卡通版《花木蘭》是我們這一代人的童年回憶,在大學之後,我又反反覆覆看了數次,越看越覺得是神片。劇情流暢得要命,導演不放過任何機會挑戰「給你一首歌的時間」來描寫劇情,不論是媒婆(傳統價值下的女性角色)、花父雨天閃到腰被木蘭看在眼裡、木蘭準備從軍的心境 、自白、辛苦的軍營訓練、訓練有成的歡喜到看到前端戰線傷亡的轉折或是末尾同伴們身穿女裝卻唱著be a man,每段劇情都能由對應的歌曲串起。然而,網上流行一個說法「如果是看過卡通版的,會給真人版三分;如果是沒看過卡通版的則會給到七分。」頓時太震驚了,難道是我的偏見?
花父的旁白在全片出現三次,第一次是片頭,第二次是木蘭在硫磺谷被鷹女攻擊後(差點死掉),第三次是結尾,三次都是重點。硫磺谷那場戲,聽到花父的旁白(男聲),有點出戲,他完全沒有參與木蘭的從軍過程,卻像是什麼都知道,所以我們會說他是全知觀點(omniscient point of view)的旁白。這是劇組在真人版電影做出的新創舉,有別於過往的敘事手法。
真人版木蘭在說服甄子丹皇帝有危險時講了一句「Four ounces can move a thousand pounds」翻成中文是四盎司可以移動1000磅。這是致敬卡通版皇帝的台詞「A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.」( 一粒米可以打歪天秤,一人則可定成敗。)搞半天,講的是四兩撥千斤這個諺語。
故事中穿插了一些詩詞典故,像是描述女人「手如柔荑,指若削蔥」(Her fingers like the tender white roots of a green onion.),出自詩經《國風·衛風·碩人》。
木蘭騎著馬在草原上,旁邊有兩隻兔子在歡快地奔跑。玩得很開心的木蘭回家對家人說「Two rabbits running side by side, I think one was a male, one was a female…...」(兩隻兔子並排奔跑,但看不出是公還是母。)這是引用《木蘭詩》,也是對劇情的預示(foreshadow),木蘭在軍中男扮女裝,雌雄難辨。
卡通版花父看著一朵還未開的花,對木蘭說:「我敢打賭,當它開花時,它將是最美麗的。」(I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.)皇帝也有對李翔提到:「在逆境中盛開的花是所有植物中最稀有和最美麗的。」(The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.)
There have been many tales of the great warrior, Mulan. But, ancestors, this one is mine. Here she is. A young shoot, all green, unaware of the blade. If you had such a daughter, her Chi, the boundless energy of life itself, speaking through her every motion, could you tell her that only a son could wield Chi?That a daughter would risk shame, dishonor, exile? Ancestors, I could not.
祖先哪!有很多關於木蘭這位戰士的故事在世間流傳,我現在要來述說我的版本。木蘭像剛冒出的嫩芽,不黯世事,初生之犢不畏虎。如果您有這樣一個女兒,舉手投足都充滿無窮的氣,您能忍心告訴她只有兒子可以揮舞氣嗎? 您捨得告訴她,女兒若是擁有氣,會遭受羞辱,不榮耀與流放?祖先,我做不到。
The green shoot has grown up to the sky, and her ancestors celebrate her in the vault of the heavens. The girl became a soldier. The soldier became a leader. And the leader became a legend.
木蘭這嫩芽(shoot也可能是筍)最終長成巨樹,直通天際,在天上的祖先慶祝花木蘭的成功。這位女孩成為士兵。 這位士兵成了領袖。 領袖成了傳奇。
The chi pervades the universe and all living things. ... But only the most true will connect deeply to his chi and become a great warrior. Tranquil as a forest, but one fire within. — Commander Tung.
氣遍布宇宙和所有生物。 ...但是只有最真實的人才能與他的氣連結,而成為一名偉大的戰士。
「榮耀」同樣也是木蘭這齣電影所強調的點之一,卡通版我們能透過「Honor to us All」這首曲子,感知女性在傳統價值下的義務,真人版由木蘭直接說出「I will bring honor to us all」,電影配樂(Honor to us All的演奏版)才悠悠流瀉而出。
同樣也是歌曲名稱改由演員口中唸出臺詞,Sergeant Qiang發豪語「我們會讓將每個人改造成男子漢」,這句話對應英文歌名「I'll Make a Man Out of You」。
Stealing. Penalty: Death. Desertion. Penalty: Death. Bringing women into camp or consorting with women in any way. Penalty: Death. Dishonesty. Penalty: Expulsion. Disgrace. Disgrace for you. Disgrace for your family, disgrace for your village, disgrace for your country. We’re going to make men out of every single one of you.
「A girl worth fighting for」這首歌,金寶唱出:
I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like. It all depends on what she cooks like.
Po: I don’t care what she looks like.
Mulan: I agree.
Po: I care what she cooks like.
真人版的男主角Honghui對甄子丹提出質疑「為什麼相信花軍,不相信木蘭?」也呼應到卡通版《花木蘭》自己說過的台詞「You Said You Trust Ping. Why Is Mulan Any Different?」(你說你相信花平,怎麼就不相信木蘭了?)
Böri Khan: We will crush every garrison until the Imperial Army is on its knees. And then, the Imperial City will be laid bare. The emperor will be mine to kill. You have proved useful, witch.
[Xianniang grabs his throat]
Xianniang: Not witch! Warrior.
Böri Khan: When I found you on a desert steppe wandering alone, you were exiled. A scorned dog. When I sit on the throne, that dog will have a home.
Young Soldier: Böri Khan fights alongside a woman. Her chi is beyond imagining.
Chancellor: There is no place for witches in this kingdom. It is forbidden to use the power of chi in destructive ways.
Young Soldier: And yet, it is her skill that leads the Rouran army to victory. She has trained an elite force of shadow warriors to assist Böri Khan.
Emperor: We’re not afraid of dark magic. We’ll destroy this Rouran army and their witch.
鷹女其實不需要去告訴皇帝柔然王已經出擊的消息,這麼做幾乎是一種背叛了,當時她是特意告訴皇帝:「有女人在柔然王身邊,而且她的氣很強」。她的目的是要探口風,可惜皇帝幕僚說了一句:「王國內絕不容許女巫(There is no place for witches in this kingdom)」,皇帝也應和:「會在所不惜地摧毀柔然軍隊與女巫」。我想如果這時皇帝能給她一個滿意的應答,那鷹女可能會換邊站。
這不是唯一一次鷹女有動搖,第二次是她幻化成宮中大臣,在皇帝提出要與柔然王對決時,她顧左右而言他地說「Your Majesty, it is far too dangerous.」(皇上,那太危險了)可惜,她被皇帝大聲斥責,沒有機會替自己說到話,可能又把女巫之事吞了下去。
[referring to Böri Khan]
Chancellor: He offers a duel.
Emperor: Prepare my guards. We ride to the site, immediately.
Chancellor: Your Majesty, it is far too dangerous.
Emperor: Silence! My people have suffered enough. Now I must act. I will kill this Böri Khan like I killed his father. With my own hands.