更新於 2022/04/13閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

April 13

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
  I AM your source of supply, and all that I have is yours. My infinite abundance is available to all, but your consciousness must be of abundance, with no thought of lack or shortage. Feel your consciousness expand and expand, and let it go on expanding without any limitation, for limitation causes blockages in the constant flow. With limitation comes fear, and with fear stagnation; and when something becomes stagnant, the circulation is cut off and it goes dead. Keep the circulation flowing. Let there be a constant giving and receiving on all levels, and know the meaning of infinite abundance. Know that you are one with Me, that you are one with all the wealth in the world and that nothing is taken to the self, nothing is hoarded. All is there to be used wisely. Be a good steward of all My good and perfect gifts. Seek My guidance and direction as to the right use of My infinite supply.
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