May 27

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【作者】Eileen Caddy
  Every soul needs to withdraw from the world from time to time to find that peace which passes understanding. Every soul needs to be stabilised, and it can come about only in peace and stillness. Once that inner stability has been established, you can go anywhere and do anything without the outer chaos and confusion affecting you in any way. It is going into the secret place of the Most High. It is finding your oneness with Me, which enables you to go on when you feel you have come to the end of your tether and cannot go a step further. It is those steps taken into the unknown, in faith, in My strength, which work wonders and which change lives. It is those steps which enable the impossible to become possible and bring down My kingdom on earth. Move always towards this end. Change and change quickly when change is needed. I AM with you always. Draw upon Me.

屘寶💞熟年男伴 的其他內容
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Bring down My heaven upon the earth. It is up to you to do it by the way you live and by your attitudes towards life.
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Can you truthfully say you love your fellow human beings, that you are interested in them, that you appreciate them
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Move out of your little puddle and expand your consciousness, realizing that there is no limitation. Many people can
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Whatever you do, do it with love; do it to My honour and glory; and never be concerned about it. When you do
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Unless you allow a very small child to do things for itself, to feed itself, to walk, to dress itself, to write,
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Never try to interfere with anyone else’s path. All souls have to find their own path and reach the goal their own
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Bring down My heaven upon the earth. It is up to you to do it by the way you live and by your attitudes towards life.
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Can you truthfully say you love your fellow human beings, that you are interested in them, that you appreciate them
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Move out of your little puddle and expand your consciousness, realizing that there is no limitation. Many people can
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Whatever you do, do it with love; do it to My honour and glory; and never be concerned about it. When you do
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Unless you allow a very small child to do things for itself, to feed itself, to walk, to dress itself, to write,
【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶 Never try to interfere with anyone else’s path. All souls have to find their own path and reach the goal their own
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On the map of Asia, Myanmar, a land that has experienced many vicissitudes, is shrouded in the haze of civil war. #Junta #election #neighbors
相信你的高我就等於相信宇宙總是會提供你所需要的一切。 地球一直在天堂,天堂也一直在地球, 但大多數人類集體卻對這個一直盯著他們的更高真理視而不見。 掌握創造奇蹟的藝術的第一步是: 學習如何放鬆並保持平靜,並與存在的一切保持和諧。
Máy phiên dịch là một trong các công cụ hiện đại được rộng rãi người tiêu dùng nhằm hỗ trợ việc giao tiếp giữa những tiếng nói khác nhau.
Máy thông ngôn là gì? Tại sao máy thông ngôn tiếng Đức trở nên một dụng cụ quan yếu trong việc học tập và giao thiệp đa ngôn ngữ?
五月的天氣,在婚禮露營時感受特別強烈,這次特別回想起,小時候暑假幾乎都在童軍大露營裡,大熱天、颱風天、大淹水,最糟糕的天氣大概都遇過一輪,這次只是搭個帳篷就快要被熱昏了,想想以前什麼都沒有的露營生活也是蠻有趣的,但長大了,這種天氣還是有點扛不住,只好想露營的時候,還是往山上跑好了XD 從小
靈魂之愛是遍及宇宙的愛,是一種寧靜而恆常的愛,也是宇宙終極的本質。在那裡,你接納也被接納,你愛也被愛。 靈魂是光,祂的具體形式是愛,祂是部分的你,且從來沒有與你分離。 當你向靈魂開放,你的靈魂會找到方法與你連結,或許,起初你並沒有明顯的感覺,但漸漸地,你會認清你對某件事背後的恐懼、懷疑與
根本沒有所謂「上天堂」這一回事。只有你已經在那兒的一種明白。那是一種接受,一種了解,而不是努力追求或奮鬥。 你無法去你已經在的地方。除非你先離開你在的地方,而那是自己扯自己後腿。 但諷刺的是,大多數人認為他們必須離開他們現在的地方,以便去到他們想在的地方。因此他們離開天堂,只為了去到天堂——中間
1.情緒隨個人慾望而起舞,唯有嚴持淨戒能使令平和。 Emotions arise in tune with each person's desire,only with strict observation of pure can make one peaceful. 2.心一散亂,魔即趁入。
On the map of Asia, Myanmar, a land that has experienced many vicissitudes, is shrouded in the haze of civil war. #Junta #election #neighbors
相信你的高我就等於相信宇宙總是會提供你所需要的一切。 地球一直在天堂,天堂也一直在地球, 但大多數人類集體卻對這個一直盯著他們的更高真理視而不見。 掌握創造奇蹟的藝術的第一步是: 學習如何放鬆並保持平靜,並與存在的一切保持和諧。
Máy phiên dịch là một trong các công cụ hiện đại được rộng rãi người tiêu dùng nhằm hỗ trợ việc giao tiếp giữa những tiếng nói khác nhau.
Máy thông ngôn là gì? Tại sao máy thông ngôn tiếng Đức trở nên một dụng cụ quan yếu trong việc học tập và giao thiệp đa ngôn ngữ?
五月的天氣,在婚禮露營時感受特別強烈,這次特別回想起,小時候暑假幾乎都在童軍大露營裡,大熱天、颱風天、大淹水,最糟糕的天氣大概都遇過一輪,這次只是搭個帳篷就快要被熱昏了,想想以前什麼都沒有的露營生活也是蠻有趣的,但長大了,這種天氣還是有點扛不住,只好想露營的時候,還是往山上跑好了XD 從小
靈魂之愛是遍及宇宙的愛,是一種寧靜而恆常的愛,也是宇宙終極的本質。在那裡,你接納也被接納,你愛也被愛。 靈魂是光,祂的具體形式是愛,祂是部分的你,且從來沒有與你分離。 當你向靈魂開放,你的靈魂會找到方法與你連結,或許,起初你並沒有明顯的感覺,但漸漸地,你會認清你對某件事背後的恐懼、懷疑與
根本沒有所謂「上天堂」這一回事。只有你已經在那兒的一種明白。那是一種接受,一種了解,而不是努力追求或奮鬥。 你無法去你已經在的地方。除非你先離開你在的地方,而那是自己扯自己後腿。 但諷刺的是,大多數人認為他們必須離開他們現在的地方,以便去到他們想在的地方。因此他們離開天堂,只為了去到天堂——中間
1.情緒隨個人慾望而起舞,唯有嚴持淨戒能使令平和。 Emotions arise in tune with each person's desire,only with strict observation of pure can make one peaceful. 2.心一散亂,魔即趁入。