David Woodbridge的《鼓浪嶼歷史——早期洋人居住的相關資料》中講到,在佔領廈門港之後,英軍部隊一直待到1845年才撤離,其中的生活起居和行事規範都需要在廈門進行安排和規劃。大牛市在為洋人選擇最佳居住地問題上,英國和清政府則花費了更長的時間。
英國領事館醫生,Charles A. Winchester M.D. , 寫了一份報告,發表自己就選擇居住地區位的看法。
“The streets are narrow… vegetable matters in great abundance and left to decay in them…there is no sewerage or drainage and a most abominable stench prevails throughout the whole place. I have been given to understand that the American Missionaries made every attempt to find a house in which they might be able to reside with some prospect of retaining health,but were compelled to give up the notion.”