遊樂園旋轉木馬的音樂〈The Band Played On〉是影片加速劇情發展的推進觸媒。這首曲子為1895年由 John F. Palmer作詞、Charles B. Ward 譜曲。在本片第一次出現於Bruno跟隨Miriam與友人乘坐旋轉木馬時。風流成性的Miriam還錯以為Bruno與她拋媚眼,正如副歌歌詞:
「Casey would waltz with a strawberry blonde
And the band played on.
He'd glide 'cross the floor with the girl he adored
And the band played on.
But his brain was so loaded it nearly exploded;
The poor girl would shake with alarm.
He'd ne'er leave the girl with the strawberry curls
And the band played on.」
Lux Radio Theatre廣播劇場在同年12月3日推出了廣播劇,原電影中的Anne姊妹,在廣播劇中一樣由Ruth Roman與Patricia Hitchcock重現她們的角色。男性角色則另由其他人聲音演出。可感受一下只透過聽覺的廣播,以及結合視與聽的電影在媒體特性不同之下的表現。廣播劇中間還會穿插介紹以及聲音演員訪談等。