2019-02-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

00.1. Mermaid E.

Once upon a time, I walked out my castle on the top of the mountain, passed through small path under trees and went down to the beach, then I saw a strange mermaid sitting on a big dark rock at a corner of the seaside. Her naked body was still wet and covered by her shining long hairs drooping from her head, her eyes looked like the deep sea.
I couldn't stand to walk near her slowly and try to watch what she was, I guessed she might go back to the sea as she finding someone move closer to her,......but she didn't,.......she looked straight to my curious eyes.
"I'm sitting here and waiting for you for a long time,......I think it's time to tell you something,........something about what are you thinking........"
During those days, I tried to decode a very old and mysterious scripture in Hanese ancient culture,......it was called 易經, so called "The Book of Changes".
In fact, I had ever written down some decoding words which according to the first two quas ...... I meant 乾卦 (111111) and 坤卦 (000000) of the 易經 ......in my researching texts of the theory about dream and consciousness. (P.S. Reference article:《易經》作者的夢幻之旅 -- https://vocus.cc/@shenger/5c72592dfd89780001d279ca)
"You know......I'm trying to write a story about 易經?......The Story of I.E. ......How can you know that?"
"There is no secret in the great sea......"
"Rainwaters fall down from the sky, through the mountains and lands,......it's kept in all trees and grasses, even in your body and my body...... All these waters will flow into the sea,.......all the messages will deliver into the sea."
"I have ever heard someone say......messages just like the dusts in the air, in the wind, and in our breathing......"
"Yes!......What you think will slightly wave the air and wave the sea, too........That's why I feel something about your thoughts......"
When I got close to her, I was a little astonished, because I found what she sitting on was not a big rock,......it was a big turtle!......That made me remember I had ever seen, many ancient pictograms and the words were written on the shells of turtles in the Hanese early cultural history.
And......I also found......actually she was not a normal mermaid as some fiction stories told, because her body hadn't fishtail, but had a pair of nice legs with smooth skin. All the differences in the ordinary human kind were she had a head of very long hairs which almost extending to her thighs, and both of her hands had six fingers with golden color fingernails.
"You mean......you can help me to write The Story of I.E.?"
"Help?....... I cannot help you by myself alone,.......but if you have a pool connected with the sea,......maybe I will listen to the sounds of the sea and tell you something........"
What I have written above here was the reason why I designed and built a pool with some fountains and a leisure villa at the seaside on my land.
"May I.......ask you......what's your name?"
"You may call me E."
"That's a cool name......"
"E......live in SEA."
"And, I......live in MIND?"
Why E. wanted a pool beside the beach? Because of ......she liked the sea more than the pool, she could come into the pool and go back to sea by the water path connected between sea and pool as her own will, she liked the freedom in moving and swimming.
Sometimes she was hard to talk about what she had heard from the water, and became very quiet,......just liked that turtle I had ever seen at the first time when I saw her,.......but that was not problem, because I just liked her stay in the pool and let me feel not all alone by myself.
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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