊,伊to̍h用圍身裙kā錢tau--leh,講án-ne伊滿足--ah。因為伊已經想tio̍h 1 ê計畫(kè-ōe)。To̍h tī in tng beh做夥chiūⁿ樓ê時,伊停落來講:

Thiaⁿ tio̍h che, hit ê tōa-kho͘-pé ê koán-ke chhiò--chhut-lâi. Ìn kóng: “ Chîⁿ? Góa ū 70 pōng khiām tī chú-lâng hia, án-ne kám koh bô-kàu thang hō͘ lí boán-ì?”

I ìn kóng: “Hoān-sè ū kàu.”

Só͘-pái, keh-kang e-àm koán-ke the̍h 70 pōng ê kim-pè lâi chhōe--i, i to̍h iōng ûi-sin-kûn kā chîⁿ tau--leh, kóng án-ne i boán-chiok--ah. In-ūi i í-keng siūⁿ tio̍h 1 ê kè-ōe. To̍h tī in tng beh chò-hóe chiūⁿ lâu ê sî, i thêng lo̍h-lâi kóng:

"Mr. Butler, excuse me for a minute. I have left the shutters of the wash-house open, and I must shut them, or they will be banging all night and disturb master and missus!"

Now though the butler was stout and beginning to grow old, he was anxious to seem young and gallant; so he said at once:

"Excuse me, my beauty, you shall not go. I will go and shut them. I shan't be a moment!"

So off he set, and no sooner had he gone than she out with her three feathers, and putting them on her hand, said in a hurry:

「管家先生,請小等--1-ē,我bē記chit關洗衫房ê百葉窗--a,to̍h ài去ka關--khài,nā無he ē kho̍k kui暝,去攪擾tio̍h主人in ang-á-bó͘!」

Sui-bóng講管家開始sió-khóa-á leh老款koh phāiⁿ 1-khian肚,伊mā是koh真想beh表現講,伊iáu真少年koh勇壯,só͘-pái,伊sûi to̍h ìn講:

「美人--ah,免--lah,我去to̍h好,che sap-á khang-khòe niâ,sûi to̍h好!」

管家sûi to̍h出發--ah,伊人1-ē走,cha-bó͘ gín-á即時kā hit 3支羽毛the̍h出來khǹg tī手面,緊phuh-phuh講:

“Koán-ke sian-siⁿ, chhiáⁿ sió-tán--1-ē, góa bē-kì-chit koaiⁿ sé-saⁿ-pâng ê pah-hio̍h-thang--a, to̍h ài khì ka koaiⁿ--khài, nā-bô he ē kho̍k kui-mê, khì kiáu-jiáu tio̍h chú-lâng in ang-á-bó͘!” 

Sui-bóng kóng koán-ke khai-sí sió-khóa-á leh lāu-khoán koh phāiⁿ 1-khian tō͘, i mā sī koh chin siūⁿ-beh piáu-hiān kóng, i iáu chin siàu-liân koh ióng-chòng, só͘-pái, i sûi to̍h ìn kóng: 

“Bí-jîn--ah, bián--lah, góa khì to̍h hó, che sap-á khang-khòe niâ, sûi to̍h hó!” 

Koán-ke sûi to̍h chhut-hoat--ah, i lâng 1-ē cháu, cha-bó͘ gín-á chek-sî kā hit 3-ki ú-mn̂g the̍h chhut-lâi khǹg tī chhiú-bīn, kín-phuh-phuh kóng:

"By virtue of the three feathers from over my true love's heart may the shutters never cease banging till morning, and may Mr. Butler's hands be busy trying to shut them."

And so it happened.

Mr. Butler shut the shutters, but—bru-u-u! there they were hanging open again. Then he shut them once more, and this time they hit him on the face as they flew open. Yet he couldn't stop; he had to go on. So there he was the whole livelong night. Such a cursing, and banging, and swearing, and shutting, never was, until dawn came, and, too tired to be really angry, he crept back to his bed, resolving that come what might he would not tell what had happened to him and thus get the laugh on him. So he kept his own counsel, and the girl kept the seventy pounds, and laughed in her sleeve at her would-be lover.

