更新於 2022/01/28閱讀時間約 23 分鐘

07. 師 000010 地水-坤坎 (Quarter 1-5)

貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎? 初六:師出以律,否臧凶。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 群眾集結外出行動,就像乘舟划船出海一樣,依靠的是藉以維持動力穩定進退的節奏定律,否則一旦面臨變化多端的環境,很容易陷入混亂凶險的處境。如同舟船行駛在陌生的汪洋大海上,太空船行駛在陌生的星海中,可能會面臨詭譎多變的風浪或氣候。(P.S.「師」字在古代也是群眾或隊伍人數的單位,據說 3000 多年前的殷商時期通常以 2500 人為一師。) 九二:在師中,吉,無咎,王三錫命。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 處在群眾之中,自然會和他人的意識進行連結,這有什麼好奇怪的呢!在這個時候,從事有關顯意識、自我意識及潛意識之三識合一的腦神經網路連繫多工作業就像天賜的命運一樣啊!(P.S. 漢字文化的舞龍舞獅傳統民間慶典活動中,「王」字通常被畫在獅頭面具的額頭上,其原始的本意很可能是象徵「三識合一的腦神經網路」或「多工作業的腦神經網路」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave 。) 六三:師或輿尸,凶。/ 變卦地風升 -- 群眾或許會抬著殭屍般不動的偶像作為崇拜的對象,那意味著沒有人可以確實憑藉自己的心智能力爬升、成為群眾的導師,這樣的情況往往會使事關群體的決定有所遲疑、行動也變的斷斷續續,面臨凶險的處境時也可能應變不及。不過,也許真正的導師是不會高高在上的自吹自擂啊! 六四:師左次,無咎。/ 變卦雷水解 -- 群眾集結行動時,能有導師從旁輔佐,幫助大家循序漸進的辨別徵象、解決問題、尋找出路,這樣是不錯的。
六五:田有禽,利執言,無咎。長子帥師,弟子輿尸,貞凶。/ 變卦坎為水 -- 就像在田野中有所擒獲,能夠用銳利敏感的陣列式偵測網或精密雷達來捕捉各種訊息,這樣是不錯的。長子擔任率領群眾的導師,弟子則遙控那被命名爲殭屍的波動偵測儀器載具,這樣可以偵察前進的狀況是否有凶險。如同乘船行進時,經由長短水波的波動訊號感應來以小見大。 上六:大君有命,開國承家,小人勿用。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 領導眾人的導師也有成為大君的命運,得以開創一個穩固的未來、得以承擔一門專家的事業。當大多數人都矇眛無知之時,即使是少數人,甚至是少數聰慧的小孩,甚至是一部小小的行動計算機,也會若有若無的對群體產生至關命運的作用。 "The great sea is a group consciousness,......bears knew. They knew that catching some fishes couldn't change the mind of the great sea." "All I knew is:......In the very old ancient time, many original humankind's civilizations were developed from some great islands or mountain circles,.......or might be some planets......They left many mysterious signs on the grounds or under the sea water,.......just like Stonehenge." "I think that's why the Bible had been written: God created a Paradise for the first humankind - Adam and Eve, then after a period of time, they started to explore the great world and extend the humankind's living beings......" "Let's focus on this qua - 師, 師 meant a group or crowd in well order which was consisted by about twenty five thousands members in ancient time, and this word 師 is also related to some other Hanese words: 獅, lion; 篩, severely choose; 帥, leading or guiding master,........and teacher, preacher or someone with some kind of sophisticated skill are also called 師 in Hanese culture." "師 sounded like 'shi'. According to the image of this pictogram word, 師 just like an obvious long cloth or long flag which was moving fast in front of all members of the following group, then you can imagine those following people might run for it and be afraid of being left behind." "Ha-ha!.....I see!.......God left after creating the Paradise for Adam and Eve, and might be going on discovering and creating the other new worlds, so God also created a teacher or 師 or 'shi' for them.That's why that snake in the Genesis chapters of the Bible was sounded like 蛇 or 'shé' in a kind of Hanese......" "There were not many differences between the imagination of snake and long-dragon in the early ancient Hanese culture. I think that's the reason why the word '師' involved a symbol of long cloth or long flag - 巾, and the pictogram word about long-dragon '龍' is also sounded like 'long'."