「藉我ê真愛心肝頭ê chit 3支羽毛,望he百葉窗khi-khi-kho̍k-kho̍k(7138) lòng到天光lóng bē停,望管家先生ê雙手一直無閒leh關窗á。」

Koh來,Tāi-chì to̍h照伊所望--ê發生--a。

管家先生kā百葉窗關好--ah,m̄-koh “pū”--1-ē,窗á koh ka-tī開--開。伊to̍h koh ka關--1-遍,chit遍窗á iû-koh hiông-hiông開--開,koh去搧tio̍h伊ê面,m̄-koh伊bē-tàng喝停,一定ài繼續關,to̍h án-ne kui暝舞bē soah。從來m̄-bat án-ne--ê,chhoh-kàn-kiāu,pìn-piàng叫,phì-phè叫,摔窗á,chia ê tāi-chì餾kui暝,一直到天色phah-phú-á光,管家mā thiám kah連受氣ê氣力to無--ā,to̍h無lám無ne thōm轉去ka-tī ê眠床,決心講不管án-chóaⁿ,絕對m̄ kā cha暗ê tāi-chì講--出-去,無是去hông笑--死niâ。管家真正啥to無講,ah咱chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á是kā hit 70鎊袋--leh,tī心內暗笑伊hit ê無緣ê管家á愛人。

 “Chià góa ê chin-ài sim-koaⁿ-thâu ê chit 3 ki ú-mn̂g, bāng he pah-hio̍h-thang khi-khi-kho̍k-kho̍k lòng kàu thiⁿ-kng lóng bē thêng, bāng koán-ke sian-siⁿ ê siang-chhiú it-ti̍t bô-êng leh koaiⁿ thang-á.” 

Koh-lâi, tāi-chì to̍h chiàu i só͘-bāng--ê hoat-seng--a. 

Koán-ke sian-siⁿ kā pah-hio̍h-thang koaiⁿ hó--ah, m̄-koh “pū”--1-ē, thang-á koh ka-tī khui--khui. I to̍h koh ka koaiⁿ--1-piàn, chit piàn thang-á iû-koh hiông-hiông khui--khui, koh khì siàn tio̍h i ê bīn, m̄-koh i bē-tàng hoah thêng, it-tēng ài kè-sio̍k koaiⁿ, to̍h án-ne kui mî bú bē soah. Chiông-lâi m̄-bat án-ne--ê, chhoh-kàn-kiāu, pìn-piàng-kiò, phì-phè-kiò, siak thang-á, chia ê tāi-chì liū kui mê, it-ti̍t kàu thiⁿ-sek phah-phú-á-kng, koán-ke mā thiám kah liân siū-khì ê khùi-la̍t to bô--ā, to̍h bô-lám-bô-ne thōm tńg-khì ka-tī ê bîn-chhn̂g, koat-sim kóng put-koán án-chóaⁿ, choa̍t-tùi m̄ kā cha-àm ê tāi-chì kóng--chhut-khì, bô sī khì hông chhiò--sí niâ. Koán-ke chin-chiàⁿ siáⁿ to bô kóng, ah lán chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á sī kā hit 70 pōng tē--leh, tī sim-lāi àm-chhiò i hit ê bô-iân ê koán-ke-á ài-jîn.

Now after a time the coachman, a spruce middle-aged man, who had long wanted to marry the clever, pretty laundry-maid, going to the pump to get water for his horses overheard her giving orders to the three feathers, and peeping through the keyhole as the butler had done, saw her sitting at her ease in a chair while the clothes, all washed and ironed and mangled, came flying to the table.

So, just as the butler had done, he went to the girl and said, "I have you now, my pretty. Don't dare to turn up your nose at me, for if you do I'll tell mistress you are a witch."

Then the girl said quite calmly, "I look on none who has no money."

"If that is all," replied the coachman, "I have forty pounds laid by with master. That I'll bring and ask for payment to-morrow night."