"I guess,......in fact,......what the God left might be a very long and bright smoking clouds which was projected from its space ship in the sky as it was leaving earth......." "Maybe God had tried to keep humankind's life longer enough before coming back again in future, so allowed humans to eat the fruits of Life Tree. But why that snake taught Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the second Knowledge Tree?" "I suppose the second tree was not a Knowledge Tree, it was a Worship Tree,......because of some words in this qua were written to mention some kind of severe worship which the author of 易經 had been worried about. As a knowledge fruit losing the news or losing renewing, it would become a worship fruit and reduce the growth of eater's mind. Maybe that's why God didn't like they eat the fruits of the second Knowledge Tree in Paradise before coming back and renewing it." "Maybe during that time, their interlink with outer space was lost......Maybe it's nonsense and wasting time for arguing with each other on any fruit of a losing renewing Knowledge Tree......." "As you arguing with the other one, both of your minds will connect together on a subject, that's why the couples were allowed to get into Noah's Ark before great flooding time in the Genesis chapters of the Bible, then if you wish someone to judge for you,.......after a long time, that one,......even a short and small single snake, even a simple word or computer or calculator might become the target of your worship." "However, I think no one should blame that snake in the Paradise, because it liked the fruits of the second Knowledge Tree instinctively, it might just suggest the most delicious fruits that it had ever tasted before to Adam and Eve......." "Bible just like a mind-ship, it talked about 'bi', about the mind of the biological couples, seemed like 易經 which was basic on a couple symbols - 陰 and 陽, also related to shadow and light, hiding and exposing........But it was not used for worship in the beginning." "Ants gathered on a ship like leaf above the flowing water. Couples gathered on Noah's Ark during the great flood time, that's why the word 'relationship' involved 'ship'. A ship just like a moving land on the water, the individual consciousnesses will gradually joint together and the group consciousness will be gradually formed....."
"Forming a 'shi',....a '師' on a ship?......What a mysterious word! This Hanese word '師' might be more close to the English word 'ship',......and 'boat' might be more close to '保',......I mean 'protect'....." "But.....there is no ship big enough to carry all living beings on earth, how did Noah pick those living beings to get into his Ark? I suppose he might try to choose and follow the biological multiple principle." "How about the flowing water on the ground? It will compare the heights of grounds and recognize the trends of land slope,......move from a higher place to a lower place. Group's consciousness just like the water on the ground which has a moving trend, it will move from lower profit place to higher profit place. That's why there was an old wisdom words in Hanese culture: 人往高處爬, 水往低處流......"
"As you climb up to the highest place, actually there is not enough space to let all of the group members stand stably, just like the top point of the pyramid. That's why comparing and choosing will happen, or the group's consciousness might face an unavoidable disjointing situation......."
權威大師或集體意識的群眾運動也會產生興衰、消長、甚至迷信、腐化的現象,這是因為利之所趨、從者嚮往的緣故。嚮往、趨向、趨勢或許可以從比較現象變化的過程和變化前後的差異得知,但什麼是比較呢?經過比較之後,又該如何進行適當選擇呢? "You know,......I'm not Noah......How can I choose myself and keep staying on the top of the mountain? How can I choose someones from the whole group which followed me for a long time?......At last, I decided to leave and go down from there by myself alone,......then I met you in here very fortunately......" "Oh!.........Unfortunately! I did not prepare a ship for you, and before you getting the knowledge of making a good deal with big turtle, I suppose you have no way to ride it." "I think......I can make a ship by myself, I had read some books about the technology of building the ship,......it's not very difficult.....I just need some woods and ropes,......maybe some wax or plastic and cloth,......but the weird sea,.......I'm not sure!......I really don't understand!.........Even the most great ship Titanic had been sunk to the deep sea in history...... " "You know,......Pace and Till just like a pair of twin, space is created by paces, still is created by the tills. Between I and E, between 'in' and 'ex', between inner consciousness of limited space and outer consciousness of extreme awareness........All you should do is carefully listening to the clear messages coming from the whole universe, including the world of your mind and spirits. Then your body will tell you how to move and speak......" "I know,.....I can't sway in the waving sea water and try to find a way as a swan gently swimming in the lake.......Is that what you are trying to tell me?.......I will do it in my way, which person likes to be compared with the other person?......."
"Maybe what you really want on here is not a ship, but a shop,......a store with glass showcase......"
I spent much time to talk with Mermaid E. about 易經, even painted on beach sands by our fingers......灘沙上的足印和指跡,隨著潮汐的升降,不多時也糢糊了蹤影,如同被浪沫抹去的記憶,又似被風吹散的塵煙,而此時仍不減談話的興致,總覺得意猷未盡......有些的是說不出的餘音、嗅不出的氣味、看不清的光影......遠遠望去的是海上漸層的波潾,消失在一線糢糊的界限,不知她眼中的山川大地,是否也消失在一聳糢糊的極點......
Sometimes I felt E. teach me something, but something already existed in my mind......Some of the paintings on the sands,......we painted together,......tried to understand both of our meanings,.........just like rough sketches........As the sea water waving over the beach,......day after day,......those paintings were almost disappeared......... P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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