過--1-chām-á了後,in hit ê pòaⁿ-ló-lāu,穿插pih-chah,漂撇ê駛馬車--ê,kāng款是數想beh chhōa chit ê khiáu koh súi ê洗衫女工chiâⁿ久--ah,tī伊去水hia̍p-á hia beh chhiūⁿ水hō͘馬á lim ê時,無意中去聽tio̍h in hit ê洗衫女工teh命令伊hit 3支羽毛,伊to̍h像管家án-ne,ùi鎖匙khang ka偷看,ho͘看tio̍h hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á坐tī椅á頂teh曲脚(khiau-kha),同齊時he衫lóng總洗好,熨(ut)好,teh kah平(pĕⁿ)平,koh ē ka-tī自動飛去桌á頂。

Sòa--lòe,to̍h koh像管家kāng款,伊行去hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê面頭前,講:「美人--ah,我cháng tio̍h你ê頭鬃尾--ah,你siāng好是mài kă拒絕,nā無...,我to̍h kā女主人講你是1 ê尪姨(ang-î)。」

Koh來cha-bó͘ gín-á真平靜ìn講:「Nā無錢啥lóng免講。」

駛馬車--ê ìn講:「Nā全然(chn̂g-jiân77)是án-ne niâ,我tī主人hia有khiām 40鎊,我明á-ĕng ē the̍h--過-來,到時希望你to̍h kā錢收--落-來。」

Kòe--1-chām-á liáu-āu, in hit ê pòaⁿ-ló-lāu, chhēng-chhah pih-chah, phiau-phiat ê sái-bé-chhia--ê, kāng-khoán sī siàu-siūⁿ beh chhōa chit ê khiáu koh súi ê sé-saⁿ lú-kang chiâⁿ kú--ah, tī i khì chúi-hia̍p-á hia beh chhiūⁿ chúi hō͘ bé-á lim ê sî, bô-ì-tiong khì thiaⁿ tio̍h in hit ê sé-saⁿ lú-kang teh bēng-lēng i hit 3 ki ú-mn̂g, i to̍h chhiūⁿ koán-ke án-ne, ùi só-sî-khang ka thau khòaⁿ, ho͘ khòaⁿ tio̍h hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á chē tī í-á téng teh khiau-kha, tâng-chê-sî he saⁿ lóng-chóng sé hó, ut hó, teh kah pêng-pêng, koh ē ka-tī chū-tōng poe khì toh-á téng. 

Sòa--lòe, to̍h koh chhiūⁿ koán-ke kāng-khoán, i kiâⁿ khì hit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê bīn-thâu-chêng, kóng: “Bí-jîn--ah, góa cháng tio̍h lí ê thâu-chang-bé--ah, lí siāng hó sī mài kă kī-choa̍t, nā bô..., góa to̍h kā lú-chú-lâng kóng lí sī 1 ê ang-î.” 

Koh-lâi cha-bó͘ gín-á chin pêng-chēng ìn kóng: “Nā bô chîⁿ siáⁿ lóng bián kóng.” 

Sái-bé-chhia--ê ìn kóng: “Nā chn̂g-jiân sī án-ne niâ, góa tī chú-lâng hia ū khiàm 40 pōng, góa bîn-á-ĕng ē the̍h--kòe-lâi, kàu-sî hi-bāng lí to̍h kā chîⁿ siu--lo̍h-lâi.”

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。
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"Good-morning, my beauty," says That. "Come! hand over the flax, sharp, there's a good girl." So she gave That the flax and shut the window and, you
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TATTERCOATS In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaught
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This time Jack intended to give the three little red men more time for their task; but what with having enjoyed himself so much all day, and having ea
THE GOLDEN SNUFF-BOX Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's
"Good-morning, my beauty," says That. "Come! hand over the flax, sharp, there's a good girl." So she gave That the flax and shut the window and, you
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同樣的遭遇,不同命格。 或許我還算幸運,沒被人下毒? 還好他有遇到我,人說天無絕人之路吧!
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
每次在小說裡寫到相親的橋段時,總以為這跟我毫無關係,直到母親捎來訊息,這才發現,我被她出賣了。 不知道什麼時候她跟某個附近的鄰居攀上,竟把自己的兒子給賣了,說我三十幾歲未婚,總是窩在電腦前,不知道在搞什麼鬼,也許交個女孩子會穩定一點。
同樣的遭遇,不同命格。 或許我還算幸運,沒被人下毒? 還好他有遇到我,人說天無絕人之路吧!
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
因一個契機,我們相遇了。 她是從天空下凡的仙女嗎? 然而她的人生,不知不覺地改變著。
每次在小說裡寫到相親的橋段時,總以為這跟我毫無關係,直到母親捎來訊息,這才發現,我被她出賣了。 不知道什麼時候她跟某個附近的鄰居攀上,竟把自己的兒子給賣了,說我三十幾歲未婚,總是窩在電腦前,不知道在搞什麼鬼,也許交個女孩子會穩定一點。